81. Heiti for men
Skalds are called bards; and in skaldship it is correct to call any man so whom one will. Those men who served King Hálfr were called Champions.1 and
from their name warriors are called champions; and it is correct to call all men so. In skaldship men are called Lofdar also, as is written above.2
Those men were called Skatnar3 who served the king named Skati the Munificent: from his name every one who is munificent is called Skati. They who
followed Bragi the Old were called Bragnar.4 They who assess the transactions of men are called taxers. Fyrdar5 and Firar6
are they called who defend the land. Vikings and fleet-men form a ship-army. They who followed King Beimuni were called Beimar.7 Captains of
companies are called Grooms, even as he is called who carries home a bride. The Goths are named after that king who was called Goti, from whom Gotland is named: he was so called
after Odin's name, derived from the name Gautr, for Gautland or Gotland was named after Odin's name, and Sweden from the name of Svidurr, which is also
a title of Odin's. At that time all the mainland which he possessed was called Reid-Gotaland, and all the islands, Ey-Gotaland: that is now called the
Realm of Danes or of Swedes.
Young men not householders are called Drengs, while they are acquiring wealth and glory: sea-faring Drengs are they who voyage from land to land; King's
Drengs are they who serve rulers. They also are Drengs who serve wealthy men or franklins; valiant and ambitious men are called Drengs. Warriors are also
called Champions and Troops: these are soldiers. Freeholders are called Thanes and Yeomen; those men who go about reconciling men are called Day-Men. These
men are they who are called Champions, Kemps, Men of War, Brave Men, Valiant Men, Hardy Men, Overpowerers, Heroes. Over against these are the following
terms: Soft, Weak, Unleavened, Leavenless, Melting One, Sheath, Coward, Skulker, Weakling, Qualmish, Caitiff, Scamp, Vile One, Dog, Lout, Feeble One,
Paltry' One, Imbecile, Bungler, Son of Wretchedness.
A good man of his hands is called Munificent, Illustrious, Towerer, Mighty Towerer, Towering Gold-Giver, Prince of Men, Wealthy One, Prosperous, Heaper-Up
of Riches, Mighty Man, Chieftain. In contrast to these are they who are called Niggard, Miser, Calculator, Wretched One, Wealth-Hiding, Gift-Tardy One. A
man wise in Counsel is called Wielder of Counsel. A witless man is called Clown, Oaf, Gander, Dupe, Boor, Idiot, Dolt, Fool, Madman, Maniac, Moon-Struck.
One who thinks much of dress is called Gaudy, Dreng, Glittering One, Careful of Attire, Tricked-Out. A noisy fellow is called Shark-Skin, Braggart,
Sheath-Cleaner, Fawner, Brawler, Good-for-Naught, Worthless One. Common-folk are called Country-folk or People. A thrall is called Kept-Man, Serf,
Laborer, Servant.
82. Heiti of groups
Each one singly is called man; 't is twain if they are two; three are a thorp; four are a group; a band is five men; if there are six, it is a squad;
seven complete a crew; eight men make a panel; nine are 'good fellows;' ten are a gang; eleven form an embassy; it is a dozen if twelve go together;
thirteen. are a crowd; fourteen are an expedition; it is a gathering, when fifteen meet; sixteen make a garrison; seventeen are a congregation; to him
who meets eighteen, they seem enemies enough. He who has nineteen men has a company; twenty men are a posse; thirty are a squadron; forty, a community;
fifty are a shire; sixty are an assembly; seventy are a line;8 eighty are a people; one hundred is a host.
