Guthrun spake:
91. "Ne'er her deed from thee hides | the daughter of Grimhild,
I own to the guilt | that is ending thy life,
And the son of Hogni; | 'tis so thy wounds bleed."
Atli spake:
92. "To murder hast thou fared, | though foul it must seem;
I'll thy friend to betray | who trusted thee well.
Not glad went I hence | thy hand to seek, Guthrun."
93. "In thy widowhood famed, | but haughty men found thee;
My belief did not lie, | as now we have learned;
I brought thee home hither, | and a host of men with us.
Most noble was all | when of old we journeyed."
94. "Great honor did we have | of heroes full worthy;
Of cattle had we plenty, | and greatly we prospered,
Mighty was our wealth, | and many received it."
95. "To the famed one as bride-gift | I gave jewels fair,
I gave thirty slaves, | and handmaidens seven;
There was honor in such gifts, | yet the silver was greater."
[91. The manuscript does not name the speakers. It marks line 4 as the beginning of a new stanza, and many editions follow this arrangement,
in most cases making a stanza of lines 4-5 and line 1 of stanza 93. However, line 1 may well have been interpolated here from stanza 80.
Grundtvig adds after line 3: "His father he avenged, and his kinsmen fully." Some editors assume the loss of one or two lines after line 5.
*Note*: Stanza conformed from Bellows original stanza 86 lines 1-3 to match ON.
92. *Note*: Stanza conformed from Bellows original stanza 86 lines 4-5 and stanza 87 line 1 to match ON.
93. The manuscript marks line 2 as beginning a new stanza, and some editions make a stanza out of lines 2-4 and line 1 of stanza 94.
*Note*: Stanza conformed from Bellows original stanza 87 lines 2-4 and stanza 88 line 1 to match ON.
94. The manuscript marks line 2 as the beginning of a stanza, and many editions make a stanza out of lines 2-4, or combine them with stanza 89.
Some question the genuineness of line 4. 95. Many editions assume a gap of one line after line 3; Grundtvig adds: "Bit-champing horses
and wheel-wagons bright." Line 4 may be spurious. Greater: i. e., the silver which Atli gave Guthrun was of greater value even than the honor of
receiving such royal gifts. Line 4 may be spurious. *Note*: Stanza conformed from Bellows original stanza 88 lines 2-4 to match ON.
95. Line 4 may be in Fornyrthislag, and from another poem.]


Guđrún kvađ:
91. "Dylja mun ţik eigi dóttir Grímhildar,
látumk ţví valda, er líđr ţína ćfi,
en sumu sonr Högna, er ţik sár mćđa."
Atli kvađ:
92. "Vađit hefir ţú at vígi, ţótt vćri-t skaplikt,
illt er vin véla, ţanns ţér vel trúir;
beiddr fór ek heiman at biđja ţín, Guđrún.
93. Leyfđ vartu ekkja, létu stórráđa,
varđ-a ván lygi, er vér of reyndum;
fórtu heim hingat, fylgđi oss herr manna,
allt var ítarligt um órar ferđir.
94. Margs var alls sómi manna tíginna,
naut váru ćrin, nutum af stórum,
ţar var fjölđ féar, fengu til margir.
95. Mund galt ek mćrri meiđma fjölđ ţiggja,
ţrćla ţría tigu, ţýjar sjau góđar,
sćmđ var at slíku, silfr var ţó meira.