Chapter 81 - Slaying of Þránd and of the preparation of the lawsuit.
One morning Thorstein rose with the sun, and went up on the hill. He saw where Steinar's cattle were. Then went Thorstein out on the moor till
he came to the cattle. There stands a wood-clad rock by Hafs-brook: upon this Thrand was lying asleep, having put off his shoes. Thorstein mounted the rock: he
had in his hand a small axe, and no other weapon. With the shaft of the axe he poked Thrand, and bade him wake. Up he jumped swiftly and suddenly, gripped his
axe with both hands and raised it aloft, and asked Thorstein what he wanted. He replied, 'I wish to tell you that this land is mine; yours is the pasture
beyond the brook. It is no wonder if you do not yet know the landmarks here.' Said Thrand, 'It makes no odds to me who owns the land: I shall let the cattle be
where they please.' ''Tis likely,' said Thorstein, 'that I shall wish myself, and not Steinar's thralls, to rule my own land.' Said Thrand, 'You are a far more
foolish man, Thorstein, than I judged you to be, if you will take night-quarters under my axe, and for this risk your honours. Methinks, from what I see, I
have twice your strength; nor lack I courage: better weaponed am I also than you.' Thorstein replied: 'That risk I shall run, if you do not as I say about the
pasture. I hope that our good fortune may differ much, as does the justice of our cause.' Thrand said: 'Now shall you see, Thorstein, whether I at all fear
your threats.' And with that Thrand sat down and tied on his shoe. But Thorstein raised his axe swiftly, and smote on Thrand's neck so that his head fell
forward on his breast. Then Thorstein heaped some stones over him and covered his body, which done, he went home to Borg.
On that day Steinar's cattle were late in coming home; and when there seemed no hope of their coming, Steinar took his horse and saddled it,
and fully armed himself. He then rode to Borg. And when he came there he found men to speak to, and asked where Thorstein was. It was told him that he was
sitting within. Then Steinar asked that he should come out; he had (he said) an errand with him. Which when Thorstein heard, he took his weapons and went out
to the door. Then he asked Steinar what was his errand. 'Have you slain Thrand my thrall?' said Steinar. 'Truly I have,' said Thorstein; 'you need not put that
upon any other man.' 'Then I see,' said Steinar, 'that you mean to guard your land with the strong hand, since you have slain my two thralls: yet methinks this
is no great exploit. Now will I offer you in this a far better choice, if you wish to guard your land by force: I shall not trust other men with the driving of
my cattle, but be you sure of this, the cattle shall be on your land both night and day.' 'So it is,' said Thorstein, 'that I slew last summer your thrall,
whom you set to feed cattle on my land, but afterwards let you have the feed as you would up to the winter. Now have I slain another thrall of yours, for the
same fault as the former. Again you shall have the feed from now through the summer, as you will. But next summer, if you feed on my land, and set men to drive
your cattle thither, then will I go on slaying for you every man that tends them, though it be yourself. I will act this every summer while you hold to the
manner of grazing that you have begun.'
Then Steinar rode away and home to Brekka. And a little while after Steinar rode up to Stafar-holt, where Einar then dwelt. He was a priest.
Steinar asked his help, and offered him money. Einar said, 'You will gain little by my help, unless more men of honour back you in this cause.' After that
Steinar rode up to Reykjar-dale to see Tongue-Odd, and asked his help and offered him money. Odd took the money, and promised his help; he was to strengthen
Steinar to take the law of Thorstein. Then Steinar rode home.
But in the spring Odd and Einar went with Steinar on the journey of summons, taking a large company. Steinar summoned Thorstein for
thrall-slaying, and claimed lesser outlawry as the penalty of each slaying. For this was the law, when thralls of anyone were slain, and the fine for the
thrall was not brought to the owner before the third sunrise. But two charges of lesser outlawry were equivalent to one of full outlawry. Thorstein brought no
counter-summons on any charge.
