Loki spake:
56. "Be silent, Beyla! | thou art Byggvir's wife,
And deep art thou steeped in sin;
A greater shame | to the gods came ne'er,
Befouled thou art with thy filth."
Then came Thor forth, and spake:
57. "Unmanly one, cease, | or the mighty hammer,
Mjollnir, shall close thy mouth;
Thy shoulder-cliff | shall I cleave from thy neck,
And so shall thy life be lost."
Loki spake:
58. "Lo, in has come | the son of Earth:
Why threaten so loudly, Thor?
Less fierce thou shalt go | to fight with the wolf
When he swallows Sigfather up."
Thor spake:
59. "Unmanly one, cease, | or the mighty hammer,
Mjollnir, shall close thy mouth;
I shall hurl thee up | and out in the East,
Where men shall see thee no more."
Loki spake:
60. "That thou hast fared | on the East-road forth
To men shouldst thou say no more;
In the thumb of a glove | didst thou hide, thou great one,
And there forgot thou wast Thor."
[57. Mjollnir: concerning Thor's famous hammer see particularly Thrymskvitha, 1 and note. Shoulder-cliff: head; concerning the use of such
diction in the Edda, cf. introductory note to Hymiskvitha. The manuscript indicates line 3 as the beginning of a stanza, but this is apparently
a scribal error.
58. Son of Earth: Thor, son of Othin and Jorth (Earth). The manuscript omits the word "son," but all editors have agreed in supplying it. The wolf:
Fenrir, Loki's son, who slays Othin (Sigfather: "Father of Victory") in the final battle. Thor, according to Snorri and to the Voluspo, 56, fights with
Mithgarthsorm and not with Fenrir, who is killed by Vithar.
59. Lines 1-2 are abbreviated in the manuscript, as also in stanzas 61 and 63.
60. Loki's taunt that Thor hid in the thumb of Skrymir's glove is similar to that of Othin, Harbarthsljoth, 26, in the note to which the story is
outlined. Line 4 is identical with line 5 of Harbarthsljoth, 26.]


Loki kvað:
56. "Þegi þú, Beyla, þú ert Byggvis kvæn
ok meini blandinn mjök, ókynjan meira
kom-a med ása sonum;
öll ertu, deigja, dritin."
Þá kom Þórr at ok kvað:
57. "Þegi þú, rög vættr, þér skal minn þrúðhamarr,
Mjöllnir, mál fyrnema;
herðaklett drep ek þér halsi af,
ok verðr þá þínu fjörvi of farit."
Loki kvað:
58. "Jarðar burr er hér nú inn kominn,
hví þrasir þú svá, Þórr?
En þá þorir þú ekki, er þú skalt við ulfinn vega,
ok svelgr hann allan Sigföður."
Hann tók við horni ok drakk af:
Þórr kvað:
59. "Þegi þú, rög vættr, þér skal minn þrúðhamarr,
Mjöllnir, mál fyrnema;
upp ek þér verp ok á austrvega,
síðan þik manngi sér."
Loki kvað:
60. "Austrförum þínum skaltu aldregi
segja seggjum frá, síz í hanska þumlungi
hnúkðir þú einheri, ok þóttisk-a þú þá Þórr vera."