6. Völund home | from his hunting came,
From a weary way, | the weather-wise bowman,
Slagfith and Egil | the hall found empty,
Out and in went they, | everywhere seeking.
7. East fared Egil | after Olrun,
And Slagfith south | to seek for Swan-White;
Völund alone | in Ulfdalir lay,
. . . . . . . . . .
8. Red gold he fashioned | with fairest gems,
And rings he strung | on ropes of bast;
So for his wife | he waited long,
If the fair one home | might come to him.
9. This Nithuth learned, | the lord of the Njars,
That Völund alone | in Ulfdalir lay;
By night went his men, | their mail-coats were studded,
Their shields in the waning | moonlight shone.
10. From their saddles the gable | wall they sought,
And in they went | at the end of the hall;
Rings they saw there | on ropes of bast,
Seven hundred | the hero had.
[6. The phrase "Völund home from a weary way" is an emendation of Bugge's, accepted by many editors. Some of those who do not include it reject line 4, and
combine the remainder of the stanza with all or part of stanza 7.
7. The manuscript marks the second, and not the first, line as the beginning of a stanza. Some editors combine lines 2-3 with all or part of stanza 8. No
gap is indicated in the manuscript, but many editors have assumed one, some of them accepting Bugge's suggested "Till back the maiden bright should come."
8. No line in this stanza is indicated in the manuscript as be ginning a new stanza; editors have tried all sorts of experiments in regrouping the lines
into stanzas with those of stanzas 7 and 9. In line 3 the word long is sheer guesswork, as the line in the manuscript contains a metrical error.
9. Some editors combine the first two lines with parts of stanza 8, and the last two with the first half of stanza 10. Njars: there has
been much, and inconclusive, discussion as to what this name means; probably it applies to a semi-mythical people somewhere vaguely in "the East."
10. Some editors combine lines 3-4 with the fragmentary stanza 11.]


6. Ţat spyrr Níđuđr, Níára dróttinn,
at einn Völundr sat í Ulfdölum;
nóttum fóru seggir, neglđar váru brynjur,
skildir bliku ţeira viđ inn skarđa mána.
7. Stigu ór söđlum at salar gafli,
gengu inn ţađan endlangan sal;
sáu ţeir á bast bauga dregna,
sjau hundruđ allra, er sá seggr átti.
8. Og ţeir af tóku ok ţeir á létu,
fyr einn útan, er ţeir af létu.
Kom ţar af veiđi veđreygr skyti,
Völundr, líđandi um langan veg.
9. Gekk hann brúnni beru hold steikja,
ár brann hrísi allţurr fura,
viđr inn vindţurri, fyr Völundi.
10. Sat á berfjalli, bauga talđi,
alfa ljóđi, eins saknađi;
hugđi hann, at hefđi Hlöđvés dóttir,
Alvitr unga, vćri hon aftr komin.