And soon after he sent men southwards to Ness, who came to Grim as Moss-fell and there told these tidings. Egil did not show much interest
about it, but he quietly learned by the questions what had passed between Thorstein and Steinar, as also about those who had strengthened Steinar in this
cause. Then the messengers went home, and Thorstein appeared well pleased with their journey.
Thorstein Egil's son took a numerous company to the spring-tide Thing: he came there one night before other men, and they roofed their booths,
he and the Thingmen who had booths there. And when they had made all arrangements, then Thorstein bade his Thingmen set to work, and they built there large
booth-walls. Then he had roofed in a far larger booth than the other that were there. In this booth were no men.
Steinar rode to the Thing also with a numerous company, as did Tongue-Odd, and Einar from Stafar-holt; they roofed their booths. The Thing was
a very full one. Men pleaded their causes. Thorstein offered no atonement for himself, but to those who advised atonement made answer, that he meant to abide
by judgment. He said that he thought the cause which Steinar came, about the slaying of his thralls, was little worth; Steinar's thralls, he argued, had done
enough to deserve death. Steinar was high and mighty about his cause: he had, as he thought, charges good in law, and helpers strong enough to win his rights.
So he was most impetuous in his cause.
That day men went to the Thing-brink and spoke their pleadings; but in the evening the judges were to go out to try suits. Thorstein was there
with his train; he had there chief authority as to the rules of the Thing, for so it had been while Egil held priesthood and headship. Both parties were fully
And now it was seen from the Thing that a troop of men was riding down along Cleave-river with gleaming shields. And when they rode into the
Thing, there rode foremost a man in a blue mantle. He had on his head a gilded helm, by his side a gold-decked shield, in his hand a barbed spear whose socket
was overlaid with gold, and a sword at his girdle. Thither had come Egil Skallagrim's son with eighty men, all well-weaponed, as if arrayed for battle. A
choice company it was: Egil had brought with him the best landowners' sons from the southern Nesses, those whom he thought the most warlike. With this troop
Egil rode to the booth which Thorstein had had roofed, a booth hitherto empty. They dismounted. And when Thorstein perceived his father's coming, he with all
his troop went to meet him, and bade him welcome. Egil and his force had their travelling gear carried into the booth, and their horses turned out to pasture.
This done, Egil and Thorstein with the whole troop went up to the Thing-brink, and sat them down where they were wont to sit.
Then Egil stood up and spoke with loud voice: 'Is Aunund Sjoni here on the Thing-brink?' Aunund replied that he was there. And he said, 'I am
glad, Egil, that you are come. This will set right all the dispute here between these men.' 'Is it by your counsel,' said Egil, 'that your son Steinar brings
a charge against my son Thorstein, and has gathered much people to this end, to make Thorstein an outcast?' 'Of this I am not the cause,' said Aunund, 'that
they are quarrelling. I have spend many a word and begged Steinar to be reconciled with Thorstein; for in any case I would have spared your son Thorstein
disgrace: and good cause for this is the loving friendship of old that has been between us two, Egil, since we grew up here as next-door neighbours.' 'It will
soon be clear,' said Egil, 'whether you speak this as truth or vain words; though I think this latter can hardly be. I remember the day when either of us had
deemed it incredible that one should be accusing the other, or that we should not control our sons from going on with such folly as I hear this is like to
prove. To me this seems right counsel, while we both live and are so nearly concerned with their quarrel, that we take this cause into our own hands and quash
it, and let not Tongue-Odd and Einar match our sons together like fighting horses. Let them henceforth find some other way than this of making money.'
Then stood up Aunund and spoke: 'Rightly say you, Egil; and it ill-beseems us to be at a Thing where our sons quarrel. Never shall that shame
be ours, that we lacked the manhood to reconcile them. Now, Steinar, I will that you give this cause into my hands, and let me deal with it as I please.'
