1. Of King Gylfi and Gefjon
King Gylfi ruled the land that men now call Sweden. It is told of him that he gave to a wandering woman, in return for her merry-making, a
plow-land in his realm, as much as four oxen might turn up in a day and a night. But this woman was of the kin of the Æsir; she was named Gefjun. She took
from the north, out of Jötunheim, four oxen which were the sons of a certain giant and, herself, and set them before the plow. And the plow cut so wide and
so deep that it loosened up the land; and the oxen drew the land out into the sea and to the westward, and stopped in a certain sound. There Gefjun set the
land, and gave it a name, calling it Selund. And from that time on, the spot whence the land had been torn up is water: it is now called the Lögr in Sweden;
and bays lie in that lake even as the headlands in Selund. Thus says Bragi, the ancient skald:
Gefjun drew from Gylfi | gladly the wave-trove's free-hold,
Till from the running beasts | sweat reeked, to Denmark's increase;
The oxen bore, moreover, | eight eyes, gleaming brow-lights,
O'er the field's wide: booty, | and four heads in their plowing.
2. Gylfi came to Asgard
King Gylfi was a wise man and skilled in magic; he was much troubled that the Æsir-people were so cunning that all things went according to their will.
He pondered whether this might proceed from their own nature, or whether the divine powers which they worshipped might ordain such things. He set out
on his way to Ásgard, going secretly, and- clad himself in the likeness of an old man, with which he dissembled. But the Æsir were wiser in this matter,
having second sight; and they saw his journeying before ever he came, and prepared against him deceptions of the eye. When he came into the town, he saw
there a hall so high that he could not easily make out the top of it: its thatching was laid with golden shields after the fashion of a shingled roof.
So also says Thjódólfr of Hvin, that Valhall was thatched with shields:
On their backs they let beam, | sore battered with stones,
Odin's hall-shingles, | the shrewd sea-farers.
In the hall-doorway Gylfi saw a man juggling with handaxes, having seven in the air at one time. This man asked of him his name. He called himself Gangleri,
and said he had come by the paths of the serpent, and prayed for lodging for the night, asking: "Who owns the hall?" The other replied that it was their
king; "and I will attend thee to see him; then shalt thou thyself ask him concerning his; name;" and the man wheeled about before him into the hall, and he
went after, and straightway the door closed itself on his heels. There he saw a great room and much people, some with games, some drinking; and some had
weapons and were fighting. Then he looked about him, and thought unbelievable many things which he saw; and he said:
All the gateways | ere one goes out should one scan:
For 't is uncertain | where sit the unfriendly on the bench before thee.
He saw three high-seats, each above the other, and three men sat thereon,one on each. And he asked what might be the name of those lords. He who had
conducted him in answered that the one who, sat on the nethermost high-seat was a king, "and his name is Hárr;1 but the next is named
Jafnhárr;2 and he who is uppermost is called Thridi."3 Then Hárr asked the newcomer whether his errand were more than for the meat and drink which were always at his
command, as for every one there in the Hall of the High One. He answered that he first desired to learn whether there were any wise man there within. Hárr
said, that he should not escape whole from thence unless he were wiser.
And stand thou forth | who speirest;
Who answers, | he shall sit.
3. Concerning the Allfather, foremost of the gods
Gangleri began his questioning thus: "Who is foremost, or oldest, of all the gods?" Hárr answered:
"He is called in our speech Allfather, but in the
Elder Ásgard he had twelve names: one is Allfather; the second is Lord, or Lord of Hosts; the third is Nikarr, or Spear-Lord; the fourth is Nikudr, or
Striker; the fifth is Knower of Many Things; the sixth, Fulfiller of Wishes; the seventh, Far-Speaking One; the eighth, The Shaker, or He that Putteth the
Armies to Flight; the ninth, The Burner; the tenth, The Destroyer; the eleventh, The Protector; the twelfth, Gelding."
