
Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

1.                                                               1.

"Bekki breiða,                                           "To deck the bench,

nú skal brúðr með mér                               now a bride will with me

heim í sinni snúask;                                   together hurry home;

hratat um mægi                                         headlong for marriage

mun hverjum þykkja,                                [I] will seem to everyone,

heima skal-at hvíld nema."                        I will take no rest at home."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

2.                                                               2.

"Hvat er þat fira?                                      "What is this creature?

Hví ertu svá fölr um nasar?                       Why are you so pale around the nose?

Vartu í nótt með ná?                                 Have you been with corpses at night?

Þursa líki                                                   A likeness to thurses(1)

þykki mér á þér vera;                                 there seems to me to be about you;

ert-at-tu til brúðar borinn."                        you were not born for a bride."


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvís said:

3.                                                               3.

"Alvíss ek heiti,                                         "My name is Alvíss,

bý ek fyr jörð neðan,                                 I live far underground,

á ek undir steini stað;                                under a rock I have my home;

vagna vers                                                 the wagon master(2)

ek em á vit kominn;                                   I have come to see;

bregði engi föstu heiti fira."                      let no being break a vow that was made."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

4.                                                               4.

"Ek mun bregða                                        "I will break [it]

því at ek brúðar á                                      because over the bride I have

flest of ráð sem faðir;                                greatest oversight as father;

vark-a ek heima,                                        I was not at home

þá er þér heitit var,                                    when she was plighted to you,

at sá einn, er gjöf er, með goðum."           I who alone have the giving [of her]

                                                                  among the gods."


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

5.                                                               5.

"Hvat er þat rekka,                                    "What is this yeoman(3)

er í ráðum telsk                                          who asserts oversight

fljóðs ins fagrglóa?                                    of the beautifully glowing woman?         

Fjarrafleina                                                A distant piker,(4)

þik munu fáir kunna;                                 few will know you;

hverr hefr þik baugum borit?"                   who brought the rings to you?"(5)


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

6.                                                               6.

"Vingþórr ek heiti,                                    "My name is Ving-Thor,(6)

ek hef víða ratat,                                       I have travelled widely,

sonr em ek Síðgrana;                                 I am Síð-Grani's(7) son;

at ósátt minni skal-at-tu                            against my will shall you never(8)

þat it unga man hafa                                 have the young maid

ok þat gjaforð geta."                                 and obtain that match."


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

7.                                                               7.

"Sáttir þínar                                               "Your goodwill,

er ek vil snemma hafa                               then, I wish to soon have

ok þat gjaforð geta;                                   and obtain that match;

eiga vilja                                                    I would rather have

heldr en án vera                                         than be without

þat it mjallhvíta man."                               that maid white as driven snow."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

8.                                                               8.

"Meyjar ástum                                           "The maiden's love           

mun-a þér verða,                                       will not, wise guest,

vísi gestr, of varit,                                     be kept from you,

ef þú ór heimi kannt                                  if you are able

hverjum at segja                                        to say for every world

allt þat, er ek vil vita."                               all that I wish to know."


9.                                                               9.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             "Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings(9) of beings,

vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:                          I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hvé sú jörð heitir,                                      what is the earth called

er liggr fyr alda sonum                              that lies before the sons of men

heimi hverjum í?"                                      in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

10.                                                             10.

"Jörð heitir með mönnum,                         It is called earth among humans,

en með ásum fold,                                     but field among the Æsir,

kalla vega vanir,                                        Vanir call it way,

ígræn jötnar,                                              jǫtnar ever-green,

alfar gróandi,                                             alfar growing,

kalla aur uppregin."                                   the high Regin call it loam.(10)


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

11.                                                             11.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             "Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings of beings,

vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:                          I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hvé sá himinn heitir,                                  what is the sky called,

erakendi,                                                   ... known,(11)

heimi hverjum í?"                                      in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

12.                                                             12.

