Helgi spake:
41. "No dream is this | that thou thinkest to see,
Nor the end of the world, | though us thou beholdest,
And hither spurring | we urge our steeds,
Nor is home-coming now | to the heroes granted."
The maiden went home and said to Sigrun:
42. "Go forth, Sigrun, | from Sevafjoll,
If fain the lord | of the folk wouldst find;
(The hill is open, | Helgi is come;)
The sword-tracks bleed; | the monarch bade
That thou his wounds | shouldst now make well."
Sigrun went in the hill to Helgi, and said:
43. "Now am I glad | of our meeting together,
As Othin's hawks, | so eager for prey,
When slaughter and flesh | all warm they scent,
Or dew-wet see | the red of day.
44. "First will I kiss | the lifeless king,
Ere off the bloody | byrnie thou cast;
With frost thy hair | is heavy, Helgi,
And damp thou art | with the dew of death;
(Ice-cold hands | has Hogni's kinsman,
What, prince, can I | to bring thee ease?)"
Helgi spake:
45. "Thou alone, Sigrun | of Sevafjoll,
Art cause that Helgi | with dew is heavy;
Gold-decked maid, | thy tears are grievous,
(Sun-bright south-maid, | ere thou sleepest;)
Each falls like blood | on the hero's breast,
(Burned-out, cold, | and crushed with care.)
[41. In the manuscript most of this stanza is abbreviated to the first letters of the words.
42. Line 5 (or possibly line 2) may be spurious. Sword-tracks: wounds. One edition places stanza 49 after stanza 43, and an other does the same with stanza 51.
44. Possibly lines 5-6 are spurious, or part of a stanza the rest of which has been lost. It has also been suggested that two lines may have been lost after
line 2, making a new stanza of lines 3-6. Kinsman: literally "son-in-law."
45. Lines 4 and 6 have been marked by various editors as probably spurious. Others regard lines 1-2 as the beginning of a stanza the rest of which has been
lost, or combine lines 5-6 with lines 5-6 of stanza 45 to make a new stanza. South-maid: cf. Helgakvitha Hundingsbana I, 17 and note.]


Helgi kvað:
41. "Er-a þat svik ein, er þú sjá þykkisk,
né aldar rof, þóttú oss lítir,
þótt vér jóa óra oddum keyrim,
né er hildingum heimför gefin."
Heim gekk ambátt ok sagði Sigrúnu:
42. "Út gakk þú, Sigrún frá Sefafjöllum,
ef þik folks jaðar finna lystir;
upp er haugr lokinn, kominn er Helgi,
dolgspor dreyra, döglingr bað þik,
at þú sárdropa svefja skyldir."
Sigrún gekk í hauginn til Helga ok kvað:
Helgi kvað:
43. "Nú em ek svá fegin fundi okkrum
sem átfrekir Óðins haukar,
er val vitu, varmar bráðir,
eða dögglitir dagsbrún sjá.
44. Fyrr vil ek kyssa konung ólifðan
en þú blóðugri brynju kastir;
hár er þitt, Helgi, hélu þrungit,
allr er vísi valdögg sleginn,
hendr úrsvalar Högna mági;
hvé skal ek þér, buðlungr, þess bót of vinna?"
Helgi kvað:
45. "Ein veldr þú, Sigrún frá Sefafjöllum,
er Helgi er harmdögg sleginn;
grætr þú, gullvarið, grimmum tárum,
sólbjört, suðræn, áðr þú sofa gangir;
hvert fellr blóðugt á brjóst grami,
úrsvalt, innfjalgt, ekka þrungit.