11. Of Sigmund's son | then next they sought
Hoard and rings, | the sons of Hunding;
They bade the prince | requital pay
For booty stolen | and father slain.
12. The prince let not | their prayers avail,
Nor gold for their dead | did the kinsmen get;
Waiting, he said, | was a mighty storm
Of lances gray | and Othin's grimness.
13. The warriors forth | to the battle went,
The field they chose | at Logafjoll;
Frothi's peace | midst foes they broke,
Through the isle went hungrily | Vithrir's hounds.
14. The king then sat, | when he had slain
Eyjolf and Alf, | 'neath the eagle-stone;
Hjorvarth and Hovarth, | Hunding's sons,
The kin of the spear-wielder, | all had he killed.
15. Then glittered light | from Logafjoll,
And from the light | the flashes leaped;
. . . . . . . . . .
High under helms | on heaven's field;
Their byrnies all | with blood were red,
And from their spears | the sparks flew forth.
[12. Storm, etc.: war.
13. Logafjoll ("Flame-Mountain"): a mythical name. Frothi: [fp. 295] a traditional king of Denmark, whose peaceful reign was so famous that "Frothi's peace"
became a by-word for peace of any kind. Vithrir's hounds: wolves; Vithrir is Othin, and his hounds are the wolves Freki and Geri.
14. In this poem Helgi kills all the sons of Hunding, but in the poems of the Sigurth cycle, and the prose notes attached thereto, Sigmund and his
father-in-law, Eylimi, are killed by Hunding's sons, on whom Sigurth subsequently takes vengeance (cf. Fra Dautha Sinfjotla and Reginsmol).
15. No gap indicated in the manuscript, but almost certainly something has been lost mentioning more specifically the coming of the Valkyries. The
lightning which accompanies them suggests again their identification with the clouds (cf. Helgakvitha Hjorvarthssonar, 28). Some editions fill out
the first line: "He saw there mighty maidens riding." The manuscript indicates line 4 as the beginning of a new stanza. Bellows decided to
break Stanza 15 into two stanzas 15 & 16 they have been reassembled as one stanza for


11. Kvöddu síðan Sigmundar bur
auðs ok hringa Hundings synir,
því at þeir áttu jöfri at gjalda
fjárnám mikit ok föður dauða.
12. Lét-at buðlungr bótir uppi
né niðja in heldr nefgjöld fáa;
ván kvað hann mundu veðrs ins mikla
grára geira ok gremi Óðins.
13. Fara hildingar hjörstefnu til,
þeirar er lögðu at Logafjöllum;
sleit Fróða frið fjánda á milli;
fara Viðris grey valgjörn of ey.
14. Settisk vísi, þá er vegit hafði
Alf ok Eyjólf, und arasteini,
Hjörvarð ok Hávarð, Hundings sonu;
farit hafði hann allri ætt geirmímis.
15. Þá brá ljóma af Logafjöllum,
en af þeim ljómum leiftrir kómu,
-- -- --
hávar und hjalmum á Himinvanga,
brynjur váru þeira blóði stokknar,
en af geirum geislar stóðu.