Skathi spake:
51. "Wert thou first and last | at the deadly fight
There where Thjazi was caught,
From my dwellings and fields | shall ever come forth
A counsel cold for thee."
Loki spake:
52. "More lightly thou spakest | with Laufey's son,
When thou badst me come to thy bed;
Such things must be known | if now we two
Shall seek our sins to tell."
Then Sif came forward and poured mead for Loki in a crystal cup, and said:
53. "Hail too thee, Loki, | and take thou here
The crystal cup of old mead;
For me at least, | alone of the gods,
Blameless thou knowest to be."
He took the horn, and drank therefrom:
54. "Alone thou wert | if truly thou wouldst
All men so shyly shun;
But one do I know | full well, methinks,
Who had thee from Hlorrithi's arms,--
(Loki the crafty in lies.)"
Beyla spake:
55. "The mountains shake, | and surely I think
From his home comes Hlorrithi now;
He will silence the man | who is slandering here
Together both gods and men."
[52. Laufey's son: Loki; not much is known of his parents beyond their names. His father was the giant Farbauti, his mother Laufey, sometimes called Nal.
There is an elaborate but far fetched hypothesis explaining these three on the basis of a nature-myth. 'There is no other reference to such a relation
between Skathi and Loki as he here suggests.
53. Sif: Thor's wife; cf. Harbarthsljoth, 48, where her infidelity is again mentioned. The manuscript omits the proper name from the preceding prose, and
a few editors have, obviously in error, attributed the speech to Beyla.
54. Hlorrithi: Thor. Line 5 is probably spurious.
55. Beyla: Freyr's servant, wife of Byggvir; cf. introductory prose and note.]


Skađi kvađ:
51. "Veiztu, ef fyrstr ok efstr vartu at fjörlagi,
ţá er ér á Ţjaza ţrifuđ, frá mínum véum
ok vöngum skulu ţér ć köld ráđ koma."
Loki kvađ:
52. "Léttari í málum vartu viđ Laufeyjar son,
ţá er ţú létz mér á beđ ţinn bođit;
getit verđr oss slíks, ef vér görva skulum
telja vömmin vár."
ţá gekk Sif fram ok byrlađi Loka í hrímkálki mjöđ ok mćlti:
53. "Heill ver ţú nú, Loki, ok tak viđ hrímkálki
fullum forns mjađar, heldr ţú hana eina
látir međ ása sonum vammalausa vera."
Hann tók viđ horni ok drakk af:
54. "Ein ţú vćrir, ef ţú svá vćrir,
vör ok gröm at veri;
einn ek veit, svá at ek vita ţykkjumk,
hór ok af Hlórriđa, ok var ţat sá inn lćvísi Loki."
Beyla kvađ:
55. "Fjöll öll skjalfa;
hygg ek á för vera heiman Hlórriđa;
han rćđr ró, ţeim er rćgir hér
gođ öll ok guma."