6. Without stood Guthrun, | Gjuki's daughter,
Hear now the speech | that first she spake:
"Where is Sigurth now, | the noble king,
That my kinsmen riding | before him come?"
7. Only this | did Hogni answer:
"Sigurth we | with our swords have slain;
The gray horse mourns | by his master dead."
8. Then Brynhild spake, | the daughter of Buthli:
"Well shall ye joy | in weapons and lands;
Sigurth alone | of all had been lord,
If a little longer | his life had been.
9. "Right were it not | that so he should rule
O'er Gjuki's wealth | and the race of the Goths;
Five are the sons | for ruling the folk,
And greedy of fight, | that he hath fathered."
10. Then Brynhild laughed-- | and the building echoed--
Only once, | with all her heart;
"Long shall ye joy | in lands and men,
Now ye have slain | the hero noble."
[7. One line of this stanza, but it is not clear which, seems to have been lost. The gray horse: Grani.
8. Some editions set stanzas 8 and 9 after stanza 11; Sijmons marks them as spurious. Buthli: cf. Gripisspo, 19, note.
9. Goths: a generic term for any German race; cf. Gripisspo, [fp. 407] 35 and note. Five sons: according to the Volsungasaga
Sigurth had only one son, named Sigmund, who was killed at Brynhild's behest. Sigurtharkvitha en skamma and Guthrunarkvitha II
like wise mention only one son. The daughter of Sigurth and Guthrun, Svanhild, marries Jormunrek (Ermanarich).]


Gunnar kvað:
6. "Mér hefir Sigurðr selda eiða,
eiða selda, alla logna;
þá vélti hann mik, er hann vera skyldi
allra eiða einn fulltrúi."
Högni kvað:
7. "Þik hefir Brynhildr böl at gerva
heiftar hvattan harm at vinna;
fyrman hon Guðrúnu góðra ráða,
en síðan þér sín at njóta."
8. Sumir ulf sviðu, sumir orm sniðu,
sumir Gotþormi af gera deildu;
áðr þeir mætti meins of lystir
á horskum hal hendr of leggja.
9. Soltinn varð Sigurðr sunnan Rínar;
hrafn af meiði hátt kallaði:
"Ykkr mun Atli eggjar rjóða,
munu vígskáum of viða eiðar."
10. Úti stóð Guðrún Gjúka dóttir,
ok hon þat orða alls fyrst of kvað:
"Hvar er nú Sigurðr, seggja dróttinn,
er frændr mínir fyrri ríða?"