'I am not sure,' said Steinar, 'that I will so abandon my cause; for I have already sought me the help of great men. I will now only bring my
cause to such an issue as shall content Odd and Einar.' Then Odd and Steinar talked together. Odd said, 'I will give you, Steinar, the help that I promised
towards getting law, or for such issue of the cause as you may consent to accept. You will be mainly answerable for how your cause goes, if Egil is to be judge
Whereupon Aunund said: 'I need not leave this matter to the tongue of Odd. Of him I have had neither good or bad; but Egil has done to me much
that is very good. I trust him far more than others; and I shall have my way in this. It will be for your advantage not to have all of us on your hands. I have
hitherto ruled for us both, and will do so still.' Steinar said, 'You are right eager about this cause, father; but I think we shall oft rue this.'
After this Steinar made over the cause to Aunund to prosecute or compromise according to law. And no sooner had Aunund the management of this
cause, than he went to seek the father and son, Thorstein and Egil. Then said Aunund: 'Now I will, Egil, that you alone shape and shear in this matter as you
will, for I trust you best to deal with this my cause as with all others.'
Then Thorstein and Aunund took hands, and named them witnesses, declaring withal that Egil Skallagrimsson should along judge this cause, as he
would, without appeal, then and there at the Thing. And so ended this suit.
Now men went home to their booths. Thorstein had three oxen led to Egil's booth and slaughtered for the Thing banquet.
And when Tongue-Odd and Steinar came home to their booth, Odd said: 'Now have you, Steinar, and your father ruled the issue of your suit. I
now declare myself free of debt to you, Steinar, in regard of that help which I promised you; for it was agreed between us that I should help you in carrying
through your suit, or to such issue as should content you; free am I, I say, whatever may be the terms adjudged you by Egil.' Steinar said that Odd had helped
him well and manfully, and their friendship should be closer than before. 'I pronounce you,' he said, 'free of debt to me in regard of that whereto you were
In the evening the judges went out; but nothing happened that needs to be told.


81. kafli - Víg Þrándar ok af málatilbúnaði.
Þorsteinn stóð upp einn morgin við sól ok gekk upp á Borg. Hann sá, hvar naut Steinars váru. Síðan gekk Þorsteinn út á mýrar, til þess er
hann kom til nautanna. Þar stendr skógarklettr við Háfslæk, en uppi á klettinum svaf Þrándr ok hafði leyst af sér skúa sína. Þorsteinn gekk upp á klettinn
ok hafði öxi í hendi ekki mikla ok engi fleiri vápn. Þorsteinn stakk öxarskaftinu á Þrándi ok bað hann vaka. Hann spratt upp skjótt ok hart ok greip tveim
höndum öxina ok reiddi upp. Hann spurði, hvat Þorsteinn vildi.
"Ek vil segja þér, at ek á land þetta, en þér eiguð hagabeit fyrir útan lækinn. Er þat eigi undarligt, þóttú vitir eigi landamerki hér."
Þrándr segir: "Engu þykkir mér skipta, hverr land á. Mun ek þar láta naut vera, er þeim þykkir bezt."
"Hitt er líkligra," segir Þorsteinn, "at ek muna nú ráða vilja fyrir landi mínu, en eigi þrælar Steinars."
Þrándr segir: "Miklu ertu, Þorsteinn, óvitrari maðr en ek hugða, ef þú vill eiga náttból undir öxi minni ok hætta til þess virðingu þinni.
Mér sýnist, at ætla til, sem ek muna hafa tvau öfl þín, en mik skortir eigi hug. Ek em ok vápnaðr betr en þú."
Þorsteinn mælti: "Á þá hættu mun ek leggja, ef þú gerir eigi at um beitina. Vænti ek, at mikit skili hamingju okkra, svá sem málaefni eru
Þrándr segir: "Nú skaltu sjá, Þorsteinn, hvárt ek hræðumst nökkut hót þín."
Síðan settist Þrándr niðr ok batt skó sinn, en Þorsteinn reiddi upp öxina hart ok hjó á háls Þrándi, svá at höfuðit fell á bringuna. Síðan bar
Þorsteinn grjót at honum ok hulði hræ hans, gekk síðan heim til Borgar.
