Svipdagsmál: Fjölsvinnsmál


1.                                                               1.

Útan garða                                                Outside the walls

hann sá upp of koma                                 he saw rear up

þursa þjóðar sjöt:                                       the home of the people of thurses;

"Hvat er þat flagða,                                   "What monster is that,

er stendr fyr forgörðum                            who stands before the forecourts

ok hvarflar um hættan loga?                     and wanders around the hot fire?"(21)


2.                                                               2.

Hvers þú leitar,                                          "What do you seek,

eða hvers þú á leitum ert,                          or who are you in search of,

eða hvat viltu, vinlaus, vita?                     or what do you want to know, friendless


Úrgar brautir                                             Pursue wet ways

árnaðu aftr heðan;                                     back away from here;

átt-at-tu hér, verndar vanr, veru."             you have no shelter here, defenceless



Kómumaðr kvað:                                                  The arriving man said:

3 .                                                              3.

"Hvat er þat flagða,                                   "What monster is that,

er stendr fyr forgarði                                 who stands before the forecourt

ok býðr-at líðöndum löð?                          and does not bid welcome to travellers?

Sæmðarorðalauss                                      Without honourable words

hefir þú, seggr, of lifat,                             you have lived through your life, man,

ok haltu heim heðan!"                               and hie from here home!"


Borgarvörðr kvað:                                                 The castle watchman said:

4 .                                                              4.

"Fjölsviðr ek heiti,                                     "I am called Fjǫlsviðr(22),

en ek á fróðan sefa,                                   and I have a wise mind,

þeygi em ek míns mildr matar;                  although I am not free with my food;

innan garða                                                inside the walls

þú kemr hér aldregi,                                  here you will never come,

ok dríf þú nú, vargr, at vegi!"                   and now begone, vargr!(23)

Kómumaðr kvað:                                                  The arriving man said:

5 .                                                              5.  

"Augna gamans                                         "The delight of one's eyes

fýsir aftr at fá,                                           to have again he wishes,

hvars hann getr svást at sjá;                      who gets to see his dearest;

garðar glóa                                                the courts glow,

mér þykkja of gullna sali;                          it seems to me, of the golden halls;

hér mynda ek eðli una."                            I would like to dwell here at home."


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:       

6.                                                               6.

"Segðu mér, hverjum                                 "Tell me, to whom,

ertu, sveinn, of borinn,                              youth, were you born,

eða hverra ertu manna mögr?"                  or of what people are you child?"


Kómumaðr kvað:                                                  The arriving man said:

"Vindkaldr ek heiti,                                  "I am called Vindkaldr,

Várkaldr hét minn faðir,                           my father is called Várkaldr,

þess var Fjölkaldr faðir.                            his father was Fjǫlkaldr.(24)


7.                                                               7.

Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                          Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek fregna mun                                       what I will ask

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

Hverr hér ræðr                                           Who rules here

ok ríki hefir                                               and holds power over

eign ok auðsölum?"                                   the land and halls of gold?"


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

8.                                                               8.

"Menglöð of heitir,                                    "Menglǫð she is called,

en hana móðir of gat                                 and her mother bore her

við Svafrþorins syni;                                 to Svafrþorin's son;

hon hér ræðr                                              she rules here

ok ríki hefir                                               and holds power over

eign ok auðsölum."                                    the land and halls of gold."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

9.                                                               9.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

Hvat sú grind heitir,                                  what is the name of that gate,

er með goðum sá-at                                   that among the gods was never seen

menn it meira forað?"                                by men a greater hazard?"


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

10.                                                             10.

"Þrymgjöll hon heitir,                                "Þrymgjǫll it is called,

en hana þrír gerðu                                     and there made it three

Sólblinda synir;                                         sons of Sólblindi;

fjöturr fastr                                                a firm chain

verðr við faranda hvern                             is against every traveller

er hana hefr frá hliði."                               who [tries to] lift it from the



Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

11.                                                             11.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

Hvat sá garðr heitir,                                  what is the name of that wall,

er með goðum sá-at                                   that among the gods was never seen

menn it meira forað?"                                by men a greater hazard?"


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

12.                                                             12.

"Gastrópnir heitir,                                     "Gastrópnir it is called,

en ek hann görfan hefk                             and I have built it

ór Leirbrimis limum;                                  from Leirbrimi's limbs;

svá hefik studdan,                                     I have set it up so

at hann standa mun,                                  that it will stand

æ meðan öld lifir."                                    ever, as long as life endures."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

13.                                                             13.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

Hvat þeir garmar heita,                             what is the name of those tattered


er gífrari hefik                                           [than] which I have not

enga fyrr í löndum lítit?"                           before beheld any greedier in the



Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

14.                                                             14.