83. True terms and surnames
Beside these there are those terms which men prefix to the names of men: we call such terms epithets of possession,9 or true terms, or surnames. It
is an epithet of possession when one names a thing by its true name, and calls him whom one desires to periphrase Owner of that thing; or Father or
Grandfather of that which was named; Grandsire is a third epithet. Moreover, a son is also called Heir, Heritor, Bairn, Child and Boy, Inheritor. A
blood-kinsman is called Brother, Twin, Germane, Consanguine; a relation is also called Nephew, Kinsman, Kin, Kith, Friend, Kin-Stave, Descendant, Family-Prop,
Family-Stem, Kin-Branch, Family-Bough, Offshoot, Offspring, Head-Tree, Scion. Kinsmen by marriage are further called Sib-folk, Minglers of Blood. A friend
is called Counsel-Mate, Counsel-Giver, Adviser, Secret-Sharer, Converser, Bench-Fellow, Fondling, Seat-Mate; bench-fellow also means Cabin-Mate. A foe is
called Adversary, Shooter Against One, Hater, Attacker, Scather, Slayer, Hard Presser, Pursuer, Overbearer.
These terms we call epithets of possession; and so also if a man is known by his dwelling or his ship, which has a name of its own, or by his estate, when
a name of its own is given to it.
This we call true terms: to call a man Wise Man, Man of Thought, Wise in Speech, Sage in Counsel, Wealth Munificent, Not Slack, Endower, Illustrious One;
these are surnames.
84. Heiti for women
These are simple terms for women in skaldship: Wife and Bride and Matron are those women who are given to a man. Those who walk in pomp and fine array are
called Dame and Lady. They who are witty of speech are called Women of Wisdom.10 They who are gentle are called Girls; they who are of high
countenance are called Proud and Haughty Ones. She who is of noble mind is called Gentlewoman;11 she who is richest, Lady. She who is bashful, as
young -maids are, or those women who are modest, is called Lass. The woman whose husband has departed from the land is called Stay-at-Home.
That woman whose husband is slain is called War-Widow: Widow is the term for her whose husband has died of sick ness. Maid means, first, every woman, and then
carlines that are old. Then there are those terms for women which are libellous: one may find them in songs, though they be not ill writing. Those women who
have one husband in common are called Concubines. A son's wife is termed Daughter-in-law; the husband's mother is called Mother-in-law. A woman may also be
called Mother, Grand mother, Great-Grandmother; a Mother is called Dam. Woman is further called Daughter, Bairn, and Child. She is also called Sister,
[Lady, and Maiden].12 Woman is also called Bed-Fellow, Speech-Mate, and Secret-Sharer of her husband; and that is an epithet of possession.
85. The head and its parts
A man's head is termed thus: [thus should it be periphrased: call it Toil or Burden of the Neck; Land of the Helm, of the Hood, and of the Brain, of the Hair
and Brows, of the Scalp, of Ears, Eves, and Mouth; Sword of Heimdallr, arid it is correct to name any term for sword which one desires; and to periphrase it in
terms of every one of the names of Heimdallr]13 the Head, in simple terms, is called Skull, Brain, Temple, Crown. The eyes are termed Vision or
Glance, and Regard, Swift-Appraising; [they may he so periphrased as to call them Sun or Moon, Shields and Glass or Jewels or Stones of the Eyelids, of the
Brows, the Lashes, or the Forehead]. The ears are called [Listeners or Hearing];14 [one should periphrase t hem by calling them Land, or any
earth-name, or Mouth, or Canal, or Vision, or Eyes of Hearing, if the metaphors employed are new-coined. The mouth one should periphrase by calling it Land
or House of the Tongue or of the Teeth, of Words or of the Palate, of the Lips, or the like; and if the metaphors used are not traditional, then men may call
the mouth Ship, and the lips the Planks, and the tongue Oar or Tiller of the Ship. The teeth are sometimes called Gravel or Rocks of Words, of the Mouth, or
of the Tongue. The tongue is often called Sword of Speech or of the Mouth]. The hair which stands on the lips is called Beard, Moustache, or Whiskers. Hair
is called Nap; the hair of women is called Tresses. Hair is termed Locks. [One may periphrase hair by calling it Forest, or by some tree-name; one may
periphrase it in terms of the skull or brain or head; and the beard in terms of chin or cheeks or throat.]
86. The heart, breast, and feeling
The heart is called grain-sheaf; [one should periphrase it by terming it Grain or Stone or Apple or Nut or Ball, or the like, in figures of the breast or
of feeling. More over, it may be called House or Earth or Mount of Feeling. One should periphrase the breast by calling it House or Garth or Ship of the
Heart, of Breath, or of the Liver; Land of Energy, of Feeling, and of Memory]. Feeling is affection and emotion, love, passion, desire, love-longing.
