Othin spake:
1, "Counsel me, Frigg, for I long to fare,
And Vafthruthnir fain would find;
fit wisdom old with the giant wise
Myself would I seek to match."
Frigg spake:
2. "Heerfather here at home would I keep,
Where the gods together dwell;
Amid all the giants an equal in might
To Vafthruthnir know I none."
Othin spake:
3. "Much have I fared, much have I found.
Much have I got from the gods;
And fain would I know how Vafthruthnir now
Lives in his lofty hall."
Frigg spake:
4. "Safe mayst thou go, safe come again,
And safe be the way thou wendest!
Father of men, let thy mind be keen
When speech with the giant thou seekest."
5. The wisdom then of the giant wise
Forth did he fare to try;
He found the hall | of the father of Im,
And in forthwith went Ygg.
[1. The phrases "Othin spake," "Frigg spake," etc., appear in abbreviated form in both manuscripts. Frigg: Othin's wife; cf. Voluspo, 34 and note. Vafthruthnir ("the Mighty in Riddles"): nothing is known of this giant beyond what is told in this poem.
2. Heerfather ("Father of the Host"): Othin.
3. This single narrative stanza is presumably a later {footnote p. 70} interpolation. Im: the name appears to be corrupt, but we know nothing of any son of Vafthruthnir. Ygg ("the Terrible"): Othin.]
Óðinn kvað:
1. "Ráð þú mér nú, Frigg,
alls mik fara tíðir at vitja Vafþrúðnis;
forvitni mikla kveð ek mér á fornum stöfum
við þann inn alsvinna jötun."
Frigg kvað:
2. "Heima letja ek mynda Herjaföðr
í görðum goða;
því at engi jötun ek hugða jafnramman
sem Vafþrúðni vera."
Óðinn kvað:
3. "Fjölð ek fór, fjölð ek freistaða,
fjölð ek reynda regin;
hitt vil ek vita, hvé Vafþrúðnis
salakynni sé."
Frigg kvað:
4. "Heill þú farir!
heill þú aftr komir!
heill þú á sinnum sér!
æði þér dugi, hvars þú skalt, Aldaföðr,
orðum mæla jötun.
5. Fór þá Óðinn at freista orðspeki
þess ins alsvinna jötuns;
at höllu hann kom, ok átti Íms faðir;
inn gekk Yggr þegar.