21. Peace to them he granted, with heart sincere; they in return promised him gold, feigned themselves friends, while they together drank; but then came forth their guile.

22. Then afterwards, on the second day, when they in Rygiardal rode, they with swords wounded him who sackless was, and let his life go forth.

23. His corpse they dragged (on a lonely way, and cut up piecemeal) into a well, and would it hide; but the holy Lord beheld from heaven.

24. His soul summoned home the true God into his joy to come; but the evil doers will, I wean, late be from torments called.


25. Do thou pray the Disir of the Lord's words to be kind to thee in spirit: for a week after, all shall then go happily, according to thy will.


21. Griđ hann ţeim seldi af góđum hug, en ţeir hétu honum gulli í gegn; sáttir létusk, međan saman drukku, en ţó kómu flćrđir fram.

22. En ţá eftir á öđrum degi, er ţeir höfđu í Rýgjardal riđit, sverđum ţeir meiddu, ţann er saklauss var ok létu hans fjörvi farit.

23. Lík hans ţeir drógu á leynigötu ok brytjuđu í brunn niđr; dylja ţeir vildu, en dróttinn sá heilagr himnum af.

24. Sál hans bađ inn sanni guđ í sinn fögnuđ fara; en sökudólgar hygg ek síđla muni kallađir frá kvölum.


25. Dísir biđ ţú ţér dróttins mála vera hollar í hugum; viku eftir mun ţér vilja ţíns alt at óskum ganga.


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