"Gífr heitir annarr,                                     "One is called Gífr,

en Geri annarr,                                          and another Geri,(27)

ef þú vilt þat vita;                                      if you want to know that;

varðir ellifu,                                               eleven warders,(28)

er þeir varða,                                             who guard there,

unz rjúfask regin."                                     until the regin are smashed."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

15.                                                             15.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         " Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita,                                          and I want to know,

hvárt sé manna nökkut,                             whether there be any man

þat er megi inn koma,                                such as can come in

meðan sókndjarfir sofa."                           while the attack [dog]s are sleeping."


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

16.                                                             16.

"Missvefni mikit                                        "Great mis-sleeping(29)

var þeim mjök of lagit,                              was much imposed on them,

síðan þeim var varzla vituð;                      since watching was assigned to them;

annarr of nætr sefr,                                   one sleeps by night,

en annarr of daga,                                     and one by day,

ok kemsk þá vætr, ef þá kom."                 and no one gets through, if he comes



Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

17.                                                             17.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita,                                          and I want to know,

hvárt sé matar nökkut,                              whether there be any food

þat er menn hafi,                                       that humans might have,

ok hlaupi inn, meðan þeir eta."                  and leap in while they are eating."


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

18.                                                             18.

"Vegnbráðir tvær                                      "Two wing-meats

liggja í Viðópnis liðum,                             lie in Viðópnir's(30) sides,

ef þú vilt þat vita,                                      if you want to know that,

þat eitt er svá matar,                                  that alone is such food

at þeim menn of gefi,                                that humans might give them,

ok hlaupi inn, meðan þeir eta."                  and leap in while they are eating."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

19.                                                             19.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

Hvat þat barr heitir,                                   what is the name of that needle[-


er breiðask um                                           that spreads over

lönd öll limar?"                                          every land its limbs?"


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

20.                                                             20.

"Mímameiðr hann heitir,                           "Mímameiðr it is called,

en þat manngi veit,                                    and no one knows

af hverjum rótum renn;                             from what roots it rises;               

við þat hann fellr,                                      it [will be] felled with

er fæstan varir,                                          what one least expects,

flær-at hann eld né járn."                          [since] fire nor iron harms it."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

21.                                                             21.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

Hvat af móði verðr                                    what becomes of the fruit(32)

þess ins mæra viðar,                                  of this great tree,

er hann flær-rat eld né járn?"                    which neither fire nor iron harms it?"


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

22.                                                             22.

"Út af hans aldni                                       "Out of its fruit [some]

skal á eld bera                                           should be put on a fire

fyr kelisjúkar konur;                                  for sick(33) women;

útar hverfa                                                 out [will] come     

þats þær innar skyli,                                  what was hidden there inside,(34)

sá er hann með mönnum mjötuðr."           thus it is fater(35) among mankind."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

23.                                                             23.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

Hvat sá hani heitir,                                    what is the name of the rooster

er sitr í inum háva viði,                              who sits in the tall tree,

allr hann við gull glóir?"                            he glows all with gold?"


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

24.                                                             24.

"Víðópnir hann heitir,                               "Víðópnir(36) he is called,

en hann stendr veðrglasir                          and he stands storm-bright

á meiðs kvistum Míma;                             in the branches of Mímir's tree;

einum ekka                                                in one dread,        

þryngr hann örófsaman                             immense, he holds

Surtr Sinmöru."                                         Surtr [and] Sinmora."(37)


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

25.                                                             25.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

hvárt sé vápna nökkut,                              whether there be any weapon

þat er knegi Viðópnir fyrir                        that could do for Viðópnir

hníga á Heljar sjöt?"                                  to go down to Hel's abode?"


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

26.                                                             26.

"Lævateinn heitir hann,                             "Lævateinn it is called,

en hann gerði Loftr rúnum                        and Loptr made it with runes(38)

fyr nágrindr neðan;                                   down under the gates of the dead;

í segjárnskeri                                             in a sea-loving container(39)

liggr hann hjá Sinmöru,                             it lies at Sinmora's,

ok halda njarðlásar níu."                            and nine tight latches hold it."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

27.                                                             27.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

hvárt aftr kemr,                                         whether he comes back,

sá er eftir ferr                                            who goes after

ok vill þann tein taka."                              and wishes to take that twig."


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

28.                                                             28.

