Othin spake:
6. "Vegtam my name, | I am Valtam's son;
Speak thou of hell, | for of heaven I know:
For whom are the benches | bright with rings,
And the platforms gay | bedecked with gold?"
The Wise-Woman spake:
7. "Here for Baldr | the mead is brewed,
The shining drink, | and a shield lies o'er it;
But their hope is gone | from the mighty gods.
Unwilling I spake, | and now would be still."
Othin spake:
8. "Wise-woman, cease not! | I seek from thee
All to know | that I fain would ask:
Who shall the bane | of Baldr become,
And steal the life | from Othin's son?"
The Wise-Woman spake:
9. "Hoth thither bears | the far-famed branch,
He shall the bane | of Baldr become,
And steal the life | from Othin's son.
Unwilling I spake, | and now would be still."
Othin spake:
10. "Wise-woman, cease not! | I seek from thee
All to know | that I fain would ask:
Who shall vengeance win | for the evil work,
Or bring to the flames | the slayer of Baldr?"
[6. The manuscript has no superscriptions indicating the speakers. Vegtam ("The Wanderer"): Othin, as usual,
conceals his identity, calling himself the son of Valtam ("The Fighter"). In this instance he has unusual
need to do so, for as the wise-woman belongs apparently to the race of the giants, she would be unwilling to
answer a god's questions. Heaven: the word used includes all the upper worlds, in contrast to hell. Benches,
etc.: the adornment of the benches and raised platforms, or elevated parts of the house, was a regular part of
the preparation for a feast of welcome. The text of the two last lines is somewhat uncertain.
7. Grundtvig, followed by, Edzardi, thinks a line has been lost between lines 3 and 4.
9. Concerning the blind Hoth, who, at Loki's instigation, cast the fatal mistletoe at Baldr, cf. Voluspo, 32-33 and
notes. In the manuscript the last line is abbreviated, as also in stanza 11.
10. In the manuscript lines 1-2 are abbreviated, as also in stanza 12.]


Óðinn kvað:
6. "Vegtamr ek heiti, sonr em ek Valtams;
segðu mér ór helju, ek mun ór heimi:
Hveim eru bekkir baugum sánir,
flet fagrlig flóuð gulli?"
Völva kvað:
7. "Hér stendr Baldri of brugginn mjöðr,
skírar veigar, liggr skjöldr yfir,
en ásmegir í ofvæni;
nauðug sagðak, nú mun ek þegja."
Óðinn kvað:
8. "Þegj-at-tu, völva, þik vil ek fregna,
unz alkunna, vil ek enn vita:
Hverr mun Baldri at bana verða
ok Óðins son aldri ræna?"
Völva kvað:
9. "Höðr berr hávan hróðrbaðm þinig,
hann mun Baldri at bana verða
ok Óðins son aldri ræna;
nauðug sagðak, nú mun ek þegja."
Óðinn kvað:
10. "Þegj-at-tu, völva, þik vil ek fregna,
unz alkunna, vil ek enn vita:
Hverr mun heift Heði hefnt of vinna
eða Baldrs bana á bál vega?"