6. Long I waited | and pondered well
Ere ever the king | for tidings I asked.
. . . . . . . . . .

7. His head bowed Gunnar, | but Hogni told
The news full sore | of Sigurth slain:
"Hewed to death | at our hands he lies,
Gotthorm's slayer, | given to wolves.

8. "On the southern road | thou shalt Sigurth see,
Where hear thou canst | the ravens cry;
The eagles cry | as food they crave,
And about thy husband | wolves are howling."

9. "Why dost thou, Hogni, | such a horror
Let me hear, | all joyless left?
Ravens yet | thy heart shall rend
In a land that never | thou hast known."

10. Few the words | of Hogni were,
Bitter his heart | from heavy sorrow:
"Greater, Guthrun, | thy grief shall be
If the ravens so | my heart shall rend."

[6. No gap indicated in the manuscript. Some editions combine these two lines with either stanza 5 or stanza 7.

7. Gotthorm: from this it appears that in both versions of the death of Sigurth the mortally wounded hero killed his murderer, the younger brother of Gunnar and Hogni. The story of how Gotthorm, was slain after killing Sigurth in his bed is told in Sigurtharkvitha en skamma, 22-23, and in the Volsungasaga.]


6. Lengi hvarfaðak, lengi hugir deildusk,
áðr ek of frægak folkvörð at gram.

7. Hnipnaði Gunnarr, sagði mér Högni
frá Sigurðar sárum dauða:
"Liggr of höggvinn fyr handan ver
Gothorms bani of gefinn ulfum.

8. Líttu þar Sigurð á suðrvega;
þá heyrir þú hrafna gjalla,
örnu gjalla æzli fegna,
varga þjóta of veri þínum."

9. "Hví þú mér, Högni, harma slíka
viljalaussi vill of segja?
Þitt skyli hjarta hrafnar slíta
við lönd yfir en þú vitir manna!"

10. Svaraði Högni sinni einu,
trauðr góðs hugar, af trega stórum:
"Þess áttu, Guðrún, græti at fleiri,
at hjarta mitt hrafnar slíti."


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