Helgi spake:
31. At evening there | in Unavagar
Floated the fleet | bedecked full fair;
But they who saw | from Svarin's hill,
Bitter at heart | the host beheld.
32. Then Gothmund asked, | goodly of birth,
. . . . . . . . . .
"Who is the monarch | who guides the host,
And to the land | the warriors leads?"
33. Sinfjotli answered, | and up on an oar
Raised a shield all red | with golden rim;
A sea-sentry was he, | skilled to speak,
And in words with princes | well to strive.
34. "Say tonight | when you feed the swine,
And send your bitches | to seek their swill,
That out of the East | have the Ylfings come,
Greedy for battle, | to Gnipalund."
35. "There will Hothbrodd | Helgi find,
In the midst of the fleet, | and flight he scorns;
Often has he | the eagles gorged,
Whilst thou at the quern | wert slave-girls kissing."
[31. Unavagar: "Friendly Waves." Svarin's hill: the hill where Granmar had his dwelling.
32. Here begins the long dialogue between Gothmund, one of Gramnar's sons, and Sinfjotli, Helgi's half-brother. Two lines (stanza 32, lines 3-4) are
quoted by the annotator in the prose note following stanza 16 of the second Helgi Hundingsbane lay, and the dialogue, in much abbreviated form,
together with Helgi's admonition to Sinfjotli to cease talking, is closely paralleled in stanzas 21-26 of that poem. It has been suggested that
this whole passage (stanzas 32-47) is an interpolation, perhaps from "the Old Volsung lay." This may be, but it seems more probable that the poet
used an older poem simply as the basis for this passage, borrowing a little but making up a great deal more. The manuscript indicates no gap in stanza 32.
33. Sinfjotli: cf. note on stanza 6. Red: raising a red shield was the signal for war.
34. Ylfings: cf. stanza 5 and note.
35. Quern: turning the hand mill was, throughout antiquity, the task of slaves.]


Helgi kvað:
31. Sat þar um aftan í Unavágum,
flaust fagrbúin fljóta knáttu;
en þeir sjalfir frá Svarinshaugi
með hermðar hug her könnuðu.
32. Frá góðborinn Goðmundr at því:
"Hverr er landreki, sá er liði stýrir
ok hann feiknalið færir at landi?"
33. Sinfjötli kvað - slöng upp við rá
rauðum skildi, rönd var ór gulli;
þar var sundvörðr, sá er svara kunni
ok við öðlinga orðum skipta --:
34. "Segðu þat í aftan, er svínum gefr
ok tíkr yðrar teygir at solli,
at sé Ylfingar austan komnir
gunnar gjarnir fyr Gnipalundi.
35. Þar mun Höðbroddr Helga finna
flugtrauðan gram í flota miðjum,
sá er oft hefir örnu sadda,
meðan þú á kvernum kystir þýjar."