
Freyr, sonr Njarðar, hafði einn dag setzt í Hliðskjálf, ok sá um heima alla. Hann sá í Jötunheima ok sá þar mey fagra, þá er hon gekk frá skála föður síns til skemmu. Þar af fekk hann hugsóttir miklar. Skírnir hét skósveinn Freys. Njörðr bað hann kveðja Frey máls. Þá mælti Skaði:

One day Freyr, son of Njǫrð, had sat down on Hliðskjálf, and looked over all the worlds. He could see into Jǫtunheim and there he saw a fair maid, as she was walking from her father's hall to her chamber. Seeing that, he was struck by a great sickness of heart. Skírnir was the name of Frey's shoe-swain. Njǫrðr told him to ask to speak to Frey. Then Skaði said:

1.                                                               1.

"Rístu nú, Skírnir,                                     "Rise up now, Skírnir,

ok gakk [skjótt] at beiða                           and go [quickly] to ask    

okkarn mála mög                                       to speak with our son

ok þess at fregna,                                      and to ask him,

hveim inn fróði sé                                     with whom the wise one is

ofreiði afi."                                                angered, the ancestor."(1)


Skírnir kvað:                                                          Skírnir said:

2.                                                               2.

"Illra orða                                                  "Harsh words

er mér ón at ykkrum syni,                         I can hope for from your son

ef ek geng at mæla við mög                      if I go to speak with the young man

ok þess at fregna,                                      and to ask him,

hveim inn fróði sé                                     with whom the wise one is

ofreiði afi."                                                angered, the ancestor."


3.                                                               3.

"Segðu mér þat, Freyr,                              "Tell me this, Freyr,

folkvaldi goða,                                          commander of the hosts of the gods,

ok ek vilja vita:                                          and I wish to know it:

Hví þú einn sitr                                         Why do you sit alone

endlanga sali,                                            in the hall the livelong

minn dróttinn, um daga?"                         day, my lord?"


Freyr kvað:                                                            Freyr said:

4.                                                               4.

"Hví um segjak þér,                                   "Why should I tell you,

seggr inn ungi,                                           young man,

mikinn móðtrega?                                     the great trouble of my spirit?

Því at álfröðull                                          For the elf-glory(2)

lýsir um alla daga                                      shines each and every day

ok þeygi at mínum munum."                     and yet not to my wishes."


Skírnir kvað:                                                          Skírnir said:

5.                                                               5.

"Muni þína                                                "Your wishes

hykk-a ek svá mikla vera,                          I think not to be so great

at þú mér, seggr, né segir,                         that to me you [can]not, man, tell them,

því at ungir saman                                     because young together

várum í árdaga,                                         we were in days of yore,

vel mættim tveir trúask."                           well might we two trust each other."


Freyr kvað:                                                            Freyr said:

6.                                                               6.

"Í Gymis görðum                                      "In Gymir's courts

ek ganga sá                                                I saw walking

mér tíða mey;                                            a maid dear to me;

armar lýstu,                                               her arms gleamed,

en af þaðan                                                and from there

allt loft ok lögr."                                        all the sky and the water."


7.                                                               7.

"Mær er mér tíðari                                     "The maiden is dearer to me

en manna hveim                                        than to any person

ungum í árdaga;                                        young in days of yore;

ása ok alfa                                                 of Æsir and Álfar

þat vill engi maðr                                      no person wishes

at vit samt séim."                                       that we be together."


Skírnir kvað:                                                          Skírnir said:

8.                                                               8.

"Mar gefðu mér þá                                    Give me then a steed

þann er mik um myrkvan beri                   that [will] bear me through the dark

vísan vafrloga,                                           wise wavering fire,

ok þat sverð,                                              and the sword

er sjalft vegisk                                           that itself fights

við jötna ætt."                                           against the race of jǫtuns."


Freyr kvað:                                                            Freyr said:

9.                                                               9.

"Mar ek þér þann gef,                               I will give you the steed

er þik um myrkvan berr                             that [will] bear you through the dark

vísan vafrloga,                                           wise wavering fire,

ok þat sverð,                                              and the sword

er sjalft mun vegask                                  that itself will fight

ef sá er horskr, er hefr."                             if he is knowing who wields it."


Skírnir mælti við hestinn:                                      Skírnir spoke to the horse:

10.                                                             10.

"Myrkt er úti,                                            "Dark is it outside,

mál kveð ek okkr fara                               time, I say, for us two to go

úrig fjöll yfir,                                             over dripping mountains,

þursa þjóð yfir;                                          over thurses' realm;

báðir vit komumk,                                     we both will get there,

eða okkr báða tekr                                     or he will take us both,

sá inn ámáttki jötunn."                              that fearful jǫtunn."