"Himinn heitir með mönnum,                    "It is called sky among humans,

en hlýrnir með goðum,                              but heaven(12) among the gods,

kalla vindófni vanir,                                  Vanir call it windweaver,

uppheim jötnar,                                         jǫtnar upper world,

alfar fagraræfr,                                          alfar beautiful roof,

dvergar drjúpansal."                                  dwarves dripping hall."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

13.                                                             13.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             "Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings of beings,

vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:                          I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hversu máni heitir,                                     what is the moon called,

sá er menn séa,                                          that humans see,

heimi hverjum í?"                                      in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

14.                                                             14.

"Máni heitir með mönnum,                       "It is called moon among humans,

en mylinn með goðum,                              but shining(13) among the gods,

kalla hverfanda hvél helju í,                      in Hel they call it the whirling wheel,

skyndi jötnar,                                            jǫtnar, haste,

en skin dvergar,                                         but dwarves, shine,

kalla alfar ártala."                                      the elves call it year-teller."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

15.                                                             15.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             "Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings of beings,

vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:                          I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hvé sú sól heitir,                                        what is the sun called,

er séa alda synir,                                        that the sons of men see,

heimi hverjum í?"                                      in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

16.                                                             16.

"Sól heitir með mönnum,                          "It is called sun among humans,

en sunna með goðum,                               but Sunna among the gods,

kalla dvergar Dvalins leika,                       dwarves call it Dvalin's toy,

eygló jötnar,                                              jǫtnar everglow,

alfar fagrahvél,                                          alfar the beautiful wheel,

alskír ása synir."                                        the sons of Æsir all-shine."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

17.                                                             17.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             "Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings of beings,

vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:                          I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hvé þau ský heita,                                     what are the clouds called,

er skúrum blandask,                                  that are mixed with showers,

heimi hverjum í?                                        in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

18.                                                             18.

"Ský heita með mönnum,                          "They are called clouds among humans,

en skúrván með goðum,                            but shower-forerunner among the gods,

kalla vindflot vanir,                                   Vanir call them wind-float,

úrván jötnar,                                              jǫtnar drizzle-forerunner,

alfar veðrmegin,                                        alfar weather-might,

kalla í helju hjalm huliðs."                         in Hel they call them helm of hiding."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

19.                                                             19.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             "Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings of beings,

vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:                          I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hvé sá vindr heitir,                                    what is the wind called,

er víðast ferr,                                             that travels most widely,

heimi hverjum í?"                                      in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

20.                                                             20.

"Vindr heitir með mönnum,                      "It is called wind among humans,

en váfuðr með goðum,                              but waverer among the gods,

kalla gneggjuð ginnregin,                          the great regin call it whinnier,

æpi jötnar,                                                 jǫtnar howler,

alfar dynfara,                                            alfar din-farer,

kalla í helju hviðuð."                                 in Hel they call it the whistler."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said: 

21.                                                             21.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             "Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings of beings,

vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:                          I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hvé þat logn heitir,                                    what is the calm called,

er liggja skal,                                             that must lie,

heimi hverjum í?"                                      in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

22.                                                             22.

"Logn heitir með mönnum,                       "It is called calm among humans,

en lægi með goðum,                                  but lee among the gods,

kalla vindlot vanir,                                    Vanir call it wind-lull,

ofhlý jötnar,                                              jǫtnar sultry,

alfar dagsefa,                                            alfar day-soother,

kalla dvergar dags veru."                          dwarves call it the day's shelter."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

23.                                                             23.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             "Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings of beings,

vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:                          I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hvé sá marr heitir,                                      what is the ocean called,

er menn róa,                                              on which people row,

heimi hverjum í?"                                      in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

24.                                                             24.

"Sær heitir með mönnum,                         "It is called sea(14) among humans,

en sílægja með goðum,                              but herring-expanse among the gods,

kalla vág vanir,                                          Vanir call it wave,

álheim jötnar,                                            jǫtnar eel-home,

alfar lagastaf,                                            alfar water-stave,

kalla dvergar djúpan mar."                        dwarves call it the deep sea."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

25.                                                             25.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             "Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings of beings,

vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:                          I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hvé sá eldr heitir,                                       what is the fire called,

er brennr fyr alda sonum,                          that burns in front of the sons of men,

heimi hverjum í?"                                      in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

26.                                                             26.