Then asked Gangleri: "Where is this god, or what power hath he, or what hath he wrought that is a glorious deed?" Hárr made answer: "He lives throughout all
ages and governs all his realm, and directs all things, great and small." Then said Jafnhárr:
"He fashioned heaven and earth and air, and all things which are in
them." Then spake Thridi: "The greatest of all is this: that he made man, and gave him the spirit, which shall live and never perish, though the
flesh-frame rot to mould, or burn to ashes; and all men shall live, such as are just in action, and be with himself in the place called Gimlé. But evil men go
to Hel and thence down to the Misty Hel; and that is down in the ninth world." Then said Gangleri: "What did he before heaven and earth were made?" And Hárr
answered: "He was then with the Rime-Giants."
4. Of Niflheim and Múspell
Gangleri said: "What was the beginning, or how began it, or what was before it?" Hárr answered: "As is told in Völuspá:
Erst was the age | when nothing was:
Nor sand nor sea, | nor chilling stream-waves;
Earth was not found, | nor Ether-Heaven,--
A Yawning Gap, | but grass was none."
Then said Jafnhárr: "It was many ages before the earth was shaped that the Mist-World was made; and midmost within it lies the well that is called
Hvergelmir, from which spring the rivers called Svöl, Gunnthrá, Fjörm, Fimbulthul, Slídr and Hríd, Sylgr and Ylgr, Víd, Leiptr; Gjöll is hard by
Hel-gates." And Thridi said: "Yet first was the world in the southern region, which was named Múspell; it is light and hot; that region is glowing and
burning, and impassable to such as are outlanders and have not their holdings there. He who sits there at the land's-end, to defend the land, is called
Surtr; he brandishes a flaming sword, and at the end of the world he shall go forth and harry, and overcome all the gods, and burn all the world with fire;
thus is said in Völuspá:
Surtr fares from the south | with switch-eating flame,--
On his sword shimmers | the sun of the War-Gods;
The rock-crags crash; | the fiends are reeling;
Heroes tread Hel-way; | Heaven is cloven."
5. The origin of Ymir and the frost giants
Gangleri asked: "How were things wrought, ere the races were and the tribes of men increased?" Then said Hárr: "The streams called Ice-waves, those which
were so long come from the fountain-heads that the yeasty venom upon them had hardened like the slag that runs out of the fire,--these then became ice; and
when the ice halted and ceased to run, then it froze over above. But the drizzling rain that rose from the venom congealed to rime, and the rime increased,
frost over frost, each over the other, even into Ginnungagap, the Yawning Void." Then spake Jafnhárr: "Ginnungagap, which faced toward the northern quarter,
became filled with heaviness, and masses of ice and rime, and from within, drizzling rain and gusts; but the southern part of the Yawning Void was lighted by
those sparks and glowing masses which flew out of Múspellheim." And Thridi said: "Just as cold arose out of Niflheim, and all terrible things, so also all
that looked toward Múspellheim became hot and glowing; but Ginnungagap was as mild as windless air, and when the breath of heat met the rime, so that it melted
and dripped, life was quickened from the yeast-drops, by the power of that which sent the heat, and became a man's form. And that man is named Ymir, but the
Rime-Giants call him Aurgelimir; and thence are come the races of the Rime-Giants, as it says in Völuspá the Less:
All the witches | spring from Witolf,
All the warlocks | are of Willharm,
And the spell-singers | spring from Swarthead;
All the ogres | of Ymir come.
But concerning this says Vafthrúdnir the giant:
Out of the Ice-waves | issued venom-drops,
Waxing until | a giant was;
Thence are our kindred | come all together,--
So it is | they are savage forever."
Then said Gangleri: "How did the races grow thence, or after what fashion was it brought to pass that more men came into being? Or do ye hold him God, of whom
ye but now spake?" And Jafnhárr answered: "By no means do we acknowledge him God; he was evil and all his kindred: we call them Rime-Giants. Now it is said
that when he slept, a sweat came upon him, and there grew under his left hand a man and a woman, and one of his feet begat a son with the other; and thus the
races are come; these are the Rime-Giants. The old Rime-Giant, him we call Ymir."