[Passion should be periphrased by calling it Wind of Troll Women; also it is correct to name what one soever is desired, and to name giants, periphrasing
giantesses as Woman or Mother or Daughter of the Giants.] Feeling is also called mood, liking, eagerness, courage, activity, memory, understanding, temper,
humor, good faith. It is also wrath, enmity, mischievousness, grimness, balefulness, grief, sorrow, ill-will, spite, falseness, faithlessness, fickleness,
light-mindedness, baseness, hasty temper, violence.
87. The hand, the foot
The hand and fore-arm may be called hand, arm, paw, palm. Parts of the arm are called elbow, upper arm, wolf's joint,15 finger, grip, wrist, nail,
finger-tip, hand-edge, quick. [One may term the hand Earth of Weapons or of Defensive Armor; and together with shoulder and arm, the hollow of the hand and the
wrist, it may, be called Earth of Gold Rings, of the Falcon and the Hawk, and of all the equivalents thereof; and in new-coined metaphors, Leg of the
Shoulder-joint, and Force of the Bow. The legs may be called Tree of the Soles, of the Insteps, of the Ankles, or the like; Running Shaft of the Road or of the
Way or the Pace; one may call the leg Tree or Post of all these. The legs are periphrased in metaphors of snowshoes, shoes, and breeks.] The parts of the
legs are called thigh, knee, calf, lower leg, upper leg, instep, arch, sole, toe; [one may periphrase the leg in terms of all these, calling it Tree, Mast,
and Yard thereof; and in metaphors of them all].
88. Speech and understanding
Understanding is called wisdom, counsel, discernment, memory, speculation, intelligence, arithmetic, far sight,16 craft, word-wit, preëminence. It
is called subtlety, wiliness, falsehood, fickleness.
89. Of using what is hidden or punning
Expression is of two kinds: that which is called voice, and that which is called manners; manners is also temper. Reiði17 also has double
meaning: reiði17 is the ill humor of a man, and reiði17 is also the rigging of a ship or the driving-gear of a horse. Fár also has
double meaning: fár17 signifies wrath, and far17 signifies a ship.
Men have made frequent use of such ambiguous expressions as these; and this practice is called punning. [Lith18 is that part of a man where
bones meet; lið is a word for ship; lið means people; when a man renders an other assistance, his aid is lið; líð signifies ale. Hlið signifies the
gate in a garth; hliðr men call an ox, and hlíð signifies a slope. One may make such use of these distinct meanings in skaldship as to make a pun that
is hard to interpret, provided one employ other distinctions than those which are indicated by the half-lines which precede. These cases are there, and
many others, in which divers things have the same name in common.
[1. Rekkar.
2. See page 232.
3. Plural of Skati = lordly, towering.
4. Heroes.
5. Cf. A.-S. fyrd, firas.
6. Cf. A.-S. fyrd, firas.
7. Heroes, Men
8. Sörvar, plural of sörvi, a lady's necklace.
9. Vidhenningar: literally, by-periphrases.
10. Snót (plural, Snótir) = a gentlewoman. Cf. Snotr = wise. A popular etymology.
11. Literally = Plowshare. (See Cl.-Vig, p. 498.)
12. Dís; properly = sister. For discussion of these words, see under dís in Cl.-Vig., p. 100.
13. This and other pages in brackets are probably spurious.
14. These are the literal meanings; the meanings, in general usage, coincide: both words signify the inner parts of the ear (Cl.-Vig.).