"Aftr mun koma,                                       "Back he will come

sá er eftir ferr                                            who goes after

ok vill þann tein taka,                                and wishes to take that twig,

ef þat færir,                                               if he brings

er fáir eigu,                                                what few own,

Eiri örglasis."                                             [to] the gold-bright Eir."(40)


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

29.                                                             29.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

hvárt sé mæta nökkut,                               whether there be any treasure

þat er menn hafi                                        that humans might have

ok verðr því in fölva gýgr fegin."              and thus make the pale ogress glad."


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

30.                                                             30.

Ljósan léa                                                  The bright scythe

skaltu í lúðr bera,                                       you must carry into a case,

þann er liggr í Viðópnis völum,                 the one that lies in Víðópnir's


Sinmöru at selja,                                        to give to Sinmora

áðr hon söm telisk                                     before she declares herself willing

vápn til vígs at ljá."                                   to loan the weapon for battle."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

31.                                                             31.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

Hvat sá salr heitir,                                     What is the name of the hall

er slunginn er                                             that is surrounded

vísum vafrloga?"                                       by the wise wavering fire?"


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

32.                                                             32.

"Hyrr hann heitir,                                      "Hyrr(42) it is called,

en hann lengi mun                                     and it will for a long time

á brodds oddi bifask;                                shake on the point of a shaft;

auðranns þess                                            of this noble dwelling

munu um aldr hafa                                    for ever mankind will have

frétt eina fírar."                                         only news."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

33.                                                             33.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

Hverr þat gerði,                                         Who of sons of the gods made that

er ek fyr garð sák                                      which I before the garth saw

innan, ásmaga?"                                        inside?"(43)


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

34.                                                             34.

"Uni ok Íri,                                                "Uni and Íri,


Óri ok Bári,                                               Óri and Bári,

Varr ok Vegdrasill;                                   Varr and Vegdrasill;

Dóri ok Úri,                                               Dóri and Úri,

Dellingr, Atvarðr,                                      Dellingr, Atvarðr,

Líðskjalfr, Loki."                                       Líðskjalfr, Loki."(44)


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:


"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

Hvat þat bjarg heitir,                                 what is the name of that crag

er ek sé brúði á                                          on which I see a woman,

þjóðmæra þruma?"                                    glorious, dwelling?"


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

36.                                                             36.

"Lyfjaberg þat heitir,                                 "Lyfjaberg(45) it is called,

en þat hefir lengi verit                               and it has long been

sjúkum ok sárum gaman;                           joy for the sick and sore;

heil verðr hver,                                          every woman becomes healthy,

þótt hafi árs sótt,                                       though she may have a sickness of


ef þat klífr, kona."                                     if she climbs it."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:


"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

Hvat þær meyjar heita,                              what are the names of those maidens

er fyr Menglaðar knjám                             who at Menglǫð's knees

sitja sáttar saman?"                                    sit at peace together?"


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

38.                                                             38.

"Hlíf heitir,                                                "[One] is called Hlíf,

önnur Hlífþrasa,                                        the second Hlífþrasa,

þriðja Þjóðvarta,                                        the third Þjóðvarta,

Björt ok Blíð,                                            Bjǫrt and Blíð(47),

Blíðr, Fríð,                                                 Blíðr, Fríð,

Eir ok Aurboða."                                       Eir and Aurboða."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

39.                                                             39.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I want to know:

Hvárt þær bjarga,                                      whether they shield

þeim er blóta þær,                                     those who blót them

ef gerask þarfar þess?"                              if they happen to have need of it?"


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said

40.                                                             40.

"Bjarga svinnar,                                         "Wise, they shield(48)

hvar er menn blóta þær                             where people blót them    

á stallhelgum stað;                                     at the stall-holy(49) place;

eigi svá hátt forað                                     so high a danger [can] not

kemr at hölða sonum,                                face sons of men,

hvern þær ór nauðum nema."                    [but that] they remove each from need."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

41.                                                             41.

"Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr,                         "Tell me, Fjǫlsviðr,

er ek þik fregna mun                                 what I will ask you

ok ek vilja vita,                                          and I want to know,

hvárt sé manna nökkut,                             whether there be any human

er knegi á Menglaðar                                 who may lie down in Menglǫð's

svásum armi sofa?"                                   dear arms to sleep?"


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

42.                                                             42.

"Vætr er þat manna,                                  "No human is there

er knegi á Menglaðar                                 who may lie down in Menglǫð's

svásum armi sofa,                                      dear arms to sleep,

nema Svipdagr einn,                                 except Svipdagr alone,

hánum var sú in sólbjarta                          to him was that sun-bright

brúðr at kván of kveðin."                          maiden promised as wife."


