1. "What's that dream?
I thought that before day rose
to clear Valhalla
for slain folk.
Make that "I thought that I before day rose"
I roused the einherjar
bade them rise up
to strew the benches
wash the dishes
the valkyries to bear wine
as a leader was coming.
2. I have, out of the world,
hopes of men
some, noble
So I have a glad heart.
3. What din there, Bragi,
as if a thousand shook
or an overly great host?"
"All the wainscoted walls are breaking
as if Baldr might be coming
again into Odin's hall!"
4. "Talking stupid," said Odin,
"you must be, wise Bragi,
though you know everything!
For Erik it rattles,
who is to come in here,
king into Odin's hall.
5.Sigmund and Sinfjötli,
rise up quickly
and go to meet the hero!
Invite him in,
if it be Eiríkr!
My hope of him is now known."
6. "Why in you is hope of Eirík
rather than of others
now to Valhalla, in your awareness?"
"Because many lands
he has reddened with sword
and borne a bloodied blade."
7. "Why did he not win victory there,
he whom you considered to be valiant,
and was he worthy of victory from the gods?"
"Because it's unknown to know,
when the grey wolf
will seek out the seat of the gods.
8. Hail now, Eiríkr,
welcome shall you be here
and walk into the hall, bold one!
About it I wish to ask:
What follows you
of kings from the edge-play?"
9. "Kings there are five;
I do not know all their names.
I am the sixth, myself."


1. Hvat's ţat drauma,
hugđumk fyr dag rísa
Valhöll at ryđja
fyr vegnu folki ;
vakđak Einherja,
bađk upp rísa,
bekki at stráa,
bjórker at leyđra,
valkyrjur vín bera
sem vísi kœmi.
2. Es mér ór heimi
hölđa vánir
göfugra nökkurra,
svá's mér glatt hjarta.
3. Hvat ţrymr ţar Bragi
sem ţúsund bifisk
eđa mengi til mikit?
Braka öll bekkţili
sem myni Baldr koma
eptir í Óđins sali.
4. Heimsku mćla
skalat enn horski Bragi,
ţvít ţú vel hvat vitir ;
fyr Eiríki glymr,
es hér mun inn koma
jöfurr í Óđins sali.
5. Sigmundr ok Sinfjötli,
rísiđ snarliga
ok gangiđ í göng grami,
inn ţú bjóđ,
ef Eiríkr séi ;
hans es mér nú vón vituđ.
6. Hví's ţér Eiríks vón
heldr an annarra?
Ţvít mörgu landi
hann hefr mćki rođit
ok blóđugt sverđ borit.
7. Hví namt hann sigri ţá,
es ţér ţótti snjallr vesa?
Óvíst's at vita,
sér ulfr enn hösvi
[greypr] á sjöt gođa.
8. Heill ţú Eiríkr,
vel skalt hér kominn
ok gakk í höll horskr,
hins vilk fregna,
hvat fylgir ţér
jöfra frá eggţrimu.
9. Konungar ro fimm,
kennik ţér nafn allra,
en em enn sétti sjalfr.