6. Of Auðhumbla and the origin of Óðinn
Then said Gangleri: "Where dwelt Ymir, or wherein did he find sustenance?" Hárr answered: "Straightway after the rime dripped, there sprang from it the cow
called Audumla; four streams of milk ran from her udders, and she nourished Ymir." Then asked Gangleri: "Wherewithal was the cow nourished?" And Hárr made
"She licked the ice-blocks, which were salty; and the first day that she licked the blocks, there came forth from the blocks in the evening a man's hair;
the second day, a man's head; the third day the whole man was there. He is named Búri: he was fair of feature, great and mighty. He begat a son called Borr,
who wedded the woman named Bestla, daughter of Bölthorn the giant; and they had three sons: one was Odin, the second Vili, the third Vé. And this is my belief,
that he, Odin, with his brothers, must be ruler of heaven and earth; we hold that he must be so called; so is that man called whom we know to be mightiest
and most worthy of honor, and ye do well to let him be so called."
7. The Slaying of Ymir and about Bergelmir
Then said Gangleri: "What covenant was between them, or which was the stronger?" And Hárr answered: "The sons of Borr slew Ymir the giant; lo,
where he fell there gushed forth so much blood out of his wounds that with it they drowned all the race of the Rime-Giants, save that one, whom giants call
Bergelmir, escaped with his household; he went upon his ship,4 and his wife with him, and they were safe there. And from them are come the races of the
Rime-Giants, as is said here:
Untold ages | ere earth was shapen,
Then was Bergelmir born;
That first I recall, | how the famous wise giant
On the deck of the ship was laid down."
8. The Sons of Bor created earth and heaven
Then said Gangleri: "What was done then by Borr's sons, if thou believe that they be gods?" Hárr replied: "In this matter there is no little to be said.
They took Ymir and bore him into the middle of the Yawning Void, and made of him the earth: of his blood the sea and the waters; the land was made of his
flesh, and the crags of his bones; gravel and stones they fashioned from his teeth and his grinders and from those bones that were broken." And Jafnhárr
said: "Of the blood, which ran and welled forth freely out of his wounds, they made the sea, when they had formed and made firm the earth together, and
laid the sea in a ring round about her; and it may well seem a hard thing to most men to cross over it." Then said Thridi: "They took his skull also, and
made of it the heaven, and set it up over the earth with four corners; and under each corner they set a dwarf: the names of these are East, West, North,
and South. Then they took the glowing embers and sparks that burst forth and had been cast out of Múspellheim, and set them in the midst of the Yawning
Void, in the heaven, both above and below, to illumine heaven and earth. They assigned places to all fires: to some in heaven, some wandered free under the
heavens; nevertheless, to these also they gave a place, and shaped them courses. It is said in old songs, that from these the days were reckoned, and the
tale of years told, as is said in Völuspá:
The sun knew not | where she had housing;
The moon knew not | what Might he had;
The stars knew not | where stood their places.
Thus was it ere | the earth was fashioned."
Then said Gangleri: These are great tidings which I now hear; that is a wondrous great piece of craftsmanship, and cunningly made. How was the earth
contrived?" And Hárr answered: "She is ring-shaped without, and round about her without lieth the deep sea; and along the strand of that sea they gave
lands to the races of giants for habitation. But on the inner earth they made a citadel round about the world against the hostility of the giants, and
for their citadel they raised up the brows of Ymir the giant, and called that place Midgard. They took also his brain and cast it in the air, and made
from it the clouds, as is here said:
Of Ymir's flesh | the earth was fashioned,
And of his sweat the sea;
Crags of his bones, | trees of his hair,
And of his skull the sky.
Then of his brows | the blithe gods made
Midgard for sons of men;
And of his brain | the bitter-mooded
Clouds were all created."