Vindkaldr kvað:                                                    Vindkaldr said:

43.                                                             43.

"Hrittu á hurðir,                                         "Push open the doors,

láttu hlið rúm,                                            make wide the gate,

hér máttu Svipdag sjá;                              here you can see Svipdagr;

en þó vita far,                                            but go and see

ef vilja myni                                              whether Menglǫð would want

Menglöð mitt gaman."                              my love."


Fjölsviðr kvað:                                                      Fjǫlsviðr said:

44.                                                             44.

"Heyr þú, Menglöð,                                  "Listen, Menglǫð,

hér er maðr kominn,                                  a man is come here,

gakk þú á gest sjá;                                     go and look at the guest;

hundar fagna,                                            the dogs are welcoming [him],

hús hefir upp lokizk,                                 the house has opened up,

hygg ek, at Svipdagr sé."                          I think it is Svipdagr."


Menglöð kvað:                                                      Menglǫð said:

45.                                                             45.

"Horskir hrafnar                                        "Wise(50) ravens

skulu þér á hám galga                                should on a high gallows

slíta sjónir ór,                                             tear out your eyes

ef þú þat lýgr,                                            if you are lying about this,

at hér sé langt kominn                               that from far away has come here

mögr til minna sala.                                   to my halls [my] mate(51).


46.                                                             46.

Hvaðan þú fórt,                                         From where did you come,

hvaðan þú för gerðir,                                 from where did you make your way,

hvé þik hétu hjú?                                       what did your home-people call you?

At ætt ok nafni                                         From [your] race and name

skal ek jartegn vita,                                   I must know the evidence

ef ek var þér kván of kveðin."                   [of] whether I was promised as wife to



Svipdagr kvað:                                                      Svipdagr said:

47.                                                             47.

"Svipdagr ek heiti,                                    "I am called Svipdagr,

Sólbjartr hét minn faðir,                            my father is called Sólbjartr,(52)

þaðan rákumk vindkalda vegu;                 from there I have wandered wind-cold


Urðar orði                                                  [against] Urð's word(53)

kveðr engi maðr,                                       no one [can] speak,

þótt þat sé við löst lagit."                          even when it be laid down for the



Menglöð kvað:                                                      Menglǫð said:

48.                                                             48.

"Vel þú nú kominn,                                   "Welcome now,

hefik minn vilja beðit,                               I have got my wish,

fylgja skal kveðju koss;                             a kiss shall follow the greeting;

forkunnar sýn                                            a longed-for(54) sight

mun flestan glaða,                                     will be the most joyous

hvars hefir við annan ást.                          when one brings love to the other.


49.                                                             49.

Lengi ek sat                                               For a long time I have sat

ljúfu bergi á,                                              on the gentle mountain,(55)

beið ek þín dægr ok daga;                         I prayed for you by day and for


nú þat varð,                                               now that has come to pass

er ek vætt hefi,                                          that I longed for,

at þú ert kominn, mögr, til minna sala.      and you have come(57), my mate, to my



50.                                                             50.

Þrár hafðar                                                Yearnings we had

er ek hefi til þíns gamans,                         - that I had for your love,

en þú til míns munar;                                 and you for my favour;

nú er þat satt,                                            now it is the fact

er vit slíta skulum                                      that we shall spend

ævi ok aldr saman."                                   together [our] lives and days."





21.  I'm assigning the next verse, with its challenge, to the giant guardian rather than to Svipdagr.

22.  Much-wise, Many-wise.

23.  A word for "wolf" that often denotes an outlaw.

24.  Wind-cold, Spring-cold, Much-cold.

25.  Doors were hinged at the top rather than the side and raised to open.

26.  Garmr is the name of the dog in Vǫluspá, but in the plural tends to mean "tatters" or "wretches", not "hounds"; the last two lines are Bugge's emendation from messy manuscript readings.

27.  Glutton, Ravener; the latter is the name of one of Óðin's wolves.

28.  Ellifu is probably an error (although there are 11 names plus Loki in Verse 34): Svend Grundtvig suggested ǫflgir, "powerful", Bugge a form of eilífr, "ever-living"—a similar emendation to that is made in Skírnismál. Varðir is also problematic; like varða, varði elsewhere means a cairn or beacon, not a watchman. Bugge suggested reading verðir, plural of vǫrðr, which would mean "watchman"; this is plainly the intended meaning.