Skírnir reið í Jötunheima til Gymisgarða. Þar váru hundar ólmir ok bundnir fyrir skíðgarðs hliði, þess er um sal Gerðar var. Hann reið at þar, er féhirðir sat á haugi, og kvaddi hann:


Skírnir rode into Jǫtunheim, to Gymisgarth.(3) There there were fierce dogs, and [they were] tied before the gate in the fence that was around Gerð's hall. He rode up to where a hersdman sat on a barrow, and spoke to him:


11.                                                             11.

"Segðu þat, hirðir,                                     "Tell me, herder,

er þú á haugi sitr                                        you who sit on a gravemound

ok varðar alla vega:                                   and watch over all the roads:

Hvé ek at andspilli                                    How to a conversation

komumk ins unga mans                             do I come with the young woman(4)

fyr greyjum Gymis?"                                 for Gymir's curs?"


Hirðir kvað:                                                           The herdsman said:

12.                                                             12.

"Hvárt ertu feigr,                                       "Which is it, are you doomed to die

eða ertu framgenginn?                              or the walking dead?

-- -- --                                                         -- -- --

Andspillis vanr                                          Lacking an answer

þú skalt æ vera                                          you must forever be

góðrar meyjar Gymis."                              from the good daughter of Gymir."


Skírnir kvað:                                                          Skírnir said:

13.                                                             13.

"Kostir ro betri                                          The choices are better

heldr en at klökkva sé,                              than that one should be to whimper,

hveim er fúss er fara;                                 for the man who is eager to go;

einu dægri                                                 to one day

mér var aldr of skapaðr                             my time alive was created

ok(5) allt líf of lagit."                                and my whole life laid down."    


Gerðr kvað:                                                           Gerðr said:

14.                                                             14.

"Hvat er þat hlym hlymja,                         "What is that din of dins

er ek heyri nú til                                        that I hear now

ossum rönnum í?                                       in our residences?

Jörð bifask,                                                The earth is shaking,

en allir fyrir                                               and with it all

skjalfa garðar Gymis."                               Gymir's courts are shuddering."


Ambátt kvað:                                                        A maid said:

15.                                                             15.

"Maðr er hér úti,                                        "A man is here outside,

stiginn af mars baki,                                  dismounted from horseback,

jó lætr til jarðar taka."                               he is putting his steed to graze."

-- -- --                                                         -- -- --


Gerðr kvað:                                                           Gerðr said:

16.                                                             16.

"Inn bið þú hann ganga                             "Have him come in

í okkarn sal                                                into our hall

ok drekka inn mæra mjöð;                        and drink the glorious mead;

þó ek hitt óumk,                                        yet I fear

at hér úti sé                                                that here outside the door may be

minn bróðurbani.                                       my brother's slayer.


17.                                                             17.

Hvat er þat alfa                                         Which is this of the sons of Álfar

né ása sona                                                or Æsir

né víssa vana?                                           or wise Vanir?

Hví þú einn of komt                                  Why have you come alone

eikinn fúr yfir                                            over the fierce fire

ór salkynni at séa?"                                   to see those in our household?"


Skírnir kvað:                                                          Skírnir said:

18.                                                             18.

"Emk-at ek alfa                                         "I am not of the sons of Álfar

né ása sona                                                or Æsir

né víssa vana;                                            or wise Vanir;

þó ek einn of komk                                   yet I have come alone

eikinn fúr yfir                                            over the fierce fire

yður salkynni at séa."                                to see those in your household."


19.                                                             19.

"Epli ellifu                                                 "Eleven apples(6)

hér hef ek algullin,                                    I have here all of gold,

þau mun ek þér, Gerðr, gefa,                    these will I give to you, Gerðr,

frið at kaupa,                                             to buy peaceful relations with you,

at þú þér Frey kveðir                                 that you call Frey, for you,

óleiðastan lifa."                                         the least loathsome who lives."


Gerðr kvað:                                                           Gerðr said:

20.                                                             20.

"Epli ellifu                                                 "Eleven apples

ek þigg aldregi                                          will I never take

at mannskis munum,                                 by any man's will,

né vit Freyr,                                               nor [will] Freyr and I,

meðan okkart fjör lifir,                              while we continue to live,

byggjum bæði saman."                              dwell both together."


Skírnir kvað:                                                          Skírnir said:

21.                                                             21.