9. The Sons of Bor created Askr and Embla
Then said Gangleri: "Much indeed they had accomplished then, methinks, when earth and heaven were made, and the sun and the constellations of heaven were
fixed, and division was made of days; now whence come the men that people the world?" And Hárr answered: 'When the sons of Borr were walking along the
sea-strand, they found two trees, and took up the trees and shaped men of them: the first gave them spirit and life; the second, wit and feeling; the third,
form, speech, hearing, and sight. They gave them clothing and names: the male was called Askr, and the female Embla, and of them was mankind begotten, which
received a dwelling-place under Midgard. Next they made for themselves in the middle of the world a city which is called Ásgard; men call it Troy. There dwelt
the gods and their kindred; and many tidings and tales of it have come to pass both on earth and aloft. There is one abode called Hlidskjálf, and when
Allfather sat in the high-seat there, he looked out over the whole world and saw every man's acts, and knew all things which he saw. His wife was called
Frigg daughter of Fjörgvinn; and of their blood is come that kindred which we call the races of the Æsir, that have peopled the Elder Ásgard, and those
kingdoms which pertain to it; and that is a divine race. For this reason must he be called Allfather: because he is father of all the gods and of men, and
of all that was fulfilled of him and of his might. The Earth was his daughter and his wife; on her he begot the first son, which is Ása-Thor: strength and
prowess attend him, wherewith he overcometh all living things.
10. The arrival of Dagr and Nátt
"Nörfi or Narfi is the name of a giant that dwelt in Jötunheim: he had a daughter called Night; she was swarthy and dark, as befitted her race. She was given
to the man named Naglfari; their son was Audr. Afterward she was wedded to him that was called Annarr; Jörd5 was their daughter. Last of all Dayspring had
her, and he was of the race of the Æsir; their son was Day: he was radiant and fair after his father. Then Allfather took Night, and Day her son, and gave to
them two horses and two chariots, and sent them up into the heavens, to ride round about the earth every two half-days. Night rides before with the horse named
Frosty-Mane, and on each morning he bedews the earth with the foam from his bit. The horse that Day has is called Sheen-Mane, and he illumines all the air and
the earth from his mane."
[1. High
2. Equally High
3. Third
4. Literally, mill-bench or mortar.
5. Earth]


1. Frá Gylfa konungi ok Gefjuni.
Gylfi konungr réð þar löndum er nú heitir Svíþjóð. Frá honum er þat sagt at hann gaf einni farandi konu at launum skemmtunar sinnar eitt plógsland í
ríki sínu þat er fjórir öxn drægi upp dag ok nótt. En sú kona var ein af ása ætt, hon er nefnd Gefjun. Hon tók fjóra öxn norðan ór Jötunheimum, en þat
váru synir jötuns nökkurs ok hennar, ok setti þá fyrir plóg, en plógrinn gekk svá breitt ok djúpt at upp leysti landit, ok drógu öxnirnir þat land út á
hafit ok vestr ok námu staðar í sundi nökkuru. Þar setti Gefjun landit ok gaf nafn ok kallaði Selund. Ok þar sem landit hafði upp gengit var þar eftir
vatn. Þat er nú Lögrinn kallaðr í Svíþjóð, ok liggja svá víkr í Leginum sem nes í Selundi. Svá segir Bragi skáld gamli:
1. Gefjun dró frá Gylfa
glöð djúpröðul óðla,
svá at af rennirauknum
rauk, Danmarkar auka.
Báru öxn ok átta
ennitungl, þars gengu
fyrir vineyjar víðri
valrauf, fjögur höfuð.
2. Gylfi kom til Ásgarðs.
Gylfi konungr var maðr vitr ok fjölkunnigr. Hann undraðist þat mjök, er ásafólk var svá kunnigt, at allir hlutir gengu at vilja þeira. Þat hugsaði hann, hvárt
þat myndi vera af eðli sjálfra þeira eða myndi því valda goðmögn þau, er þeir blótuðu. Hann byrjaði ferð sína til Ásgarðs ok fór með leynð ok brá á sik gamals
manns líki ok dulðist svá. En æsir váru því vísari, at þeir höfðu spádóm, ok sá þeir ferð hans, fyrr en hann kom, ok gerðu í móti honum sjónhverfingar. Ok er
hann kom inn í borgina, þá sá hann þar háva höll, svá at varla mátti hann sjá yfir hana. Þak hennar var lagt gylldum skjöldum svá sem spánþak. Svá segir
Þjóðólfr inn hvinverski, at Valhöll var skjöldum þökð:
2. Á baki létu blíkja,
barðir váru grjóti,
Sváfnis salnæfrar
seggir hyggjandi.
