Vafthruthnir spake:
11. "Speak forth now, Gagnrath, | if there from the floor
Thou wouldst thy wisdom make known:
What name has the steed | that each morn anew
The day for mankind doth draw?"

Othin spake:
12. "Skinfaxi is he, | the steed who for men
The glittering day doth draw;
The best of horses | to heroes he seems,
And brightly his mane doth burn."

Vafthruthnir spake:
13. "Speak forth now, Gagnrath, | if there from the floor
Thou wouldst thy wisdom make known:
What name has the steed | that from East anew
Brings night for the noble gods?"

Othin spake:
14. "Hrimfaxi name they | the steed that anew
Brings night for the noble gods;
Each morning foam | from his bit there falls,
And thence come the dews in the dales."

Vafthruthnir spake:
15. "Speak forth now, Gagnrath, | if there from the floor
Thou wouldst thy wisdom make known:
What name has the river | that 'twixt the realms
Of the gods and the giants goes?"

[12. Skinfaxi: "Shining-Mane."

13. Here, and in general throughout the poem, the two-line introductory formulæ are abbreviated in the manuscripts.

14. Hrimfaxi: "Frosty-Mane."]


Vafþrúðnir kvað:
11. "Seg þú mér, Gagnráðr, alls þú á golfi vill
þíns of freista frama,
hvé sá hestr heitir,
er hverjan dregr dag of dróttmögu."

Óðinn kvað:
12. "Skinfaxi heitir, er inn skíra dregr
dag of dróttmögu;
hesta beztr þykkir hann með Hreiðgotum;
ey lýsir mön af mari."

Vafþrúðnir kvað:
13. "Seg þú þat, Gagnráðr, alls þú á golfi vill
þíns of freista frama,
hvé sá jór heitir,
er austan dregr nótt of nýt regin."

Óðinn kvað:
14. "Hrímfaxi heitir, er hverja dregr
nótt of nýt regin;
méldropa fellir hann morgin hvern;
þaðan kemr dögg um dala."

Vafþrúðnir kvað:
15. Seg þú þat, Gagnráðr, alls þú á golfi vill
þíns of freista frama, hvé sú á heitir,
er deilir með jötna sonum
grund ok með goðum."


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