"Baug ek þér þá gef,                                 "I give you that ring

þann er brenndr var                                   that was burnt

með ungum Óðins syni;                            with Óðin's young son;

átta eru jafnhöfðir,                                    eight there are, equally heavy,

er af drjúpa                                                that drip from it

ina níundu hverja nótt."                            every ninth night."


Gerðr kvað:                                                           Gerðr said:

22.                                                             22.

"Baug ek þikk-a-k,                                    "The ring I [will] not take,

þótt brenndr séi                                         even though it was burnt

með ungum Óðins syni;                            with Óðin's young son;

er-a mér gulls vant                                     I have no lack of gold

í görðum Gymis,                                       in Gymir's courts,

at deila fé föður."                                      dealing my father's possessions."


Skírnir kvað:                                                          Skírnir said:

23.                                                             23.

"Sér þú þenna mæki, mær,                        "Do you see this sword, maiden,

mjóvan, málfáan,                                       slender [and] inlaid,(7)

er ek hef í hendi hér?                                that I hold here in my hand?

Höfuð höggva                                           I will from your neck

ek mun þér hálsi af,                                   hew off your head

nema þú mér sætt segir."                           unless you accept my proposition."


Gerðr kvað:                                                           Gerðr said:

24.                                                             24.

"Ánauð þola                                              "Suffer oppression

ek vil aldregi                                             I never shall

at mannskis munum;                                 by any man's will;

þó ek hins get,                                           yet I guess,

ef it Gymir finnizk,                                   if you and Gymir meet,

vígs ótrauðir,                                             undeterred from fighting,

at ykkr vega tíði."                                      that you both long to battle."(8)


Skírnir kvað:                                                          Skírnir said:

25.                                                             25.

"Sér þú þenna mæki, mær,                        "Do you see this sword, maiden,

mjóvan, málfáan,                                       slender [and] inlaid,

er ek hef í hendi hér?                                that I hold here in my hand?

Fyr þessum eggjum                                   by its edges

hnígr sá inn aldni jötunn,                          [will] fall the old jǫtunn,

verðr þinn feigr faðir.                                your father will be doomed.


26.                                                             26.

Tamsvendi ek þik drep,                             I touch you with a taming wand,

en ek þik temja mun,                                 and I will tame you,

mær, at mínum munum;                            maiden, to my will;

þar skaltu ganga,                                       there you must go

er þik gumna synir                                     where sons of men

síðan æva séi.                                            afterwards never [will] see you.


27.                                                             27.

Ara þúfu á                                                 On an eagles' mound

skaltu ár sitja                                             you must ever(9) sit,

horfa heimi ór,                                           gaze out of the worlds,

snugga heljar til;                                        hanker for Hel;

matr sé(10) þér meir leiðr                          may food be more loathsome to you       

en manna hveim                                        than to any person

innfráni ormr með firum.                           among humanity [is] the gleaming



28.                                                             28.

At undrsjónum þú verðir,                          A wondrous sight(12) may you become

er þú út kemr;                                            when you come out;

á þik Hrímnir hari,                                     may Hrímnir gawp(13) at you,     

á þik hotvetna stari;                                   may all and sundry stare at you;

víðkunnari þú verðir                                  may you become more widely known

en vörðr með goðum,                                than the watchman of the gods,

gapi þú grindum frá.                                 may you gape out through the gate.


29.                                                             29.

Tópi ok ópi,                                               Madness and howling,(14)

tjösull ok óþoli,                                         teasle(15) and lust,

vaxi þér tár með trega;                              may your tears grow with woe;

sezk þú niðr,                                              sit down

en ek mun segja þér                                   and I will tell you

sváran súsbreka                                         a heavy wave of suffering(16)

ok tvennan trega:                                      and two woes:


30.                                                             30.

Tramar gneypa                                          Trolls(17) shall weigh

þik skulu gerstan dag                                you down every day

jötna görðum í;                                          in courts of jǫtuns;

til hrímþursa hallar                                    to a hall of frost thurses(18)

þú skalt hverjan dag                                  you must every day

kranga kostalaus,                                       creep(19) with no choices,(20)

kranga kostavön;                                       creep lacking choices;

grát at gamni                                             weeping instead of pleasure         

skaltu í gögn hafa                                      you will have as your lot(21)

ok leiða með tárum trega.                          grieve [your] trouble with tears.


31.                                                             31.

Með þursi þríhöfðuðum                            With a three-headed thurs

þú skalt æ nara,                                         you must forever languish,(22)

eða verlaus vera;                                        or be husbandless;

þitt geð grípi,                                             may longing(23) grip you,

þik morn morni;                                         pining pine you away;(24)

ver þú sem þistill,                                      may you be like the thistle

sá er var þrunginn                                      that was squashed

í önn ofanverða.                                        late in the season.(25)


32.                                                             32.

