Chapter 11 - The king feasts with Thorolf.
King Harold went that summer to Halogaland, and banquets were made ready against his coming, both where his estates were, and also by barons
and powerful landowners. Thorolf prepared a banquet for the king at great cost; it was fixed for when the king should come there. To this he bade a numerous
company, the best men that could be found. The king had about three hundred men with him when he came to the banquet, but Thorolf had five hundred present.
Thorolf had caused a large granary to be fitted up where the drinking should be, for there was no hall large enough to contain all that multitude. And all
around the building shields were hung.
The king sate in the high seat; but when the foremost bench was filled, then the king looked round, and he turned red, but spoke not, and men thought they
could see he was angry. The banquet was magnificent, and all the viands of the best. The king, however, was gloomy; he remained there three nights, as had
been intended. On the day when the king was to leave Thorolf went to him, and offered that they should go together down to the strand. The king did so, and
there, moored off the land, floated that dragon-ship which Thorolf had had built, with tent and tackling complete. Thorolf gave the ship to the king, and
prayed the king to believe that he had gathered such numbers for this end, to show the king honour, and not to enter into rivalry with him. The king took
Thorolf's words well, and then became merry and cheerful. Many added their good word, saying (as was true) that the banquet was most splendid, and the farewell
escort magnificent, and that the king gained much strength by such men. Then they parted with much affection.
The king went northwards through Halogaland as he had purposed, and returned south as summer wore on. He went to yet other banquets there that were prepared
for him.


11. kafli - Þórólfr bauð konungi.
Haraldr konungr fór þat sumar á Hálogaland, ok váru gervar veizlur í móti honum, bæði þar, er hans bú váru, ok svá gerðu lendir menn ok ríkir
Þórólfr bjó veizlu í móti konungi ok lagði á kostnað mikinn. Var þat á kveðit, nær konungr skyldi þar koma. Þórólfr bauð þangat fjölða manns ok hafði þar allt it
bezta mannval, þat er kostr var. Konungr hafði nær þremr hundruðum manna, er hann kom til veizlunnar, en Þórólfr hafði fyrir fimm hundruð manna. Þórólfr hafði
látit búa kornhlöðu mikla, er þar var, ok látit leggja bekki í ok lét þar drekka, því at þar var engi stofa svá mikil, er þat fjölmenni mætti allt inni vera. Þar
váru ok festir skildir umhverfis í húsinu.
Konungr settist í hásæti. En er alskipat var it efra ok it fremra, þá sást konungr um ok roðnaði ok mælti ekki, ok þóttust menn finna, at hann var reiðr. Veizla
var in prúðligsta ok öll föng in beztu. Konungr var heldr ókátr ok var þar þrjár nætr, sem ætlat var.
Þann dag, er konungr skyldi brott fara, gekk Þórólfr til hans ok bað, at þeir skyldi fara ofan til strandar. Konungr gerði svá. Þar flaut fyrir landi dreki sá,
er Þórólfr hafði gera látit, með tjöldum ok öllum reiða. Þórólfr gaf konungi skipit ok bað, at konungr skyldi svá virða sem honum hafði til gengit, at hann hafði
fyrir því haft fjölmenni svá mikit, at þat væri konungi vegsemð, en ekki fyrir kapps sakir við hann. Konungr tók þá vel orðum Þórólfs ok gerði sik þá blíðan ok
kátan. Lögðu þá ok margir góð orð til, sögðu sem satt var, at veizlan var in vegsamligsta ok útleiðslan in sköruligsta ok konungi var styrkr mikill at slíkum
mönnum, skilðust þá með kærleikum miklum.
Fór konungr norðr á Hálogaland, sem hann hafði ætlat, ok sneri aftr suðr, er á leið sumarit, fór þá enn at veizlum, þar sem fyrir honum var búit.