Chapter 37 - The journey to Bjarmaland.
Eric Bloodaxe now took a share in the realm. He held oversight in Hordaland and the Firths; he took and kept about him a body-guard. And
one spring Eric Bloodaxe made ready to go to Bjarmaland, and chose him much people for that voyage. Thorolf betook him to this voyage with Eric, and was
in the forecastle of his ship, and bare his standard. Thorolf was then taller and stronger than other men, and herein like his father. In that expedition
befell much tidings. Eric had a great battle by the river Dvina in Bjarmaland, wherein he won the victory, as is told in the lays about him. And in that
voyage he took Gunnhilda, daughter of Auzur Toti, and brought her home with him. Gunnhilda was above all women beautiful and shrewd, and of magic cunning.
There was great intimacy between Thorolf and Gunnhilda. Thorolf ever spend the winters with Eric, the summers in freebooting.
The next tidings were that Thora Bjorn's wife fell sick and died. But some while after Bjorn took to him another wife; she was named Alof, the daughter of
Erling the wealthy of Ostr. They two had a daughter named Gunnhilda.
There was a man named Thorgeir Thornfoot; he dwelt in Fenhring of Hordaland, at a place called Askr. He had three sons - one named Hadd, another Bergonund,
the third Atli the short. Bergonund was beyond other men tall and strong, and he was grasping and ungentle; Atli the short was of small stature, square-built,
of sturdy strength. Thorgeir was a very rich man, a devoted heathen worshipper, of magic cunning. Hadd went out freebooting, and was seldom at home.


37. kafli - Bjarmalandsferđ.
Eiríkr blóđöx tók ţá viđ ríki. Hann hafđi yfirsókn á Hörđalandi ok um Fjörđu. Tók hann ţá ok hafđi međ sér hirđmenn.
Ok eitthvert vár bjó Eiríkr blóđöx för sína til Bjarmalands ok vandađi mjök liđ til ţeirar ferđar. Ţórólfr réđst til ferđar međ Eiríki ok
var í stafni á skipi hans ok bar merki hans. Ţórólfr var ţá hverjum manni meiri ok sterkari ok líkr um ţat feđr sínum.
Í ferđ ţeiri var margt til tíđenda. Eiríkr átti orrostu mikla á Bjarmalandi viđ Vínu. Fekk Eiríkr ţar sigr, svá sem segir í kvćđum hans, ok í
ţeiri ferđ fekk hann Gunnhildar, dóttur Özurar tóta, ok hafđi hana heim međ sér. Gunnhildr var allra kvenna vćnst ok vitrust ok fjölkunnig mjök. Kćrleikar
miklir váru međ ţeim Ţórólfi ok Gunnhildi. Ţórólfr var ţá jafnan á vetrum međ Eiríki, en á sumrum í víkingu.
Ţat varđ ţá nćst til tíđenda, at Ţóra, kona Bjarnar, tók sótt ok andađist, en nökkuru síđar fekk Björn sér annarrar konu. Hon hét Álöf, dóttir
Erlings ins auđga ór Ostr. Ţau áttu dóttur, er Gunnhildr hét.
Mađr hét Ţorgeirr ţyrnifótr. Hann bjó á Hörđalandi í Fenhring. Ţar heitir á Aski. Hann átti ţrjá sonu. Hét einn Haddr, annarr Berg-Önundr,
ţriđi hét Atli inn skammi. Berg-Önundr var hverjum manni meiri ok sterkari ok var mađr ágjarn ok ódćll. Atli inn skammi var mađr ekki hár ok riđvaxinn ok var
rammr at afli. Ţorgeirr var mađr stórauđigr at fé. Hann var blótmađr mikill ok fjölkunnigr. Haddr lá í víking ok var sjaldan heima.