21. My father's daughter has stoutly ground,
because the fate of many men she saw.
Huge fragments spring from the mill-stone
into the Orneflord. Let us grind on!
22. Let us grind on! Yrsa's son, Halfdan's kinsman,
will avenge Fr6di: he will of her be called son and brother:
we both know that."
23. The maidens ground, their might applied;
the damsels were in Jotun-mood, the axes trembled;
the stone fell from above, the ponderous rock was in shivers split.
24. But the mountain- giants' maiden said:
"Frodi! we have ground; together we cease.
the maidens have stood at the grinding long."
[21. This line as it stands in the original is, I believe, unintelligible; I therefore adopt Rask's conjectural emendation, i
Arnar fjörð, for 'iarna fiarðar', which is also followed by Petersen in his Danish version.]
21. Mól míns föður mær rammliga,
því at hon feigð fira fjölmargra sá;
stukku stórar steðr frá lúðri
járni varðar, mölum enn framar!
22. Mölum enn framar!
Mun Yrsu sonr, niðr Halfdanar,
hefna Fróða;
sá mun hennar heitinn verða
burr ok bróðir, vitum báðar þat."
23. Mólu meyjar, megins kostuðu,
váru ungar í jötunmóði;
skulfu skaptré, skauzk lúðr ofan,
hraut inn höfgi hallr sundr í tvau.
24. En bergrisa brúðr orð of kvað:
"Malit höfum, Fróði, sem munum hætta,
hafa fullstaðit fljóð at meldri."