"Eldr heitir með mönnum,                         "It is called fire among humans,

en með ásum funi,                                     but flame among the Æsir,

kalla vág vanir,                                          Vanir call it wave,(15)

frekan jötnar,                                             jǫtnar greedy,

en forbrenni dvergar,                                but dwarves burner-up,

kalla í helju hröðuð."                                 in Hel they call it rusher(16)."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

27.                                                             27.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             "Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings of beings,

vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:                          I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hvé viðr heitir,                                           what is the forest(17) called,

er vex fyr alda sonum,                              that grows in front of the sons of men,

heimi hverjum í?"                                      in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

28.                                                             28.

"Viðr heitir með mönnum,                        "It is called forest among humans,

en vallarfax með goðum,                           but field's mane among the gods,

kalla hlíðþang halir,                                   men(18) call it cliff-kelp, 

eldi jötnar,                                                 jǫtnar firewood,

alfar fagrlima,                                            alfar beautiful limbed,

kalla vönd vanir."                                      the Vanir call it wand."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

29.                                                             29.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             " Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings of beings,

vörumk, dvergr,at vitir,                             I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hvé sú nótt heitir,                                      what is the night called,

in Nörvi kennda,                                       known to Nǫrr,(19)

heimi hverjum í?"                                      in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

30.                                                             30.

"Nótt heitir með mönnum,                        It is called night among humans,

en njól með goðum,                                   but gloom(20) among the gods,

kalla grímu ginnregin,                               the great regin call it cowl,

óljós jötnar,                                               jǫtnar darkness,

alfar svefngaman,                                      alfar sleep-joy,

kalla dvergar draumnjörun."                     dwarves call it dream-Njǫrun.(21) "


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

31.                                                             31.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             "Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings of beings,

vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:                          I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hvé þat sáð heitir,                                      what is the seed called,

er sá alda synir,                                         that the sons of men sow,

heimi hverjum í?"                                      in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

32.                                                             32.

"Bygg heitir með mönnum,                       "It is called barley among humans,

en barr með goðum,                                  but "barr"(22) among the gods,

kalla vöxt vanir,                                        Vanir call it growth,

æti jötnar,                                                  jǫtnar eating,(23)

alfar lagastaf,                                            alfar lees-staff,

kalla í helju hnipin."                                  in Hel they call it drooping."


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

33.                                                             33.

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,                             "Tell me this, Alvíss,

- öll of rök fira                                           - all the doings of beings,

vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:                          I reckon, dwarf, you know -:

hvé þat öl heitir,                                        what is the ale called,

er drekka alda synir,                                  that the sons of men drink,

heimi hverjum í?"                                      in every world?"


Alvíss kvað:                                                          Alvíss said:

34.                                                             34.

"Öl heitir með mönnum,                            "It is called ale among humans,

en með ásum bjórr,                                    but beer among the Æsir,

kalla veig vanir,                                         Vanir call it a draught,

hreinalög jötnar,                                        jǫtnar clean lees,

en í helju mjöð,                                          but in Hel [it is called] mead,

kalla sumbl Suttungs synir."                      the sons of Suttungr(24) call it

                                                                  "sumbl.(25) "


Þórr kvað:                                                              Thor said:

35.                                                             35.

"Í einu brjósti                                            "In one breast

ek sák aldrigi                                             I never saw

fleiri forna stafi;                                        more ancient words(26);

miklum tálum                                            with great tricks

kveð ek tældan þik:                                   I declare you tricked;

Uppi ertu, dvergr, of dagaðr,                    dwarf, you have been dawned upon,(27)

nú skínn sól í sali."                                    the sun now shines into the hall."