Gylfi sá mann í hallardurum, ok lék at handsöxum ok hafði sjau senn á lofti. Sá spurði hann fyrr at nafni. Hann nefndist Gangleri ok kominn af refilstigum
ok beiddist at sækja til náttstaðar ok spurði, hverr höllina átti.
Hann svarar, at þat var konungr þeira, --"en fylgja má ek þér at sjá hann. Skaltu þá sjálfr spyrja hann nafns," -- ok snerist sá maðr fyrir honum inn í
höllina, en hann gekk eftir, ok þegar laukst hurðin á hæla honum.
Þar sá hann mörg gólf ok margt fólk, sumt með leikum, sumir drukku, sumir með vápnum ok börðust. Þá litaðist hann umb ok þótti margir hlutir ótrúligir, þeir
er hann sá. Þá mælti hann:
3. Gáttir allar,
áðr gangi fram,
um skyggnask skyli,
því at óvíst er at vita
hvar óvinir sitja
á fleti fyrir.
Hann sá þrjú hásæti ok hvert upp frá öðru, ok sátu þrír menn sinn í hverju. Þá spurði hann, hvert nafn höfðingja þeira væri.
Sá svarar, er hann leiddi inn, at sá, er í inu neðsta hásæti sat, var konungr -- "ok heitir Hárr, en þar næst sá, er heitir Jafnhárr, en sá ofast, er Þriði
Þá spyrr Hárr komandann, hvárt fleira er erendi hans, en heimill er matr ok drykkr honum sem öllum þar í Háva höll. Hann segir, at fyrst vill hann spyrja,
ef nokkurr er fróðr maðr inni.
Hárr segir, at hann komi eigi heill út, nema hann sé fróðari, --
4. "ok stattu fram,
meðan þú fregn;
sitja skal sá, er segir."
3. Um Alföðr, æðstan goða.
Gangleri hóf svá mál sitt: "Hverr er æðstr eða elztr allra goða?"
Hárr segir: "Sá heitir Alföðr at váru máli, en í Ásgarði inum forna átti hann tólf nöfn. Eitt er Alföðr, annat er Herran eða Herjan, þriðja er Nikarr
eða Hnikarr, fjórða er Nikuðr eða Hnikuðr, fimmta Fjölnir, sétta Óski, sjaunda Ómi, átta Bifliði eða Biflindi, níunda Sviðurr, tíunda Sviðrir, ellifta
Viðrir, tólfta Jálg eða Jálkr."
Þá spyrr Gangleri: "Hvar er sá guð, eða hvat má hann, eða hvat hefir hann unnit framaverka?"
Hárr segir: "Lifir hann of allar aldir ok stjórnar öllu ríki sínu ok ræðr öllum hlutum, stórum ok smám."
Þá mælir Jafnhárr: "Hann smíðaði himin ok jörð ok loftin ok alla eign þeira."
Þá mælti Þriði: "Hitt er þó mest, er hann gerði manninn ok gaf honum önd þá, er lifa skal ok aldri týnast, þótt líkaminn fúni at moldu eða brenni at
ösku, ok skulu allir menn lifa, þeir er rétt eru siðaðir, ok vera með honum sjálfum þar sem heitir Gimlé eða Vingólf, en vándir menn fara til Heljar
ok þaðan í Niflhel. Þat er niðr í inn níunda heim."
Þá mælti Gangleri: "Hvat hafðist hann áðr at en himinn ok jörð væri ger?"
Þá svarar Hárr: "Þá var hann með hrímþursum."
4. Frá Niflheimi ok Múspelli.
Gangleri mælti: "Hvat var upphaf eða hversu hófst, eða hvat var áðr?"