15. This is the wrist-joint.
16. That is prophecy.
17. These are properly two different words.
18. Lið.]


81. Mannaheiti.
Skáld heita greppar, ok rétt er í skáldskap at kalla svá hvern mann, er vill. Rekkar váru kallaðir þeir menn, er fylgðu Hálfi konungi, ok af
þeirra nafni eru rekkar kallaðir hermenn, ok er rétt at kalla svá alla menn. Lofðar heita ok menn í skáldskap, sem fyrr er ritat. Skatnar váru
þeir menn kallaðir, er fylgðu þeim konungi, er Skati mildi var kallaðr. Af hans nafni er skati kallaðr hverr, er mildr er. Bragnar heita þeir,
er fylgðu Braga konungi inum gamla. Virðar heita þeir menn, er meta mál manna. Fyrðar ok firar ok verar heita landvarnarmenn. Víkingar ok flotnar,
þat er skipa herr. Beimar, svá hétu þeir, er fylgðu Beimuna konungi. Gumnar eða gumar heita flokkstjórar, svá sem gumi er kallaðr í brúðför. Gotnar
eru kallaðir af heiti konungs þess, er Goti er nefndr, er Gotland er við kent. Hann var kallaðr af nafni Óðins ok dregit af Gauts nafni, því at
Gautland eða Gotland var kallat af nafni Óðins, en Svíþjóð af nafni Sviðurs. Þat er ok heiti Óðins. Í þann tíma var kallat allt meginland, þat er
hann átti, Reiðgotaland, en eyjar allar Eygotaland. Þat er nú kallat Danaveldi ok Svíaveldi. Drengir heita ungir menn búlausir, meðan þeir afla sér
fjár eða orðstír, þeir fardrengir, er milli landa fara, þeir konungsdrengir, er höfðingjum þjóna, þeir ok drengir, er þjóna ríkum mönnum eða bóndum.
Drengir heita vaskir menn ok batnandi.
Seggir eru kallaðir ok kníar ok liðar, þat eru fylgðarmenn. Þegnar ok hölðar, svá eru búendr kallaðir. Ljónar heita þeir menn, er ganga of sættir manna.
Þeir menn eru, er svá eru kallaðir: kappar, kenpur, garpar, snillingar, hreystimenn, harðmenni, afarmenni, hetjur. Þessi heiti standa hér í mót at kalla
mann blauðan, veykan, þjarfan, þirfing, blotamann, skauð, skræfu, skrjáð, vák, vám, læra, sleyma, teyða, dugga, dási, dirokkr, dusilmenni, ölmusa, auvirð,
vílmögr. Örr maðr heitir mildingr, mæringr, skati, þjóðskati, gullskati, mannbaldr, sælingr, sælkeri, auðkýfingr, ríkmenni, höfðingi. Hér í mót er svá
kallat: hnöggvingr, glöggvingr, mælingr, vesalingr, féníðingr, gjöflati. Heitir spekingr ráðvaldr. Heitir ok óvitr maðr fífl, afglapi, gassi, ginningr,
gaurr, glópr, snápr, fóli, ærr, óðr, galinn. Snyrtimaðr ofláti, drengr, glæsimaðr, stertimaðr, prýðimaðr. Heitir hraumi, skrápr, skrokkr, skeiðklofi,
flangi, slinni, fjósnir, slápr, dröttr.
Lýðr heitir landfólk eða ljóðr. Heitir ok þræll kefsir, þjónn, önnungr, þirr.
82. Hópaheiti.
Maðr heitir einn hverr, tá, ef tveir eru, þorp, ef þrír eru, fjórir eru föruneyti, flokkr eru fimm menn, sveit, ef sex eru, sjau fylla sögn,
átta bera ámælisskor, nautar eru níu, dúnn, ef tíu eru, ærir ro ellifu, toglöð er, ef tólf fara, þyss eru þrettán, ferð fjórtán,
fundr er þá, er fimmtán hittask, seta eru sextán, sókn eru sautján, ærnir þykkja óvinir, þeim er átján mætir, neyti hefir sá,
er nítján menn hefir, drótt eru tuttugu menn. Þjóð eru þrír tigir, fólk eru fjórir tigir, fylki eru fimm tigir, samnaðr eru sex tigir,
sörvar eru sjau tigir, öld eru átta tigir, herr er hundrað.
