Here begins the poem of Helgi Hundingsbane and and that of Hodbrodd*
1. In olden days, | when eagles screamed,
And holy streams | from heaven's crags fell,
Was Helgi then, | the hero-hearted,
Borghild's son, | in Bralund born.
2. 'Twas night in the dwelling, | and Norns there came,
Who shaped the life | of the lofty one;
They bade him most famed | of fighters all
And best of princes | ever to be.
3. Mightily wove they | the web of fate,
While Bralund's towns | were trembling all;
And there the golden | threads they wove,
And in the moon's hall | fast they made them.
4. East and west | the ends they hid,
In the middle the hero | should have his land;
And Neri's kinswoman | northward cast
A chain, and bade it | firm ever to be.
5. Once sorrow had | the Ylfings' son,
And grief the bride | who the loved one had borne.
* * * * * *
Quoth raven to raven, | on treetop resting,
Seeking for food, | "There is something I know.
[* Added to the Bellows translation; the "Höðbrodd" part is indeed illegible in the manuscript, as he says, only the h can
be read; but the Völsunga Saga is not mentioned there.
1. The manuscript contains the superscription: "Here begins the lay of Helgi Hundingbane and h. (Hothbrodd?) The lay of the
Volsungs." Eagles, etc.: the screaming of eagles and water pouring from heaven were portents of the birth of a hero. Borghild:
Sigmund's first wife; Bralund was her home, not Sigmund's.
2. Norns: cf. Voluspo, 20 and note. Here it is the Norns who preside over Helgi's early destiny, and not a Valkyrie,
as in Helgakvitha Hjorvarthssonar.
3. Line 2 is largely guesswork, the manuscript being obscure. Moon's hall: the sky.
4. East, etc.: the Norris give Helgi fame in the East, West, and North; in the North his renown is particularly to endure.
This suggests that the poet was aware of the spread of the Helgi story over many lands. Neri's kinswoman: evidently one of the
Norns, but nothing further is known of Neri, and the word may not be a proper name at all.
5. The manuscript indicates no gap, but it looks as though something had been lost after line 2. Ylfings' son: Sigmund is evidently meant,
though calling him an Ylfing (cf. Hyndluljoth, 11 and note) is a manifest error. Helgi, in the tradition as it came from Denmark, was
undoubtedly an Ylfing, and the poet, in order to combine the two legends, has to treat the Ylfings and Volsungs as if they were the same family.]


Hér hefr upp kvæði frá Helga Hundingsbana ok þeira Höðbrodds.
1. Ár var alda, þat er arar gullu,
hnigu heilög vötn af Himinfjöllum;
þá hafði Helga inn hugumstóra
Borghildr borit í Brálundi.
2. Nótt varð í bæ, nornir kómu,
þær er öðlingi aldr of skópu;
þann báðu fylki frægstan verða
ok buðlunga beztan þykkja.
3. Sneru þær af afli örlögþáttu,
þá er borgir braut í Bráluni;
þær of greiddu gullin símu
ok und mánasal miðjan festu.
4. Þær austr ok vestr enda fálu,
þar átti lofðungr land á milli;
brá nift Nera á norðrvega
einni festi, ey bað hon halda.
5. Eitt var at angri Ylfinga nið
ok þeiri meyju, er munúð fæddi;
hrafn kvað at hrafni, - sat á hám meiði
andvanr átu -: "ek veit nökkut.