Hárr svarar: "Svá sem segir í Völuspá:
5. Ár var alda,
þat er ekki var,
var-a sandr né sær
né svalar unnir;
jörð fannsk eigi
né upphiminn,
gap var Ginnunga,
en gras ekki."
Þá mælti Jafnhárr: "Fyrr var þat mörgum öldum en jörð var sköpuð er Niflheimr var gerr, ok í honum miðjum liggr bruðr sá, er Hvergelmir heitir, ok þaðan af
falla þær ár, er svá heita: Svöl, Gunnþrá, Fjörm, Fimbulþul, Slíðr ok Hríð, Sylgr ok Ylgr, Víð, Leiftr. Gjöll er næst Helgrindum."
Þá mælti Þriði: "Fyrst var þó sá heimr í suðrhálfu, er Múspell heitir. Hann er ljóss ok heitr. Sú átt er logandi ok brennandi. Er hann ok ófærr þeim, er þar
eru útlendir ok eigi eigu þar óðul. Sá er Surtr nefndr, er þar sitr á landsenda til landvarnar. Hann hefir loganda sverð, ok í enda veraldar mun hann fara ok
herja ok sigra öll goðin ok brenna allan heim með eldi. Svá segir í Völuspá:
6. Surtr ferr sunnan
með sviga lævi,
skínn af sverði
sól valtíva;
grjótbjörg gnata,
en gífr rata,
troða halir helveg,
en himinn klofnar."
5. Upphaf Ymis ok hrímþursa.
Gangleri mælti: "Hversu skipaðist, áðr en ættirnar yrði eða aukaðist mannfólkit?"
Þá mælti Hárr: "Ár þær, er kallaðar eru Élivágar, þá er þær váru svá langt komnar frá uppsprettum, at eitrkvika sú, er þar fylgði, harðnaði svá sem
sindr þat, er renn ór eldinum, þá varð þat íss. Ok þá er sá íss gaf staðar ok rann eigi, þá hélði yfir þannig, en úr þat, er af stóð eitrinu, fraus at
hrími, ok jók hrímit hvert yfir annat allt í Ginnungagap."
Þá mælti Jafnhárr: "Ginnungagap, þat er vissi til norðrættar, fylltist með þunga ok höfugleik íss ok hríms ok inn í frá úr ok gustr, en inn syðri hlutr
Ginnungagaps léttist mót gneistum ok síum þeim, er flugu ór Múspellsheimi."
Þá mælti Þriði: "Svá sem kalt stóð af Niflheimi ok allir hlutir grimmir, svá var allt þat, er vissi námunda Múspelli, heitt ok ljóst, en Ginnungagap var
svá hlætt sem loft vindlaust. Ok þá er mættist hrímin ok blær hitans, svá at bráðnaði ok draup, ok af þeim kvikudropum kviknaði með krafti þess, er til
sendi hitann, ok varð manns líkandi, ok var sá nefndr Ymir, en hrímþursar kalla hann Aurgelmi, ok eru þaðan komnar ættir hrímþursa, svá sem segir í
Völuspá inni skömmu:
7. Eru völur allar
frá Viðolfi,
vitkar allir
frá Vilmeiði,
en seiðberendr
frá Svarthöfða,
jötnar allir
frá Ymi komnir.
En hér segir svá Vafþrúðnir jötunn:
8. Ór Élivágum
stukku eitrdropar
ok óx, unz ór varð jötunn;
þar órar ættir
kómu allar saman;
því er þat æ allt til atalt."
Þá mælti Gangleri: "Hvernig óxu ættir þaðan eða skapaðist svá, at fleiri menn urðu, eða trúir þú þann guð, er nú sagðir þú frá?"
Þá svarar Hárr: "Fyr engan mun játum vér hann guð. Hann er illr ok allir hans ættmenn. Þá köllum vér hrímþursa. En svá er sagt, at þá er hann svaf,
fekk hann sveita. Þá óx undir vinstri hendi honum maðr ok kona, ok annarr fótr hans gat son við öðrum, en þaðan af kómu ættir. Þat eru hrímþursar. Inn
gamli hrímþurs, hann köllum vér Ymi."
