Fafnir spake:
11. "The fate of the Norns | before the headland
Thou findest, and doom of a fool;
In the water shalt drown | if thou row 'gainst the wind,
All danger is near to death."
Sigurth spake:
12. "Tell me then, Fafnir, | for wise thou art famed,
And much thou knowest now:
Who are the Norns | who are helpful in need,
And the babe from the mother bring?"
Fafnir spake:
13. "Of many births | the Norns must be,
Nor one in race they were;
Some to gods, others | to elves are kin,
And Dvalin's daughters some."
Sigurth spake:
14. "Tell me then, Fafnir, | for wise thou art famed,
And much thou knowest now:
How call they the isle | where all the gods
And Surt shall sword-sweat mingle?"
Fafnir spake:
15. "Oskopnir is it, | where all the gods
Shall seek the play of swords;
Bilrost breaks | when they cross the bridge,
And the steeds shall swim in the flood.
[11. Stanzas 11-15 are probably interpolated, and come from a poem similar to Vafthruthnismol. The headland: Fafnir is apparently quoting
proverbs; this one seems to mean that disaster ("the fate of the Norns") awaits when one rounds the first headland (i. e., at the beginning of life's
voyage, in youth). The third line is a commentary on obstinate rashness. The Volsungasaga paraphrases stanzas 11-15 throughout.
12. Norns: cf. stanza 13 and note. Sigurth has no possible interest in knowing what Norns are helpful in childbirth, but interpolations were seldom logical.
13. Snorri quotes this stanza. There were minor Norns, or fates, in addition to the three great Norns, regarding whom cf. Voluspo, 20. Dvalin: chief of
the dwarfs; cf. Voluspo, 14.
14. Surt: ruler of the fire world; the reference is to the last great battle. Sword-sweat: blood.
15. Oskopnir ("Not-Made"): apparently another name for Vigrith, which is named in Vafthruthnismol, 19, as the final battle-ground.
Bilrost (or Bifrost): the rainbow bridge which breaks beneath Surt's followers; cf. Grimnismol, 29 and note.]
Fáfnir kvað:
11. "Norna dóm þú munt fyr nesjum hafa
ok ósvinns apa;
í vatni þú drukknar, ef í vindi rær;
allt er feigs forað."
Sigurðr kvað:
12. "Segðu mér, Fáfnir, alls þik fróðan kveða
ok vel margt vita, hverjar ro þær nornir,
er nauðgönglar ro ok kjósa mæðr frá mögum."
Fáfnir kvað:
13. "Sundrbornar mjök segi ek nornir vera,
eigu-t þær ætt saman;
sumar eru áskunngar, sumar alfkunngar,
sumar dætr Dvalins."
Sigurðr kvað:
14. "Segðu mér þat, Fáfnir, alls þik fróðan kveða
ok vel margt vita, hvé sá holmr heitir,
er blanda hjörlegi Surtr ok æsir saman."
Fáfnir kvað:
15. "Óskópnir hann heitir, en þar öll skulu
geirum leika goð;
Bilröst brotnar, er þeir á brú fara,
ok svima í móðu marir."