Fjolsvith spake:
6. "Tell me now, fellow, | what father thou hast,
And the kindred of whom thou camst."
Svipdag spake:
"Vindkald am I, | and Varkald's son,
And Fjolkald his father was.
7. "Now answer me, Fjolsvith, | the question I ask,
For now the truth would I know:
Who is it that holds | and has for his own
The rule of the hall so rich?"
Fjolsvith spake:
8. "Mengloth is she, | her mother bore her
To the son of Svafrthorin;
She is it that holds | and has for her own
The rule of the hall so rich."
Svipdag spake:
9. "Now answer me, Fjolsvith, | the question I ask,
For now the truth would I know:
What call they the gate? | for among the gods
Ne'er saw man so grim a sight."
Fjolsvith spake:
10. "Thrymgjol they call it; | 'twas made by the three,
The sons of Solblindi;
And fast as a fetter | the farer it holds,
Whoever shall lift the latch."
[6. Vindkald ("Wind-Cold"), Varkald ("Cold of Early Spring') and Fjolkald ("Much Cold"): Svipdag apparently seeks to persuade Fjolsvith that he
belongs to the frost giants.
8. Svafrthorin: who he was, or what his name means, or who his son was, are all unknown.
10. Thrymgjol ("Loud-Clanging"): this gate, like the gate of the dead, shuts so fast as to trap those who attempt to use it (cf. Sigurtharkvitha
en skamma, 68 and note). it was made by the dwarfs, sons of Solblindi ("Sun-Blinded"), the traditional crafts men, who could not endure the light of day ]
Fjölsviðr kvað:
6. "Segðu mér, hverjum ertu, sveinn, of borinn,
eða hverra ertu manna mögr?"
Kómumaðr kvað:
"Vindkaldr ek heiti, Várkaldr hét minn faðir,
þess var Fjölkaldr faðir.
7. Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr, er ek fregna mun
ok ek vilja vita:
Hverr hér ræðr ok ríki hefir
eign ok auðsölum?"
Fjölsviðr kvað:
8. "Menglöð of heitir, en hana móðir of gat
við Svafrþorins syni;
hon hér ræðr ok ríki hefir
eign ok auðsölum"
Vindkaldr kvað:
9. "Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr, er ek þik fregna mun
ok ek vilja vita:
Hvat sú grind heitir, er með goðum sá-at
menn it meira forað?"
Fjölsviðr kvað:
10. "Þrymgjöll hon heitir, en hana þrír gerðu
Sólblinda synir;
fjöturr fastr verðr við faranda hvern
er hana hefr frá hliði."