61. Washed and fed | to the council fare,
But care not too much for thy clothes;
Let none be ashamed | of his shoes and hose,
Less still of the steed he rides,
(Though poor be the horse he has.)
62. When the eagle comes | to the ancient sea,
He snaps and hangs his head;
So is a man | in the midst of a throng,
Who few to speak for him finds.
63. To question and answer | must all be ready
Who wish to be known as wise;
Tell one thy thoughts, | but beware of two,--
All know what is known to three.
64. The man who is prudent | a measured use
Of the might he has will make;
He finds when among | the brave he fares
That the boldest he may not be.
65. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Oft for the words | that to others one speaks
He will get but an evil gift.
[61. The fifth line is probably a spurious addition.
62. This stanza follows stanza 63 in the manuscript, but there are marks therein indicating the transposition.
65. The manuscript indicates no lacuna (lines I and 2). Many editors have filled out the stanza with two lines from late paper manuscripts, the passage running:
"A man must be watchful | and wary as well,
And fearful of trusting a friend."]


61. Ţveginn ok mettr
ríđi mađr ţingi at,
ţótt hann sé-t vćddr til vel;
skúa ok bróka skammisk engi mađr
né hests in heldr, ţótt hann hafi-t góđan
62. Snapir ok gnapir, er til sćvar kemr,
örn á aldinn mar;
svá er mađr, er međ mörgum kemr
ok á formćlendr fáa.
63. Fregna ok segja skal fróđra hverr,
sá er vill heitinn horskr;
einn vita né annarr skal,
ţjóđ veit, ef ţrír ro.
64. Ríki sitt skyli ráđsnotra
hverr í hófi hafa;
ţá hann ţat finnr, er međ frćknum kemr
at engi er einna hvatastr.
65. -- -- -- --
-- -- -- --
orđa ţeira, er mađr öđrum segir
oft hann gjöld of getr.