En þann dag kómu seint heim naut Steinars, ok er þrotin ván þótti þess, þá tók Steinarr hest sinn ok lagði á söðul. Hann hafði alvæpni sitt.
Hann reið suðr til Borgar, ok er hann kom þar, hitti hann menn at máli. Hann spurði, hvar Þorsteinn væri. Honum var sagt, at hann sat inni. Þá bað Steinarr,
at Þorsteinn kæmi út, kvaðst eiga erendi við hann. Ok er Þorsteinn heyrði þetta, tók hann vápn sín ok gekk út í dyrr. Síðan spurði hann Steinar, hver erendi
hans væri.
"Hefir þú drepit Þránd, þræl minn?" segir Steinarr.
"Svá er víst," segir Þorsteinn, "þarftu þat ekki öðrum mönnum at æfla."
"Þá sé ek, at þú munt þykkjast harðhendliga verja land þitt, er þú hefir drepit þræla mína tvá. En mér þykkir þat ekki svá mikit framaverk. Nú
mun ek gera þér á þessu miklu betra kost, ef þú vill með kappi verja landit þitt, ok skal ekki öðrum mönnum nú at hlíta at reka nautin, en vita skaltu þat, at
nautin skulu bæði dag ok nótt í þínu landi vera."
"Svá er," segir Þorsteinn, "at ek drap í fyrra sumar þræl þinn, þann er þú fekkt til at beita nautunum í land mitt, en síðan lét ek yðr hafa
beit, sem þér vilduð, allt til vetrar. Nú hefi ek drepit annan þræl þinn fyrir þér. Gaf ek þessum ina sömu sök sem inum fyrra. Nú skaltu hafa beit heðan í frá
í sumar, en at sumri, ef þú beitir land mitt ok fær menn til þess at reka hingat fé þitt, þá mun ek enn drepa fyrir þér einn hvern mann, þann er fénu fylgir,
svá, þó at þú fylgir sjálfr. Mun ek svá gera á hverju sumri, meðan þú heldr teknum hætti um beitina."
Síðan reið Steinarr í brott ok heim til Brekku, ok litlu síðar reið Steinarr upp í Stafarholt. Þar bjó þá Einarr. Hann var goðorðsmaðr.
Steinarr bað hann liðs ok bauð honum fé til.
Einarr segir: "Þik mun litlu skipta um mína liðsemð, nema fleiri virðingamenn veiti at þessu máli."
Eftir þat reið Steinarr upp í Reykjardal á fund Tungu-Odds ok bað hann liðs ok bauð honum fé til. Oddr tók við fénu ok hét liðveizlu sinni, at
hann skyldi efla Steinar at koma fram lögum við Þorstein. Steinarr reið síðan heim.
En um várit fóru þeir Oddr ok Einarr með Steinari stefnuför ok höfðu fjölmenni mikit. Stefndi Steinarr Þorsteini um þræladráp ok lét varða
fjörbaugsgarð um hvárt vígit, því at þat váru lög, þar er þrælar váru drepnir fyrir manni, enda væri eigi færð þrælsgjöldin fyrir ina þriðju sól. En jafnt
skyldu metast tvær fjörbaugssakar ok ein skóggangssök.
Þorsteinn stefndi engum sökum í mót, ok litlu síðar sendi Þorsteinn menn suðr á Nes. Kómu þeir til Mosfells til Gríms ok sögðu þar þessi
tíðendi. Egill lét sér fátt um finnast ok spurði þó at í hljóði vandliga um skipti þeira Þorsteins ok Steinars ok svá at þeim mönnum, er Steinar höfðu styrkt
til þessa máls. Síðan fóru sendimenn heim, ok lét Þorsteinn vel yfir þeira ferð.