6. Frá Auðhumlu ok upphafi Óðins.
Þá mælti Gangleri: "Hvar byggði Ymir, eða við hvat lifði hann?"
Hárr svarar: "Næst var þat, þá er hrímit draup, at þar varð af kýr sú, er Auðhumla hét, en fjórar mjólkár runnu ór spenum hennar, ok fæddi hon Ymi."
Þá mælti Gangleri: "Við hvat fæddist kýrin?"
Hárr svarar: "Hon sleikði hrímsteinana, er saltir váru, ok inn fyrsta dag, er hon sleikði steinana, kom ór steininum at kveldi manns hár, annan dag manns
höfuð, þriðja dag var þar allr maðr. Sá er nefndr Búri. Hann var fagr álitum, mikill ok máttugr. Hann gat son þann, er Borr hét, hann fekk þeirar konu, er
Bestla hét, dóttir Bölþorns jötuns, ok fengu þau þrjá sonu. Hét einn Óðinn, annarr Vili, þriði Vé, ok þat er mín trúa, at sá Óðinn ok hans bræðr munu vera
stýrandi himins ok jarðar. Þat ætlum vér, at hann myni svá heita. Svá heitir sá maðr, er vér vitum mestan ok ágæztan, ok vel meguð þér hann láta svá heita."
7. Dráp Ymis ok frá Bergelmi.
Þá mælti Gangleri: "Hvat varð þá um þeira sætt, eða hvárir váru ríkari?"
Þá svarar Hárr: "Synir Bors drápu Ymi jötun, en er hann féll, þá hljóp svá mikit blóð ór sárum hans, at með því drekkðu þeir allri ætt
hrímþursa, nema einn komst undan með sínu hýski. Hann kalla jötnar Bergelmi. Hann fór upp á lúðr sinn ok kona hans ok helzt þar, ok eru
af þeim komnar hrímþursa ættir, svá sem hér segir:
9. Örófi vetra
áðr væri jörð of sköpuð,
þá var Bergelmir borinn;
þat ek fyrst of man,
er sá inn fróði jötunn
á var lúðr of lagiðr."
8. Borssynir skópu jörð ok himinn.
Þá segir Gangleri: "Hvat höfðust þá at Bors synir, ef þú trúir at þeir sé goð?"
Hárr segir: "Eigi er þar lítit af at segja. Þeir tóku Ymi ok fluttu í mitt Ginnungagap ok gerðu af honum jörðina, af blóði hans sæinn ok vötnin. Jörðin var
ger af holdinu, en björgin af beinunum. Grjót ok urðir gerðu þeir af tönnum ok jöxlum ok af þeim beinum, er brotin váru."
Þá mælti Jafnhárr: "Af því blóði, er ór sárum rann ok laust fór, þar af gerðu þeir sjá, þann er þeir gerðu ok festu saman jörðina ok lögðu þann sjá í hring
útan um hana, ok mun þat flestum manni ófæra þykkja at komast þar yfir."
Þá mælti Þriði: "Tóku þeir ok haus hans ok gerðu þar af himin ok settu hann upp yfir jörðina með fjórum skautum, ok undir hvert horn settu þeir dverg. Þeir
heita svá: Austri, Vestri, Norðri, Suðri. Þá tóku þeir síur ok gneista þá, er lausir fóru ok kastat hafði ór Múspellsheimi, ok settu á mitt Ginnungap á himin
bæði ofan ok neðan til at lýsa himin ok jörð. Þeir gáfu staðar öllum eldingum, sumum á himni, sumar fóru lausar undir himni, ok settu þó þeim stað ok skipuðu
göngu þeim. Svá er sagt í fornum vísendum, at þaðan af váru dægr greind ok áratal. Svá sem segir í Völuspá:
10. Sól þat né vissi,
hvar hon sali átti,
máni þat né vissi,
hvat hann megins átti,
stjörnur þat né vissu,
hvar þær staði áttu.
Svá var áðr en þetta væri."