1.  A kind of giant; the distinction between a thurs and a jǫtunn is not very clear, although modern Icelanders characterise the thurs as stupid, the jötunn as strong and the risi as big: "Hár sem risi, sterkr sem jötunn, heimskr sem þurs".

2.  i.e., Thor

3.  Rekkr is mostly used in poetry as another word for a warrior, a hero, a man, but appears to have been technically a word for a freeman, two steps below a noble in social class.

4.  The meaning of this epithet is uncertain. It could be built from "far" and a word for a spear, arrow, or other hurled weapon; Cleasby-Vigfússon read it as "bullock-snout". From the context it indicates someone feckless or a drifter.

5.  Who gave you your apparent wealth; who bribed you.  The line has also been read as "who bore you for rings" (was paid to be your mother), sometimes amended to translate as "What bitch bore you".

6.  An epithet of Thor of uncertain meaning.

7.  A name of Óðinn.

8.  With the generally accepted emendation adding the -at- (never); the manuscript reading indicates skaltu, "you shall".

9.  Rǫk can refer to beginnings, to judgements and hence endings (as in Ragnarǫk), and to history.

10.  or mud. In "Vǫluspá" 19, Yggdrasill is sprinkled with white aurr.

11.  Erakendi is a puzzle; the line appears to have been miscopied. Since verse 29, on night, has in Nǫrvi kennda, "(the) known to Nǫrr", referring to the father of Nótt, one suggestion is that the misread text was enn Hata kenndi, "(the) known to Hati", the wolf who pursues the moon-chariot, and another is enn Ymir kenndi, "(the) known to Ymir", from whose brain-pan the sky was formed. Enn Há kenndi, "(the) known to Hár", involves an unlikely dative form. In his edition of the Codex Regius Sophus Bugge suggested enn hrótkendi, "(the) roof-known", since heims hrót, "roof of the world", is a kenning for the sky. In an article in Arkiv he instead suggested enn Hrǫnn kenndi, "(the) known to Hrǫnn", referring to one of the daughters of Ægir, the waves, on an analogy with late Greek mythology in which the sea-goddess is the mother of the sky. In the Lexicon Poeticum Finnur Jónsson points out that kendr is rarely used with personal names, so a compound word is more likely: Guðmundur Magnússon suggested enn hákendi, "the high-known"; another such possibility is hríðkendr, "storm-filled".

12.  Hlýrnir is a common poetic word for the sky/the heavens. It is related to hlýrn, of uncertain meaning, which may refer to the sun and moon as heavenly bodies or to their time-telling function. There is also a word hlý, "warmth, as of a bed."

13.  Mylinn, or mulinn, always refers to the moon, except that Snorri says the word can be used for the sun. "Luminary" is the usual guess at the meaning.

14.  Marr and sær are both common words for "sea".

15.  Vagr is written in this verse without the accent, as vágr in verse 24, where it was applied to the sea, but is almost certainly the same word. Lagastaf is also used as the alfar's term for two different things.

16.  Guðbrandur Vigfússon and Frederick York Powell in Corpus Poeticum Boreale have made an error here and substituted hviðuðr,  which is the word in verse 20, referring to the wind.

17.  or: wood.

18.  Halir is a poetic word for "men", often translated as "heroes". It is sometimes interpreted here as meaning "people of Hel", since like the other verse this one has already ascribed a word to humans, and unlike many others, it does not have a last line about Hel. The word is used in association with Hel in "Vafþrúðnismál" Verse 43, but that refers to halir dying into Hel.

19.  an odd way of saying that Nǫrr (whose name also appears as Narfi and Nǫrfi) was Nótt's father.

20.  Njól or njóla appears to only occur in this line and Snorri's citation of it.

21.  Njǫrun is a little-known goddess, so this is evidently a kenning: dream-goddess or dream-woman.

22.  Barr also means "barley".

23.  i.e, food; æti can also mean "oats."

24.  presumably the jǫtnar.

25.  Sumbl usually refers to a feast in Old Norse.

26.  literally staves, letters.

27.  The implication of the phrasing is that exposure to the sun has turned Alvíss to stone.