Thor spake:
21. "Answer me, Alvis! | thou knowest all
Dwarf, of the doom of men:
What call they the calm, | that quiet lies,
In each and every world?"
Alvis spake:
22. " Calm men call it, | The Quiet the gods,
The Wanes The Hush of the Winds;
The Sultry the giants, | elves Day's Stillness,
The dwarfs The Shelter of Day.
Thor spake:
23. "Answer me, Alvis! | thou knowest all,
Dwarf, of the doom of men:
What call they the sea, | whereon men sail,
In each and every world?"
Alvis spake:
24. " Sea men call it, | gods The Smooth-Lying,
The Wave is it called by the Wanes;
Eel-Home the giants, | Drink-Stuff the elves,
For the dwarfs its name is The Deep.
Thor spake:
25. "Answer me, Alvis! | thou knowest all,
Dwarf, of the doom of men:
What call they the fire, | that flames for men,
In each of all the worlds?"
[22. Hush, etc.: the manuscript, by inserting an additional letter, makes the word practically identical with that translated "Kite" in stanza 18.
Most editors have agreed as to the emendation.
24. Drink-Stuff: Gering translates the word thus; I doubt it, but can suggest nothing better.]


Ţórr kvađ:
21. "Segđu mér ţat, Alvíss, - öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:
hvé ţat logn heitir, er liggja skal,
heimi hverjum í?"
Alvíss kvađ:
22. "Logn heitir međ mönnum, en lćgi međ gođum,
kalla vindlot vanir, ofhlý jötnar,
alfar dagsefa, kalla dvergar dags veru."
Ţórr kvađ:
23. "Segđu mér ţat, Alvíss, - öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:
hvé sá marr heitir, er menn róa,
heimi hverjum í?"
Alvíss kvađ:
24. "Sćr heitir međ mönnum, en sílćgja međ gođum,
kalla vág vanir, álheim jötnar,
alfar lagastaf, kalla dvergar djúpan mar."
Ţórr kvađ:
25. "Segđu mér ţat, Alvíss, - öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:
hvé sá eldr heitir, er brennr fyr alda sonum,
heimi hverjum í?"