Til holts ek gekk                                        To a wood I went

ok til hrás viðar,                                        and to a fresh tree,

gambantein at geta,                                   to get a twig of power,(26)

gambantein ek gat.                                    a twig of power I got.


33.                                                             33.

Reiðr er þér Óðinn,                                   Angry with you is Óðinn,

reiðr er þér Ásabragr,                                angry with you is the foremost of


þik skal Freyr fíask,                                   Freyr shall hate you,         

in firinilla mær,                                          the shockingly bad maiden,

en þú fengit hefr                                       for you have received

gambanreiði goða.                                     the mighty anger of the gods.


34.                                                             34.

Heyri jötnar,                                              May jǫtuns hear,

heyri hrímþursar,                                       may frost thurses hear,

synir Suttungs,                                          sons of Suttung,(28)

sjalfir ásliðar,                                             companies of the Æsir themselves,          

hvé ek fyrbýð,                                           how I forbid,

hvé ek fyrirbanna                                      how I ban

manna glaum mani,                                   joy in men(29) to the maid,

manna nyt mani.                                        enjoyment of men to the maid.


35.                                                             35.

Hrímgrímnir heitir þurs,                            Hrímgrímnir is the name of the thurs

er þik hafa skal                                          who shall have you

fyr nágrindr neðan;                                   down under the gates of the dead;

þar þér vílmegir                                         there may bondsmen to you

á viðarrótum                                              among tree-roots

geitahland gefi;                                         give goat urine;

æðri drykkju                                              a better drink

fá þú aldregi,                                             may you never receive,

mær, af þínum munum,                             maiden, by my will,

mær, at mínum munum.                            maiden, by my will.


36.                                                             36.

Þurs ríst ek þér                                          Þurisaz I carve for you

ok þría stafi,                                              and three staves,

ergi ok æði ok óþola;                                 ergi(30) and frenzy and insatiability;

svá ek þat af ríst,                                       so I [can] uncarve it,

sem ek þat á reist,                                      as I have carved it,

ef gerask þarfar þess."                               if needs for that come about."


Gerðr kvað:                                                           Gerðr said:

37.                                                             37.

"Heill ver þú nú heldr, sveinn,                  "Hail to you now rather, young man,

ok tak við hrímkálki                                  and take the foaming(31) goblet

fullum forns mjaðar;                                  full of aged mead;

þó hafða ek þat ætlat,                               yet I had thought(32)

at myndak aldregi                                     that I would never

unna vaningja vel."                                    love the son of the Vanir well."


Skírnir kvað:                                                          Skírnir said:

38.                                                             38.

"Örendi mín                                              "My message

vil ek öll vita,                                            I wish to know entirely

áðr ek ríða heim heðan,                             before I ride home from here:

nær þú á þingi                                           when you at a meeting

munt inum þroska                                     will join the manly

nenna Njarðar syni."                                  son of Njǫrð."


Gerðr kvað:                                                           Gerðr said:

39.                                                             39.

"Barri heitir,                                              Barri is the name

er vit bæði vitum,                                      of [a grove] we both know,

lundr lognfara;                                          a grove where the wind is stilled;(33)

en eft nætr níu                                           and after nine nights

þar mun Njarðar syni                                 there will to Njǫrð's son

Gerðr unna gamans."                                 Gerðr grant pleasure."(34)



Þá reið Skírnir heim. Freyr stóð úti ok kvaddi hann ok spurði tíðenda:


Then Skírnir rode home. Freyr was standing outside and spoke to him asking for news:

40.                                                             40.

"Segðu mér þat, Skírnir,                            "Tell me, Skírnir,

áðr þú verpir söðli af mar                          before you cast the saddle off the steed

ok þú stígir feti framar:                             and you take a step further:

Hvat þú árnaðir                                         what did you achieve

í Jötunheima                                              in Jǫtunheim

þíns eða míns munar?"                              of your or my will?"


Skírnir kvað:                                                          Skírnir said:

41.                                                             41.

"Barri heitir,                                              Barri is the name

er vit báðir vitum,                                      of [a grove] we both know,

lundr lognfara;                                          a grove where the wind is stilled;

en eft nætr níu                                           and after nine nights

þar mun Njarðar syni                                 there will to Njǫrð's son

Gerðr unna gamans."                                 Gerðr grant pleasure."