83. Viðkenningar ok sannkenningar.
Enn eru þau heiti, er menn láta ganga fyrir nöfn manna. Þat köllum vér viðkenningar eða sannkenningar eða fornöfn. Þat eru viðkenningar at nefna annan
hlut réttu nafni ok kalla þann, er hann vill nefna, eiganda eða svá at kalla hann þess, er hann nefndi, föður eða afa. Ái er inn þriði. Heitir ok sonr
ok arfi, arfuni, barn, jóð ok mögr, erfingi. Heitir ok bróðir, blóði, barmi, hlýri, lifri. Heitir ok niðr, nefi, áttungr, konr, kundr, frændi, kynstafr,
niðjungr, ættstuðill, ættbarmr, kynkvísl, ættbogi, afkvæmi, afspringr, höfuðbaðmr, ofsköft. Heita ok mágar, sifjungar, hleytamenn. Heitir ok vinr ok
ráðunautr, ráðgjafi, máli, rúni, spjalli, alda þófti, einkili, sessi, sessunautr. Þófti er hálfrýmisfélagi. Heitir ok óvinr, dólgr, andskoti, fjandi,
sökkvi, skaðamaðr, banamaðr, þröngvir, sökkvir, ósvífruðr. Þessi heiti köllum vér viðkenningar ok svá, þótt maðr sé kenndr við bæ sinn eða skip sitt,
þat er nafn á, eða eign sína, þá er einkarnafn er gefit. Þetta köllum vér sannkenningar, at kalla menn spekimann, ætlunarmann, orðspeking, ráðsnilling,
auðmilding, óslækinn, gæimann, glæsimann. Þetta eru fornöfn.
84. Kvennaheiti.
Þessi eru kvenna heiti ókennd í skáldskap: Víf ok brúðr ok fljóð heita þær konr, er manni eru gefnar. Sprund ok svanni heita þær konr, er mjök fara með
dramb ok skart. Snótir heita þær, er orðnæfrar eru. Drósir heita þær, er kyrrlátar eru, svarri ok svarkr þær, er mikillátar eru. Ristill er kölluð sú kona,
er sköruglynd er. Rýgr heitir sú, er ríkust er. Feima er sú kölluð, er ófröm er, svá sem ungar meyjar eða þær konur, er ódjarfar eru. Sæta heitir sú kona,
er búandi hennar er af landi farinn. Hæll er sá kona kölluð, er búandi hennar er veginn. Ekkja heitir sú, er búandi hennar varð sóttdauðr. Mær heitir fyrst
hver, en kerlingar er gamlar eru. Eru enn þau kvenna heiti, er til lastmælis eru, ok má þau finna í kvæðum, þótt þat sé eigi ritat. Þær konur heita eljur,
er einn mann eigu. Snör heitir sonarkván. Sværa heitir vers móðir. Heitir ok móðir, amma, þriðja edda. Eiða heitir móðir. Heitir ok dóttir ok barn, jóð.
Heitir ok systir, dís, jóðdís. Kona er ok kölluð beðja, mála, rúna búanda síns, ok er þat viðrkenning.
85. Höfuð ok hlutar þess.
Höfuð heitir á manni. Þat skal svá kenna at kalla erfiði háls eða byrði, land hjálms ok hattar ok heila, hárs ok brúna, svarðar, eyrna, augna,
munns. Heimdallar sverð, ok er rétt at nefna hvert sverðsheiti, er vill, ok kenna við eitt hvert nafn Heimdallar. Höfuð heitir ókennt hauss, hjarni,
kjannr, kollr. Augu heita sjón ok lit eða viðrlit, örmjót. Þau má svá kenna at kalla sól eða tungl, skjöldu ok gler eða gimsteina eða stein brá eða
brúna, hvarma eða ennis. Eyru heita hlustir ok heyrn. Þau skal svá kenna at kalla land eða jarðarheitum nökkurum eða munn eða rás eða sjón eða augu
heyrnarinnar, ef nýgervingar eru. Munn skal svá kenna at kalla land eða hús tungu eða tanna, orða eða góma, varra eða þvílíkt, ok ef nýgervingar eru,
þá kalla menn munninn skip, en varrarnar borðit, tunga ræðit eða stýrit. Tennr eru stundum kallaðar grjót eða sker orða, munnr eða tunga. Tunga er
oft kölluð sverð máls eða munns. Skegg heitir barð, grön eða kanpar, er stendr á vörrum. Hár heitir lá, haddr þat, er konr hafa. Skoft heitir hár.
