Loki spake:
46. "Be silent, Byggvir! | thou never couldst set
Their shares of the meat for men;
Hid in straw on the floor, | they found thee not
When heroes were fain to fight."
Heimdall spake:
47. "Drunk art thou, Loki, | and mad are thy deeds,
Why, Loki, leavst thou this not?
For drink beyond measure | will lead all men
No thought of their tongues to take."
Loki spake:
48. "Be silent, Heimdall! | in days long since
Was an evil fate for thee fixed;
With back held stiff | must thou ever stand,
As warder of heaven to watch."
Skathi spake:
49. "Light art thou, Loki, | but longer thou mayst not
In freedom flourish thy tail;
On the rocks the gods bind thee | with bowels torn
Forth from thy frost-cold son."
Loki spake:
50. "Though on rocks the gods bind me | with bowels torn
Forth from my frost-cold son,
I was first and last | at the deadly fight
There where Thjazi we caught."
[47. Heimdall: besides being the watchman of the gods (cf. Voluspo, 27), he appears also as the god of light (cf. Thrymskvitha, 14), and
possibly also as a complex cultural deity in the Rigsthula. He was a son of Othin, born of nine sisters; cf.
Hyndluljoth, 37-40. In the last battle he and Loki slay one an other. Line 2 is quoted by Snorri; cf. stanza 29, note.
49. Skathi: the wife of Njorth, and daughter of the giant Thjazi, concerning whose death cf. Harbarthsljoth, 19, note. Bowels, etc.: according
to the prose note at the end of the Lokasenna, the gods bound Loki with the bowels of his son Vali, and changed his other son, Narfi, into a wolf.
Snorri turns the story about Vali being the wolf, who tears his brother to pieces, the gods then using Narfi's intestines to bind Loki. Narfi--and
presumably Vali--were the sons of Loki and his wife, Sigyn. They appear only in this episode, though Narfi (or Nari) is named by Snorri in his list of
Loki's children. Cf. concluding prose, and note.]
Loki kvað:
46. "Þegi þú, Byggvir, þú kunnir aldregi
deila með mönnum mat, ok þik í flets strái
finna né máttu, þá er vágu verar."
Heimdallr kvað:
47. "Ölr ertu, Loki, svá at þú ert örviti,
- hví né lezk-a-ðu, Loki? -
því at ofdrykkja veldr alda hveim,
er sína mælgi né man-at."
Loki kvað:
48. "Þegi þú, Heimdallr, þér var í árdaga
it ljóta líf of lagit;
örgu baki þú munt æ vera ok vaka vörðr goða."
Skaði kvað:
49. "Létt er þér, Loki;
mun-at-tu lengi svá leika lausum hala,
því at þik á hjörvi skulu ins hrímkalda magar
görnum binda goð."
Loki kvað:
50. "Veiztu, ef mik á hjörvi skulu ins hrímkalda magar
görnum binda goð, fyrstr ok efstr
var ek at fjörlagi, þars vér á Þjaza þrifum."