Þorsteinn Egilsson fjölmennti mjök til várþings ok kom þar nótt fyrr en aðrir menn, ok tjölduðu búðir sínar, ok þingmenn hans, er þar áttu
búðir. Ok er þeir höfðu um búizt, þá lét Þorsteinn ganga til þingmannalið sitt, ok gerðu þar búðarveggi mikla. Síðan lét hann búð tjalda miklu meiri en aðrar
búðir, þær er þar váru. í þeiri búð váru engir menn.
Steinarr reið til þings ok fjölmennti mjök. Þar réð Tungu-Oddr fyrir liði ok var allfjölmennr. Einarr ór Stafaholti var ok fjölmennr. Tjölduðu
þeir búðir sínar. Var þingit fjölmennt. Fluttu menn fram mál sín. Þorsteinn bauð engar sættir fyrir sik, en svaraði því þeím mönnum, er um sættir leituðu, at
hann ætlaði at láta dóms bíða, sagði, at honum þóttu mál lítils verð, þau er Steinarr fór með um dráp þræla hans, en talði þræla Steinars hafa gnógar sakar til
gert. Steinarr lét stórliga yfir málum sínum. Þóttu honum sakar lögligar, en liðsafli gnógr at koma málum fram. Var hann því framgjarn um sín mál.
Þann dag gengu menn í þingbrekku, ok mæltu menn málum sínum, en um kveldit skyldu dómar út fara til sóknar. Var Þorsteinn þar með flokk sinn.
Hann réð þar þingsköpum mest, því at svá hafði verit, meðan Egill fór með goðorð ok mannaforráð. Þeir höfðu hvárirtveggju alvæpni.
Menn sá af þinginu, at flokkr manna reið neðan með Gljúfrá, ok blikuðu þar skildir við. Ok er þeir riðu á þingit, þá reið þar maðr fyrir í
blári kápu, hafði hjálm á höfði gullroðinn, en skjöld á hlið gullbúinn, í hendi krókaspjót, var þar gullrekinn falrinn. Hann var sverði gyrðr. Þar var kominn
Egill Skalla-Grímsson með átta tigu manna, alla vel vápnaða, svá sem til bardaga væri búnir. Þat lið var valit mjök. Hafði Egill haft með sér ina beztu
bóndasonu af Nesjum sunnan, þá er honum þóttu vígligstir. Egill reið með flokkinn til búðar þeirar, er Þorsteinn hafði tjalda látit ok áðr var auð. Stigu þeir
af hestum sínum.
Ok er Þorsteinn kenndi ferð föður síns, þá gekk hann í móti honum með allan flokk sinn ok fagnaði honum vel. Létu þeir Egill bera inn fargervi
sína í búð, en reka hesta í haga. Ok er þetta var sýslat, gekk Egill ok Þorsteinn með flokkinn allan upp í þingbrekku ok settust, þar sem þeir váru vanir at
Síðan stóð Egill upp ok mælti hátt: "Hvárt er Önundr sjóni hér í þingbrekkunni?"
Önundr kvaðst þar vera. "Ek em feginn orðinn, Egill, er þú ert kominn. Mun þat allt bæta til um þat, er hér stendr milli máls manna."
"Hvárt ræðr þú því, er Steinarr, sonr þinn, sækir sökum Þorstein, son minn, ok hefir dregit saman fjölmenni til þess at gera Þorstein at
"Því veld ek eigi," segir Önundr, "er þeir eru ósáttir. Hefi ek þar lagt til mörg orð ok beðit Steinar sættast við Þorstein, því at mér hefir
verit í hvern stað Þorsteinn, sonr þinn, sparari til ósæmðar, ok veldr því sú in forna ástvinátta, er með okkr hefir verit, Egill, síðan er vit fæddumst hér
upp samtýnis."
