6. His head turned Gunnar, | and to Hogni he said:
"What thy counsel, young hero, | when such things we hear?
No gold do I know | on Gnitaheith lying
So fair that other | its equal we have not.
7. "We have seven halls, | each of swords is full,
(And all of gold | is the hilt of each;)
My steed is the swiftest, | my sword is sharpest,
My bows adorn benches, | my byrnies are golden,
My helm is the brightest | that came from Kjar's hall,
(Mine own is better | than all the Huns' treasure.)"
Hogni spake:
8. "What seeks she to say, | that she sends us a ring,
Woven with a wolf's hair? | methinks it gives warning;
In the red ring a hair | of the heath-dweller found I,
Wolf-like shall our road be | if we ride on this journey."
9. Not eager were his comrades, | nor the men of his kin,
The wise nor the wary, | nor the warriors bold.
But Gunnar spake forth | as befitted a king,
Noble in the beer-hall, | and bitter his scorn:
10. "Stand forth now, Fjornir! | and hither on the floor
The beakers all golden | shalt thou bring to the warriors.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
[7. The stanza is clearly in bad shape; the manuscript indicates line 5 as beginning a new stanza. In line 5 the manuscript has "and
shield" after "helm." Kjar: Gering ingeniously identifies this Kjar with Kjar the father of Olrun, mentioned in the Völundarkvitha,
introductory prose and stanza 2, on the basis of a genealogy in the Flateyjarbok, in which Authi, the grand father of Kjar (by no means
certainly the same man) and Buthli, father of Atli, are mentioned as making a raiding voyage together. This identification, however,
rests on slight evidence.
8. The manuscript does not name the speaker. One editor gives the first sentence to Gunnar. She, etc.: Guthrun, seeking to warn her brothers of
Atli's treachery, sends them a ring with a wolf's hair as a sign of danger; in the Atlamol (stanza 4) she sends a message written in runes; cf.
Drap Niflunga. Heath-dweller: wolf.
9. In line 1 the manuscript has "His comrades did not urge Gunnar," but the name, involving a metrical error, seems to have been inserted through
a scribal blunder.
10. The manuscript indicates no lacuna, but probably two lines have dropped out, for the Volsungasaga paraphrase runs: "Give us to drink in great
cups, for it may well be that this shall be our last feast." Fjornir: Gunnar's cup-bearer.]


6. Höfði vatt þá Gunnarr ok Högna til sagði:
"Hvat ræðr þú okkr, seggr inn æri,
alls vit slíkt heyrum?
Gull vissa ek ekki á Gnitaheiði,
þat er vit ættim-a annat slíkt.
7. Sjau eigum vit salhús sverða full,
hverju eru þeira hjölt ór gulli;
minn veit ek mar beztan, en mæki hvassastan,
boga bekksæma, en brynjur ór gulli,
hjalm ok skjöld hvítastan kominn ór höll Kíars,
einn er minn betri en sé allra Húna."
Högni kvað:
8. "Hvat hyggr þú brúði bendu, þá er hon okkr baug sendi,
varinn váðum heiðingja? Hygg ek, at hon vörnuð byði.
Hár fann ek heiðingja riðit í hring rauðum,
ylfskr er vegr okkarr at ríða erendi."
9. Niðjar hvöttu Gunnar né náungr annarr,
rýnendr né ráðendr né þeir er ríkir váru;
kvaddi þá Gunnarr, sem konungr skyldi,
mærr í mjöðranni af móði stórum:
10. "Rístu nú, Fjörnir, láttu á flet vaða
greppa gullskálir með gumna höndum.