29.  i.e, fitful sleep

30.  In the manuscripts, Viðofnir. Concerning him, see Verse 24.

31.  Barr means a needle of a conifer; here used for the whole tree.

32.  The use of móðr here is unique; "fruit" (Guðbrandur Vigfússon's suggestion) is the dominant guess at the intended meaning, based on the following verse. A variant manuscript reading is mǫði.

33.  The kind of sickness the women have, keli- or kéli-, sometimes emended to killi-, has not been explained: suggestions include labour pains (based on the following lines) and hysteria (based on not very compelling claimed cognates).

34.  Variously emended lines

35.  Mjǫtuðr also occurs in Vǫluspá 46, and mjǫtviðr in Vǫluspá 2; the base meaning is "measure" and it is undoubtedly connected with an Anglo-Saxon word used for the Christian god. In this poem it is often taken as "creator".

36.  Tree-weeper, Wood-weeper; but it has also been read as Víðopnir/Víðofnir and since Ofnir is a serpent name, taken as Wood-serpent, Tree-serpent. The whole name is listed as a rooster name in the þulur of the Prose Edda.

37.  In these last lines, the image in the Old Norse is of being restricted so that one is stuffed up with unshed tears. I give the usual reading, in which Surtr and (presumably his wife) Sinmora or Sinmara are held in fear by the threat the rooster will crow and announce Ragnarǫk, but the lines have also been read as the rooster's feeling constant dread about "Surtr's Sinmora"; some manuscripts have þrungur, þrunguz, þrúngnuz, Surtar.

38.  Lævateinn: Wounding wand, Treacherous or Baneful twig or sprig. The manuscripts have Hævateinn, amended for reasons of alliteration. Loptr is a name of Loki. Rúnum is the editor's emendation: the manuscripts have rúinn, and the line is usually translated "pulled it off", but the verb refers to plucking the wool from a sheep. The lines are sometimes related to the mistletoe with which Baldr was killed; on the other hand Lævateinn is sometimes taken as simply a kenning for "sword".

39.  The manuscript's seigjárnkeri has been taken as "a sea-loving chest" or "Sægjarn's chest" (with -s- added, as by this editor) or "an iron kettle" (Lee M. Hollander); ker means a "vessel" as in a drinking goblet or a tub. Hjalmar Falk further amended to Lægjarn, an epithet of Loki.

40.  The usual translation of this line, which is assumed to be a kenning for "woman", i.e., Sinmora. The possessive seems to indicate an elided til, hence I've added "[to]".

41.  The "scythe" seems to be a tail feather, but several words here are unclear: lúðr can be a grain-bin or a trumpet; "case" is Bray's word in a note, while Henry Adams Bellows has "wallet".

42.  Hýrr means embers, but the name is often amended to Lyrr for alliteration.

43.  I've moved ásmaga 2 lines up in my translation for clarity. It is problematic because the names that follow are not Æsir-kin. The -k on sák also seems redundant with ek. Some manuscripts have sok - sought??

44.  Some of these are dwarf names that occur in Vǫluspá and Vafþrúðnismál. Some do not work with the alliterative scheme. For the puzzling Loki, Lóni has been suggested. Líðskjalfr appears in some manuscripts as liþsci alfr, lijþski alfur, leþski alfr, those scribes having taken it to be an elf-name.

45.  Healing Mountain; this is Bugge's emendation to match Verse 49; the manuscripts have Hyfja, Hlyfja.

46.  defective alliteration

47.  Presumably either this name or the following Blíðr is an error; Blikvr or Bleiðr are suggestions.

48.  The line has been amended by Bugge from the single word Sumur in the manuscripts: the manuscript reading would mean "Every summer that people blót them".

49.  stallr or stalli, (heathen) altar.

50.  Bugge noted that this is an unexpected use of horskr; he suggested the original word might have been hræskærir, "quarrelling over carrion".

51.  Here and in Verse 49, this could also be translated "young man".

52. Sólbjartr: Sunbright. Svipdagr's name is variously interpreted as Daybreak (the main meaning of svipr is a swoop or an instant) or Face like the Sun (a metaphorical meaning of the word, countenance or likeness).

53.  This may be a case of Urð's name being used simply to mean "fate".

54.  Since kunna means "know how to", forkunna is usually "eager to learn"; however, there are instances of forkunnar- as a prefix or adjective meaning just "exceedingly" or "excellent".

55.  This is the manuscript reading; often changed to Lyfjaberg to match the generally accepted emendation in Verse 36.

56.  i.e., all day, every day.

57.  The manuscripts have ert aptr kominn, "have come back".