Fjolsvith spake:
26. "Lævatein is there, | that Lopt with runes
Once made by the doors of death;
In Lægjarn's chest | by Sinmora lies it,
And nine locks fasten it firm."
Svipdag spake:
27. "Now answer me, Fjolsvith, | the question I ask,
For now the truth would I know:
May a man come thence, | who thither goes,
And tries the sword to take?"
Fjolsvith spake:
28. "Thence may he come | who thither goes,
And tries the sword to take,
If with him he carries | what few can win,
To give to the goddess of gold."
Svipdag spake:
29. "Now answer me, Fjolsvith, | the question I ask,
For now the truth would I know:
What treasure is there | that men may take
To rejoice the giantess pale?"
Fjolsvith spake:
30. "The sickle bright | in thy wallet bear,
Mid Vithofnir's feathers found;
To Sinmora give it, | and then shall she grant
That the weapon by thee be won."
[26. 2. Lævetein ("Wounding Wand"): the manuscripts differ as to the form of this name. The suggestion that the reference is to the
mistletoe with which Baldr was killed seems hardly reasonable. Lopt: Loki. Lægjarn ("Lover of Ill"): Loki; cf. Voluspo, 35, where the
term appears as an adjective applied to Loki. This is Falk's emendation for the manuscripts' "Sægjarn," meaning "Sea Lover." Sinmora: cf. stanza 34.
28. Goddess of gold: poetic circumlocution for "woman," here meaning Sinmora.
30. Sickle: i.e., tail feather. With this the circle of impossibilities is completed. To get past the dogs, they must be fed with the wing-joints of the
cock Vithofnir; the cock can be killed only with the sword in Sinmora's possession, and Sinmora will give up the sword only in return
for the tail feather of the cock.]
Fjölsviðr kvað:
26. "Lævateinn heitir hann, en hann gerði Loftr rúnum
fyr nágrindr neðan;
í segjárnskeri liggr hann hjá Sinmöru,
ok halda njarðlásar níu."
Vindkaldr kvað:
27. "Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr, er ek þik fregna mun
ok ek vilja vita:
hvárt aftr kemr, sá er eftir ferr
ok vill þann tein taka."
Fjölsviðr kvað:
28. "Aftr mun koma, sá er eftir ferr
ok vill þann tein taka, ef þat færir,
er fáir eigu, Eiri örglasis."
Vindkaldr kvað:
29. "Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr, er ek þik fregna mun
ok ek vilja vita:
hvárt sé mæta nökkut, þat er menn hafi
ok verðr því in fölva gýgr fegin."
Fjölsviðr kvað:
30. Ljósan léa skaltu í lúðr bera,
þann er liggr í Viðópnis völum,
Sinmöru at selja, áðr hon söm telisk
vápn til vígs at ljá."