Chapter 51 - Of Olaf king of Scots.
Olaf the Red was the name of the king in Scotland. He was Scotch on his father's side, but Danish on his mother's side, and came of the family
of Ragnar Hairy-breeks. He was a powerful prince. Scotland, as compared with England, was reckoned a third of the realm; Northumberland was reckoned a fifth
part of England; it was the northernmost county, marching with Scotland on the eastern side of the island. Formerly the Danish kings had held it. Its chief
town is York. It was in Athelstan's dominions; he had set over it two earls, the one named Alfgeir, the other Gudrek. They were set there as defenders of the
land against the inroads of Scots, Danes, and Norsemen, who harried the land much, and though they had a strong claim on the land there, because in
Northumberland nearly all the inhabitants were Danish by the father's or mother's side, and many by both.
Bretland was governed by two brothers, Hring and Adils; they were tributaries under king Athelstan, and withal had this right, that when
they were with the king in the field, they and their force should be in the van of the battle before the royal standard. These brothers were right good
warriors, but not young men.
Alfred the Great had deprived all tributary kings of name and power; they were now called earls, who had before been kings or princes. This
was maintained throughout his lifetime and his son Edward's. But Athelstan came young to the kingdom, and of him they stood less in awe. Wherefore many now
were disloyal who had before been faithful subjects.


51. kafli - Af Óláfi Skotakommgi ok jörlum.
Óláfr rauði hét konungr á Skotlandi. Hann var skozkr at föðurkyni, en danskr at móðurkyni ok kominn af ætt Ragnars loðbrókar. Hann var ríkr
maðr. Skotland var kallat þriðjungr ríkis við England.
Norðimbraland er kallat fimmtungr Englands, ok er þat norðast, næst Skotlandi fyrir austan. Þat höfðu haft at fornu Danakonungar. Jórvík er þar höfuðstaðr.
Þat ríki átti Aðalsteinn ok hafði sett yfir jarla tvá. Hét annarr Álfgeirr, en annarr Goðrekr. Þeir sátu þar til landvarnar bæði fyrir ágangi Skota ok Dana
eða Norðmanna, er mjök herjuðu á landit ok þóttust eiga tilkall mikit þar til lands, því at á Norðimbralandi váru þeir einir menn, ef nökkut var til, at
danska ætt átti at faðerni eða móðerni, en margir hvárirtveggju.
Fyrir Bretlandi réðu bræðr tveir, Hringr ok Aðils, ok váru skattgildir undir Aðalstein konung, ok fylgði þat, þá er þeir váru í her með konungi, at þeir
ok þeira lið skyldi vera í brjósti í fylking fyrir merkjum konungs. Váru þeir bræðr inir mestu hermenn ok eigi allungir menn.
Elfráðr inn ríki hafði tekit alla skattkonunga af nafni ok veldi. Hétu þeir þá jarlar, er áðr váru konungar eða konungasynir. Helzt þat allt um hans ævi
ok Játvarðar, sonar hans, en Aðalsteinn kom ungr til ríkis, ok þótti af honum minni ógn standa. Gerðust þá margir ótryggvir, þeir er áðr váru þjónustufullir.