"Brátt mun þat," segir Egill, "ljóst verða, hvárt þú mælir þetta af alvöru eða af hégóma, þótt ek ætla þat síðr vera munu. Man ek þá daga, at
hvárumtveggja okkrum mundi þykkja ólíkligt, at vit myndim sökum sækjast eða stilla eigi sonu okkra, at þeir fari eigi með fíflsku slíkri sem ek heyri, at hér
horfist til. Sýnist mér þat ráð, meðan vit erum á lífi ok svá nær staddir deilu þeira, at vit takim mál þetta undir okkr ok setim niðr, en látim eigi þá
Tungu-Odd ok Einar etja saman sonum okkrum sem kapalhestum. Látum þá hafa annat heðan í frá til févaxtar sér en taka á slíku."
Þá stóð Önundr upp ok mælti: "Rétt segir þú, Egill, ok þat er okkr ófallit at vera á því þingi, er synir okkrir deila. Skal okkr ok aldri þá
skömm henda at vera þeir vanskörungar at sætta þá eigi. Nú vil ek, Steinarr, at þú selir mér mál þessi í hendr ok láir mik með fara sem mér líkar."
"Eigi veit ek þat," segir Steinarr, "hvárt ek vil svá kasta niðr málum mínum, því at ek hefi áðr leitat mér liðsemðar af stórmenni. Vil ek nú
svá at einu lúka málum mínum, at þat líki vel Oddi ok Einari."
Síðan ræddu þeir Oddr ok Steinarr sín í milli, sagði Oddr svá: "Efna vil ek, Steinarr, liðsemð við þik, þá er ek hét at veita þér til laga eða
þeira málalykða, er þú vill taka þér til handa. Muntu mest í ábyrgjast, hvernig mál þín eru til komin, ef Egill skal um dæma."
Þá mælti Önundr: "Ekki þarf ek at eiga þetta undir tungurótu Odds. Hefi ek af honum haft hvárki gott né illt, en Egill hefir margt stórvel
gert til mín. Trúi ek honum miklu betr en öðrum, enda skal ek þessu ráða. Mun þér þat hæfa at hafa eigi alla oss í fangi þér. Hefi ek enn hér til ráðit fyrir
okkr, ok skal enn svá vera."
"Ákafr ertu um þetta mál, faðir, en oft ætla ek, at vit iðrimst þessa."
Síðan seldi Steinarr í hendr Önundi málit, ok skyldi hann þá sækja eða sættast á, svá sem lög kenndu til.
Ok þegar er Önundr réð fyrir málum þessum, þá gekk hann til fundar við þá feðga, Þorstein ok Egil.
Þá mælti Önundr: "Nú vil ek, Egill, at þú skapir einn ok skerir um þessi mál, svá sem þú vill, því at ek trúi þér bezt til at skipa þessum
mínum málum ok öllum öðrum."
Síðan tókust þeir Önundr ok Þorsteinn í hendr ok nefndu sér vátta ok þat með váttnefnunni, at Egill Skalla-Grímsson skyldi einn gera um mál
þessi, svá sem hann vill, allt óskorat þar á þingi, ok lauk svá þessum málum. Gengu menn svá heim til búða. Þorsteinn lét leiða til búðar Egils þrjá yxn ok
lét höggva til þingnests honum.
Ok er þeir Tungu-Oddr ok Steinarr kómu heim til búðar, þá mælti Oddr: "Nú hefir þú, Steinarr, ok þit feðgar ráðit fyrir lykð mála ykkarra. Nú
teljumst ek ór lauss við þik, Steinarr, um liðveizlu þá, er ek hét þér, því at svá var mælt með okkr, at ek skylda veita þér svá, at þú kæmir málum þínum fram
eða til þeira lykða, er þér hugnaði, hvernig sem þér gefst sættargerð Egils."
Steinarr segir, at Oddr hefir honum vel veitt ok drengiliga ok þeira vinátta skal nú vera miklu betri en áðr. "Vil ek kalla, at þú sér ór
lauss við mik um þat, er þú vart í bundinn."
Um kveldit fóru dómar út, ok er ekki getit, at þar yrði til tíðenda.