Gunnar spake:
21. "First the heart of Hogni | shall ye lay in my hands,
All bloody from the breast | of the bold one cut
With ke-en-biting sword, | from the son of the king."
22. . . . . . . . . . .
They cut out the heart | from the breast of Hjalli,
On a platter they bore it, | and brought it to Gunnar.
23. Then Gunnar spake forth, | the lord of the folk:
"Here have I the heart | of Hjalli the craven,
Unlike to the heart | of Hogni the valiant,
For it trembles still | as it stands on the platter;
Twice more did it tremble | in the breast of the man.
24. Then Hogni laughed | when they cut out the heart
Of the living helm-hammerer; | tears he had not.
. . . . . . . . . .
On a platter they bore it, | and brought it to Gunnar.
25. Then Gunnar spake forth, | the spear of the Niflungs:
"Here have I the heart | of Hogni the valiant,
Unlike to the heart | of Hjalli the craven,
Little it trembles | as it lies on the platter,
Still less did it tremble | when it lay in his breast.
[21. The manuscript does not indicate the speaker; perhaps a first line similar to line 1 of stanza 24 should appear here.
Some editors, however, assume that a line is missing after line 3. Gunnar demands proof that Hogni is dead because, as stanza
27 shows, he is unwilling to die himself until he is assured that the secret of the treasure will perish with him. He did not, of
course, intend that the heart should be cut from the living Hogni.
22. Most editions assume a gap (lines 1-2, 2-3 or 3-4). Hjalli: Atli's cook, killed to deceive Gunnar, as Atli hoped to wring the secret
of the hoard from Hogni if Gunnar remained silent. In the Atlamol (stanzas 59-60) Atli's men prepare to kill Hjalli, but he is spared at
Hogni's intercession.
24. Helm-hammerer (literally "helmet-smith"): warrior, i.e., Hogni. No gap indicated in the manuscript.
25. Line 1 may belong elsewhere (stanzas 17 or 21).]


Gunnarr kvađ:
21. "Hjarta skal mér Högna í hendi liggja
blóđugt, ór brjósti skorit baldriđa
saxi slíđrbeitu, syni ţjóđans."
22. Skáru ţeir hjarta Hjalla ór brjósti
blóđugt ok á bjóđ lögđu ok báru ţat fyr Gunnar.
23. Ţá kvađ ţat Gunnarr, gumna dróttinn:
"Hér hefi ek hjarta Hjalla ins blauđa,
ólíkt hjarta Högna ins frćkna,
er mjök bifask, er á bjóđi liggr,
bifđisk halfu meir, er í brjósti lá."
24. Hló ţá Högni, er til hjarta skáru
kvikvan kumblasmiđ, klökkva hann sízt hugđi;
blóđugt ţat á bjóđ lögđu ok báru fyr Gunnar.
25. Mćrr kvađ ţat Gunnarr geirniflungr:
"Hér hefi ek hjarta Högna ins frćkna,
ólíkt hjarta Hjalla ins blauđa,
er lítt bifask, er á bjóđi liggr,
bifđisk svági mjök, ţá er í brjósti lá.