Chapter 15 - King Harold and Harek.

Hildirida's sons had been that winter with king Harold, and in their company twelve men of their own household and neighbours. The brothers were often talking with the king, and they still spoke in the same way of Thorolf. Harek asked: 'Didst thou like well, O king, the Finns' tribute which Thorolf sent thee?'

'I did,' said the king.

'Then wouldst thou have been surprised,' said he, 'if thou hadst received all that belonged to thee! But it was far from being so; Thorolf kept for himself the larger share. He sent thee three bearskins, but I know for certain that he kept back thirty that were by right thine; and I guess it was the same with other things. This will prove true, O king, that, if thou put the stewardship into the hand of myself and my brother, we shall bring thee more wealth.'

And to all that they said about Thorolf their comrades bore witness, wherefore the king was exceeding angry.


15. kafli - Enn af rógi Hildiríðarsona.

Hildiríðarsynir höfðu verit þann vetr með Haraldi konungi ok höfðu með sér heimamenn sína ok nábúa. Þeir bræðr váru oftliga á tali við konung ok fluttu enn á sömu leið mál Þórólfs.

Hárekr spurði: "Líkaði yðr vel finnskattrinn, konungr, er Þórólfr sendi yðr?"

"Vel," sagði konungr.

"Þá myndi yðr margt um finnast," segir Hárekr, "ef þér hefðið allan þann, sem þér áttuð, en nú fór þat fjarri. Var hitt miklu meiri hlutr, er Þórólfr dró undir sik. Hann sendi yðr at gjöf bjórskinn þrjú, en ek veit víst, at hann hafði eftir þrjá tigu þeira, er þér áttuð, ok hygg ek, at slíkan mun hafi farit um annat. Satt mun þat, konungr, ef þú fær sýsluna í hönd okkr bræðrum, at meira fé skulum vit færa þér."

En allt þat, er þeir sögðu á hendr Þórólfi, þá báru förunautar þeira vitni með þeim. Kom þá svá, at konungr var inn reiðasti.

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