Othin spake:
6. "Vafthruthnir, hail! | to thy hall am I come,
For thyself I fain would see;
And first would I ask | if wise thou art,
Or, giant, all wisdom hast won."
Vafthruthnir spake:
7. "Who is the man | that speaks to me,
Here in my lofty hall?
Forth from our dwelling | thou never shalt fare,
Unless wiser than I thou art."
Othin spake:
8. "Gagnrath they call me, | and thirsty I come
From a journey hard to thy hall;
Welcome I look for, | for long have I fared,
And gentle greeting, giant."
Vafthruthnir spake:
9. "Why standest thou there | on the floor whilst thou speakest?
A seat shalt thou have in my hall;
Then soon shall we know | whose knowledge is more,
The guest's or the sage's gray."
Othin spake:
10. "If a poor man reaches | the home of the rich,
Let him wisely speak or be still;
For to him who speaks | with the hard of heart
Will chattering ever work ill."
[8. Gagnrath ("the Gain-Counsellor"): Othin on his travels always assumes a name other than his own.
10. This stanza sounds very much like many of those in the first part of the Hovamol, and may have been introduced here from some such source.]


Óðinn kvað:
6. "Heill þú nú, Vafþrúðnir, nú em ek í höll kominn
á þik sjalfan sjá;
hitt vil ek fyrst vita, ef þú fróðr sér
eða alsviðr jötunn."
Vafþrúðnir kvað:
7. "Hvat er þat manna er í mínum sal
verpumk orði á?
Út þú né komir órum höllum frá,
nema þú inn snotrari sér."
Óðinn kvað:
8. "Gagnráðr ek heiti, nú emk af göngu kominn,
þyrstr til þinna sala;
laðar þurfi - hef ek lengi farit -
ok þinna andfanga, jötunn."
Vafþrúðnir kvað:
9. "Hví þú þá, Gagnráðr, mælisk af golfi fyr?
Far þú í sess í sal!
Þá skal freista, hvárr fleira viti,
gestr eða inn gamli þulr."
Óðinn kvað:
10. "Óauðigr maðr, er til auðigs kemr,
mæli þarft eða þegi;
ofrmælgi mikil, hygg ek, at illa geti
hveim er við kaldrifjaðan kemr."