The serving-maid spake:
6. "Vilmund is he, | the heroes' friend,
Who wrapped the woman | in bedclothes warm,
(For winters five, | yet her father knew not)."
7. Then no more | they spake, methinks;
She went at the knees | of the woman to sit;
With magic Oddrun | and mightily Oddrun
Chanted for Borgny | potent charms.
8. At last were born | a boy and girl,
Son and daughter | of Hogni's slayer;
Then speech the woman | so weak began,
Nor said she aught | ere this she spake:
9. "So may the holy | ones thee help,
Frigg and Freyja | and favoring gods,
As thou hast saved me | from sorrow now."
Oddrun spake:
10. "I came not hither | to help thee thus
Because thou ever | my aid didst earn;
I fulfilled the oath | that of old I swore,
That aid to all | I should ever bring,
(When they shared the wealth | the warriors had)."
[7. Charms: cf. Sigrdrifumol, 8.
8. Hogni's slayer: obviously Vilmund, but unless he was the one of Atli's followers who actually cut out Hogni's
heart (cf. Drap Niflunga), there is nothing else to connect him with Hogni's death. Sijmons emends the line to read
"Born of the sister | of Hogni's slayer."'
8. Regarding Frigg as a goddess of healing cf. Svipdagsmol, 52, note. Regarding Freyja as the friend of lovers cf.
Grimnismol, 14, note. A line is very possibly missing from this stanza.
10. The manuscript does not name the speaker. In line 2 the word rendered "earn" is omitted in the manuscript, but
nearly all editions have supplied it. Line 5 is clearly either interpolated or out of place. It may be all that is
left of a stanza which stood between stanzas 16 and 17, or it may belong in stanza 13.]


Ambótt kvað:
6. "Vilmundr heitir vinr haukstalda,
hann varði mey varmri blæju
fimm vetr alla, svá hon sinn föður leyndi."
7. Þær hykk mæltu þvígit fleira,
gekk mild fyr kné meyju at sitja;
ríkt gól Oddrún, rammt gól Oddrún,
bitra galdra at Borgnýju.
8. Knátti mær ok mögr moldveg sporna,
börn þau in blíðu við bana Högna;
þat nam at mæla mær fjörsjúka,
svá at hon ekki kvað orð it fyrra:
9. "Svá hjalpi þér hollar véttir,
Frigg ok Freyja ok fleiri goð,
sem þú feldir mér fár af höndum."
Oddrún kvað:
10. "Hnék-at ek af því til hjalpar þér,
at þú værir þess verð aldregi;
hét ek ok efndak, er ek hinig mælta,
at ek hvívetna hjalpa skyldak,
þá er öðlingar arfi skiptu."