Þá mælti Gangleri: "Þetta eru mikil tíðendi, er nú heyri ek. Furðumikil smíð er þat ok hagliga ger. Hvernig var jörðin háttuð?"
Þá svarar Hárr: "Hon er kringlótt útan, ok þar útan um liggr inn djúpi sjár, ok með þeiri sjávarströndu gáfu þeir lönd til byggðar jötna ættum. En fyrir
innan á jörðunni gerðu þeir borg umhverfis heim fyrir ófriði jötna, en til þeirar borgar höfðu þeir brár Ymis jötuns ok kölluðu þá borg Miðgarð. Þeir tóku
ok heila hans ok köstuðu í loft ok gerðu af skýin, svá sem hér segir:
11. Ór Ymis holdi
var jörð of sköpuð,
en ór sveita sær,
björg ór beinum,
baðmr ór hári,
en ór hausi himinn.
En ór hans brám
gerðu blíð regin
Miðgarð manna sonum,
en ór hans heila
váru þau in harðmóðgu
ský öll af sköpuð."
9. Borssynir skópu Ask ok Emblu.
Þá mælti Gangleri: "Mikit þótti mér þeir hafa þá snúit til leiðar, er jörð ok himinn var gert ok sól ok himintungl váru sett ok skipt dægrum, ok hvaðan kómu
mennirnir, þeir er heim byggja?"
Þá mælti Hárr: "Þá er þeir gengu með sævarströndu Borssynir, fundu þeir tré tvau ok tóku upp trén ok sköpuðu af menn. Gaf inn fyrsti önd ok líf, annarr vit ok
hræring, þriði ásjónu, mál ok heyrn ok sjón, gáfu þeim klæði ok nöfn. Hét karlmaðrinn Askr, en konan Embla, ok ólst þaðan af mannkindin, sú er byggðin var
gefinn undir Miðgarði. Þar næst gerðu þeir sér borg í miðjum heimi, er kölluð er Ásgarðr. Þat köllum vér Trója. Þar byggðu goðin ok ættir þeira, ok gerðust
þaðan af mörg tíðendi ok greinir bæði á jörðu ok í lofti. Þar er einn staðr, er Hliðskjálf heitir, ok þá er Óðinn settist þar í hásæti, þá sá hann of alla
heima ok hvers manns athæfi ok vissi alla hluti, þá er hann sá. Kona hans hét Frigg Fjörgvinsdóttir, ok af þeira ætt er sú kynslóð komin, er vér köllum ása
ættir, er byggt hafa Ásgarð inn forna ok þau ríki, er þar liggja til, ok er þat allt goðkunnug ætt. Ok fyrir því má hann heita Alföðr, at hann er faðir allra
goðanna ok manna ok alls þess, er af honum ok hans krafti var fullgert. Jörðin var dóttir hans ok kona hans. Af henni gerði hann inn fyrsta soninn, en þat er
Ása-Þórr. Honum fylgði afl ok sterkleikr. Þar af sigrar hann öll kvikvendi.
10. Tilkváma Dags ok Nætr.
Nörfi eða Narfi hét jötunn, er byggði í Jötunheimum. Hann átti dóttur, er Nótt hét. Hon var svört ok dökk, sem hon átti ætt til. Hon var gift þeim manni, er
Naglfari hét. Þeira sonr hét Auðr. Því næst var hon gift þeim, er Ánarr hét. Jörð hét þeira dóttir. Síðast átti hana Dellingr, ok var hann ása ættar. Var
þeira sonr Dagr. Var hann ljóss ok fagr eftir faðerni sínu. Þá tók Alföðr Nótt ok Dag, son hennar, ok gaf þeim tvá hesta ok tvær kerrur ok sendi þau upp á
himin, at þau skulu ríða á hverjum tveim dægrum umhverfis jörðina. Ríðr Nótt fyrri þeim hesti, er kallaðr er Hrímfaxi, ok at morgni hverjum döggvir hann
jörðina af méldropum sínum. Sá hestr, er Dagr á, heitir Skinfaxi, ok lýsir allt loft ok jörðina af faxi hans."