Hár er svá kennt at kalla skóg eða viðarheiti nökkuru, kenna til hauss eða hjarna eða höfuðs, en skegg kenna við höku eða kinnr eða kverkr.
86. Hjarta, brjóst, hugr.
Hjarta heitir negg. Þat skal svá kenna, kalla korn eða stein eða epli eða hnot eða mýl eða líkt ok kenna við brjóst eða hug, kalla má ok hús eða
jörð eða berg hugarins. Brjóst skal svá kenna at kalla hús eða garð eða skip hjarta, anda eða lifrar, eljunar land, hugar ok minnis. Hugr heitir sefi
ok sjafni, ást, elskhugi, vili, munr. Huginn skal svá kenna at kalla vind trollkvenna, ok rétt at nefna til hverja, er vill, ok svá at nefna jötnana,
eða kenna þá til konu eða móður eða dóttur þess. Hugr heitir ok geð, þokki, eljun, þrekr, nenning, minni, vit, skap, lund, tryggð. Heitir ok hugr reiði,
fjandskapr, fár, grimmð, böl, harmr, tregi, óskap, grellskap, lausung, ótryggð, geðleysi, þunngeði, gessni, harðgeði, óðværi.
87. Hönd, fótr.
Hönd má kalla mund, arm, lám, hramm. Á hendi heitir ölnbogi, armleggr, úlfliðr, liðr, fingr, greip, hreifi, nagl, gómr, jaðarr, kvikva. Hönd má kalla jörð
vápna eða hlífa, við axlar ok ermar, lófa ok hreifa, gullhringa jörð ok vals ok hauks ok allra hans heita, ok í nýgervingum fót axlar, bognauð. Fætr má
kalla tré ilja, rista, leista eða þvílíkt, renniflein brautar eða göngu, fets. Má kalla fótinn tré eða stoð þessa. Við skíð ok skúa ok brækr eru fætr
kenndir. Á fæti heitir lær, kné, kálfi, bein, leggr, rist, jarki, il, tá. Við þetta allt má fótinn kenna ok kalla hann tré, ok kallat er sigla ok rá
fótrinn, ok kenna við þessa hluti.
88. Mál ok vit.
Mál heitir ok orð ok orðtak ok orðsnilli, tala, saga, senna, þræta, söngr, galdr, kveðandi, skjal, bifa, hjaldr, hjal, skvál, glaumr, þjarka, gyss, þraft,
skálp, hól, skraf, dælska, ljóðæska, hégómi, afgelja. Heitir ok rödd, hljómr, rómr, ómun, þytr, göll, gnýr, glymr, þrymr, rymr, brak, svipr, svipun, gangr.
Vit heitir speki, ráð, skilning, minni, ætlun, hyggjandi, tölvísi, langsæi, bragðvísi, orðspeki, skörungskapr. Heitir undirhyggja, vélræði, fláræði,
89. At yrkja fólgit eða ofljóst.
Læti er tvennt. Læti heitir rödd, læti heitir æði, ok æði er ok ólund. Reiði er ok tvíkennt. Reiði heitir þat, er maðr er í illum hug, reiði heitir ok
fargervi skips eða hross. Far er ok tvíkennt. Fár er reiði, far er skip. Þvílík orðtök hafa menn mjök til þess at yrkja fólgit, ok er þat kallat mjök
ofljóst. Lið kalla menn þat á manni, er leggir mætast, lið heitir skip, lið heitir mannfólk, lið er ok þat kallat, er maðr veitir öðrum liðsinni, líð
heitir öl. Hlið heitir á garði, ok hlið kalla menn uxa, en hlíð er brekka. Þessar greinir má setja svá í skáldskap, at gera ofljóst, at vant er at skilja,
ef aðra skal hafa greinina en áðr þykki til horfa in fyrri vísuorð. Slíkt sama eru ok önnur mörg nöfn, þau er saman eigu heitit margir hlutir.