11. "Thou wouldst go hence, | Hogni, but heed my counsel,--
Known to few are the runes,-- | and put off thy faring;
I have read now the runes | that thy sister wrote,
And this time the bright one | did not bid thee to come.
12. "Full much do I wonder, | nor well can I see,
Why the woman wise | so wildly hath written;
But to me it seems | that the meaning beneath
Is that both shall be slain | if soon ye shall go.
But one rune she missed, | or else others have marred it."
Hogni spake:
13. "All women are fearful; | not so do I feel,
Ill I seek not to find | till I soon must avenge it;
The king now will give us | the glow-ruddy gold;
I never shall fear, | though of dangers I know."
Kostbera spake:
14. "In danger ye fare, | if forth ye go thither,
No welcoming friendly | this time shall ye find;
For I dreamed now, Hogni, | and nought will I hide,
Full evil thy faring, | if rightly I fear.
15. "Thy bed-covering saw I | in the flames burning,
And the fire burst high | through the walls of my home."
[11. Some editions make a separate stanza out of lines 1-2, or combine them with stanza 10, and combine lines 3-4 with stanza 12 (either lines 1-4 or 1-2). The
manuscript marks line 3 as beginning a new stanza.
12. Line 5 may be spurious, or else all that is left of a lost stanza. The manuscript marks it as the beginning of a new stanza, which, as the text stands,
is clearly impossible.
13. The manuscript, followed by some editions, has "Hogni spake" in the middle of line 1. Ill: the manuscript and many editions have "this." The king: Atli.
14. The manuscript does not indicate the speakers in this dialogue between Kostbera and Hogni (stanzas 14-19). Two line, may possibly have been lost after
line 2, filling out stanza 14 and [fp. 505] making stanza 15 (then consisting of lines 3-4 of stanza 14 and lines 1-2 of stanza 15) the account of Kostbera's
first dream. The manuscript marks line 3 as beginning a new stanza. In any case, the lost lines cannot materially have altered the meaning.
15. Saw I: the manuscript here, as also in stanzas 16, 18, 2r, 22, and 24, has "methought," which involves a metrical error. Some editors regard lines 3-4 as
the remains of a four-line stanza. Regarding Kostbera's warning dreams, and Hogni's matter-of-fact interpretations of them, cf. Guthrunarkvitha II, 39-44.
*Note*: the last 3 lines of Bellows original stanza 15 has been moved to stanza 16 to conform with the ON.]


11. "Heiman gerisk þú, Högni, hyggðu at ráðum,
fár er fullrýninn, far þú í sinn annat;
réð ek þér rúnar, er reist þín systir,
björt hefir þér eigi boðit í sinn þetta.
12. Eitt ek mest undrumk, mák-at ek enn hyggja,
hvat þá varð vitri, er skyldi villt rísta;
því at svá var á vísat, sem undir væri
bani ykkarr beggja, ef it bráðla kvæmið;
vant er stafs vífi, eða valda aðrir."
Högni kvað:
13. "Allar ro illúðgar, ákk-a ek þess kynni
vilk-a ek þess leita, nema launa eigim;
okkr mun gramr gulli reifa glóðrauðu;
óumk ek aldregi, þótt vér ógn fregnim."
Kostbera kvað:
14. "Stopalt munuð ganga, ef it stundið þangat;
ykkr mun ástkynni eigi í sinn þetta;
dreymdi mik, Högni, dyljumk þat eigi;
ganga mun ykkr andæris, eða ella hræðumk.
15. Blæju hugða ek þína brenna í eldi,
hryti hár logi hús mín í gögnum."