Helgi spake:
6 "Hamal's the ship | by the shore so steep,
Our home in Hlesey | do we have;
For fair wind bide we | in Brunavagar,
Eastward the way | that we wish to try."
Sigrun spake:
7. "Where hast thou, warrior, | battle wakened,
Or gorged the birds | of the sisters of Guth?
Why is thy byrnie | spattered with blood,
Why helmed dost feast | on food uncooked?"
Helgi spake:
8. "Latest of all, | the Ylfings' son
On the western sea, | if know thou wilt,
Captured bears | in Bragalund,
And fed the eagles | with edge of sword.
9. Now is it shown | why our shirts are bloody,
And little our food | with fire is cooked."
Sigrun spake:
10. "Of battle thou tellest, | and there was bent
Hunding the king | before Helgi down;
There was carnage when thou | didst avenge thy kin,
And blood flowed fast | on the blade of the sword."
[6. The manuscript does not indicate the speakers. Hamal: Helgi's assumption of this name seems to link this section (stanzas 5-12) with stanza 1.
Hlesey ("Island of Hler"--i.e., Ægir, the sea-god): generally identified as the Danish island of Läsö; cf. Harbarthsljoth, 37 and note.
7. Guth: a Valkyrie (cf. Voluspo, 31) the birds of her sisters are the kites and ravens.
Prose. Hagal: Helgi's foster-father, who naturally protects him.
8. The manuscript indicates line 5 as the beginning of a new stanza; some editors reject lines 1-2, while others make lines 5-6 into a fragmentary
stanza. Ylfings: cf. introductory prose and note. Bragalund ("Bragi's Wood"): a mythical place. Bears: presumably Berserkers, regarding whom cf.
Hyndluljoth, 23.
9. Has been seperated from the Bellows original translation to conform with the ON.]


Helgi kvað:
6. "Hagall lætr fljóta fley við bakka,
eigum heima í Hléseyju,
bíðum byrjar í Brunavágum,
austr lystir oss leið at kanna."
Sigrún kvað:
7. "Hvar hefir þú, hilmir, hildi vakða
eða gögl alin Gunnar systra?
Hví er brynja þín blóði stokkin?
Hví skal und hjalmum hrátt kjöt eta?"
Helgi kvað:
8. "Þat vann næst nýs niðr Ylfinga
fyr vestan ver, ef þik vita lystir,
er ek björnu tók í Bragalundi
ok ætt ara oddum saddak.
9. Nú er sagt, mær, hvaðan sakar gerðusk,
því var á legi mér lítt steikt etit."
Sigrún kvað:
10. "Víg lýsir þú, varð fyr Helga
Hundingr konungr hníga at velli;
bar sókn saman, er sefa hefnduð
ok busti blóð á brimis eggjar."