Freyr kvað:                                                            Freyr said:

42.                                                             42.

"Löng er nótt,                                            "Long is a night,

langar ro tvær,                                           longer are two,

hvé of þreyjak þrjár?                                 how do I endure for three?

Oft mér mánaðr                                         Often to me a month

minni þótti                                                 has seemed less

en sjá half hýnótt."                                    than this half bridal night."(35)





1. Afi means "grandfather"; Dronke makes the point that this verse contains deliberately archaic usage alluding  to Frey's divine role.

2. Álfrǫðull: kenning for the sun.

3. Or two words: til Gymis garða, to the courts of Gymir.

4. Man (neuter), meaning a slave or a woman(servant), not maðr (masculine), meaning a person, by default a man; the word often has negative connotations because it is often used of serving wenches and mistresses. This is also the "maid" in the last two lines of Verse 34.

5. Of  in Guðni Jónsson's text appears to be a misprint.

6. The Roman numeral xi in both manuscripts is now usually amended to ellilyfs - "apples of eternal life" - here and in verse 20.

7. Málfár means "with inlaid ornament" but has been taken as "with runes"; another word mál means "speech" and weapons were often inscribed with runes.

8. There's a change of metre here, suggesting to Dronke that the original last line has been replaced.

9. The basic meaning of ár is "early", but the rarer meaning "always" fits better here.

10. Corrected from Guðni Jónsson's  .

11. Reading as inn fráni ormr, as is usual.

12. Undrsjónir only occurs here in Old Norse; cognate words occur once in Anglo-Saxon - in Béowulf - and in a Middle High German gloss of Latin spectaculum. The connotations are different.

13. The verb hara is also a hapax legomenon (unique occurrence) in Old Norse; translated as usual based on Norwegian dialect.

14. Tópi and ópi are also not found elsewhere.

15. Tjǫsull is also a hapax legomenon. It is easiest to interpret it as the equivalent of A-S tǽsel - teasle, but there are similar A-S words having to do with plague and torment.

16. Interpreting the otherwise unknown sús as A-S súsl - torment; but Dronke amends to sút-, grief.

17. Tramar is also a hapax legomenon in Old Norse, but the word survives in Norwegian, Swedish and modern Icelandic for trolls or evil spirits; on the other hand Cleasby-Vigfússon suggested a misreading of gramar, "demons", which would give better alliteration, and Guðbrandur so amended it in Corpus Poeticum Boreale.

18. Another kind of giant; the distinction between a thurs and a jǫtunn is not very clear, although modern Icelanders characterise the thurs as stupid, the jötunn as strong and the risi as big: "Hár sem risi, sterkr sem jötunn, heimskr sem þurs".

19. Kranga is another hapax legomenon, related to words about weakness and narrow passages.

20. Kostir, plural of kostr, has a wide range of meanings, including daily necessities, luxuries, marriage ... but the basic meaning is "options".

21. í gǫgn ... at go together: instead of, as replacement for.

22. Nara is a rare word that in modern Icelandic is used of a guttering candle; it appears to connote living joylessly.

23. Geð has multiple meanings in the poetry including "mind" and "spirit".

24. Morna, "pine away", occurs several times elsewhere, but the noun morn is a hapax legomenon.

25. The thistle lines have been much discussed. Perhaps the thistle is crushed in threshing (at the end of harvest season) or grew late in the year and was thus trodden down; or Cleasby-Vigfússon thought it was squeezed into a tight space in storage.

26. Clearly referring to a magic wand; the force of the rare gamban- prefix is hard to determine, but Dronke's argument that all the occurrences have to do with power is persuasive; note its use in the next verse for the rage of the gods.

27. Generally taken to refer to Thor.

28. Emended from Suttunga in the manuscript, which is either plural or Suttungi, an alternate form of the name Suttungr.

29. Manna in this and the following line could also be interpreted as "humankind".

30. Ergi is a much debated word. Although the dominant interpretation, derived from post-conversion law codes, is "homosexuality", that fits less well here than "lust"; and the debate has made the word familiar enough to leave it untranslated.

31. or clear glass; literally "rimy, frosty".

32. I have removed the -k from hafðak that appears to have been added by Guðni Jónsson and creates a double negative, "not thought ... that I would never".

33. Lognfari is a compound in the genitive of logn - calm, wind-stillness - and fari - travelling, journeying, hence here presumably "arrival".

34. Gaman often has connotations of sexual fulfilment.

35. Hýnótt is also a hapax legomenon; Dronke explains the number problem by interpreting it as a reference to a custom of waiting three nights before consummating a marriage.