81. This lay, which I have taught thee, thou shalt before the living sing, the Sun-Song, which will appear in many parts no fiction.
82. Here we part, but again shall meet on the day of men's rejoicing. Oh Lord! unto the dead grant peace, and to the living comfort.
83. Wondrous lore has in dream to thee been sung, but thou hast seen the truth: no man has been so wise created that has before heard the Sun-song.


81. Kvæði þetta, er þér kennt hefik, skaltu fyrir kvikum kveða: Sólarljóð, er sýnask munu minnst at mörgu login.
82. Hér vit skiljumk, ok hittask munum á feginsdegi fira; dróttinn minn gefi dauðum ró, en hinum líkn, er lifa.