Thor spake:
6. "Vingthor, the wanderer | wide, am I,
And I am Sithgrani's son;
Against my will | shalt thou get the maid,
And win the marriage word."
Alvis spake:
7. "Thy good-will now | shall I quickly get,
And win the marriage word;
I long to have, | and I would not lack,
This snow-white maid for mine."
Thor spake:
8. "The love of the maid | I may not keep thee
From winning, thou guest so wise,
If of every world | thou canst tell me all
That now I wish to know.
9. "Answer me, Alvis! | thou knowest all,
Dwarf, of the doom of men:
What call they the earth, | that lies before all,
In each and every world?"
Alvis spake:
10. "Earth to men, Field | to the gods it is,
The Ways is it called by the Wanes;
Ever Green by the giants, | The Grower' by elves,
The Moist by the holy ones high."
[6. Vingthor ("Thor the Hurler"): cf. Thrymskvitha, 1. Sithgrani ("Long-Beard"): Othin.
8. Every world: concerning the nine worlds, cf. Voluspo, 2 and note. Many editors follow this stanza
with one spoken by Alvis, found in late paper manuscripts, as follows:
"Ask then, Vingthor, since eager thou art | The lore of the dwarf to learn;
Oft have I fared in the nine worlds all, | And wide is my wisdom of each."
10. Men, etc.: nothing could more clearly indicate the author's mythological inaccuracy than his confusion of
the inhabitants of the nine worlds. Men (dwellers in Mithgarth) appear in each of Alvis's thirteen answers; so do
the gods (Asgarth) and the giants (Jotunheim). The elves (Alfheim) appear in eleven answers, the Wanes (Vanaheim)
in nine, and the dwarfs (who occupied no special world, unless one identifies them with the dark elves of
Svartalfaheim) in seven. The dwellers "in hell" appear in six stanzas; the phrase probably refers to the world of
the dead, though Mogk thinks it may mean the dwarfs. In stanzas where the gods are already listed appear names
else where applied only to them,--"holy ones," "sons of the gods" and "high ones,"--as if these names meant
beings of a separate race. "Men" appears twice in the same stanza, and so do the giants, if one assumes that
they are "the sons of Suttung." Altogether it is useless to pay much attention to the mythology of Alvis's replies.]


Ţórr kvađ:
6. "Vingţórr ek heiti, ek hef víđa ratat,
sonr em ek Síđgrana;
at ósátt minni skal-at-tu ţat it unga man hafa
ok ţat gjaforđ geta."
Alvíss kvađ:
7. "Sáttir ţínar er ek vil snemma hafa
ok ţat gjaforđ geta;
eiga vilja heldr en án vera
ţat it mjallhvíta man."
Ţórr kvađ:
8. "Meyjar ástum mun-a ţér verđa,
vísi gestr, of varit, ef ţú ór heimi kannt
hverjum at segja allt ţat, er ek vil vita."
9. "Segđu mér ţat, Alvíss, - öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir -:
hvé sú jörđ heitir, er liggr fyr alda sonum
heimi hverjum í?"
Alvíss kvađ:
10. "Jörđ heitir međ mönnum, en međ ásum fold,
kalla vega vanir, ígrćn jötnar,
alfar gróandi, kalla aur uppregin."