

Introductory Note:
It has been already pointed out (introductory note to Reginsmol) that the compiler of the Eddic
collection had clearly undertaken to formulate a coherent narrative of the entire Sigurth cycle, piecing together the
various poems by means of prose narrative links. To some extent these links were based on traditions existing outside
of the lays themselves, but in the main the material was gathered from the contents of the poems. The short prose passage
entitled Drap Niflunga, which in the Codex Regius immediately follows the Helreith Brynhildar, is just such a narrative
link, and scarcely deserves a special heading, but as nearly all editions separate it from the preceding and following
poems, I have followed their example.
With Sigurth and Brynhild both dead, the story turns to the slaying of the sons of Gjuki by Atli,
Guthrun's second husband, and to a few subsequent incidents, mostly late incorporations from other narrative cycles,
including the tragic death of Svanhild, daughter of Sigurth and Guthrun and wife of Jormunrek (Ermanarich), and the
exploits of Hamther, son of Guthrun and her third husband, Jonak. These stories are told, or outlined, in the two Atli
lays, the second and third Guthrun lays, the Oddrunargratr, the Guthrunarhvot, and the Hamthesmol. Had the compiler seen
fit to put the Atli lays immediately after the Helreith Brynhildar, he would have needed only a very brief transitional
note to make the course of the story clear, but as the second Guthrun lay, the next poem in the collection, is a lament
following the death of Guthrun's brothers, some sort of a narrative bridge was manifestly needed.
Drap Niflunga is based entirely on the poems which follow it in the collection, with no use of extraneous
material. The part of the story which it summarizes belongs to the semi-historical Burgundian tradition (cf. introductory
note to Gripisspo), in many respects parallel to the familiar narrative of the Nibelungenlied, and, except in minor details,
showing few essentially Northern additions. Sigurth is scarcely mentioned, and the outstanding episode is the slaying of
Gunnar and Hogni, following their journey to Atli's home.