21. The high-born ones wakened, | and like speech they had,
Then did Glaumvor tell | how in terror she dreamed,
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . Gunnar | two roads they should go.
Glaumvor spake:
22. "A gallows saw I ready, | thou didst go to thy hanging,
Thy flesh serpents ate, | and yet living I found thee;
. . . . . . . . . .
The gods' doom descended; | now say what it boded."
23. * * * * * *
24. "A sword drawn bloody | from thy garments I saw,--
Such a dream is hard | to a husband to tell,--
A spear stood, methought, | through thy body thrust,
And at head and feet | the wolves were howling."
Gunnar spake:
25. "The hounds are running, | loud their barking is heard,
Oft hounds' clamor follows | the flying of spears."
[21. The manuscript indicates no gap, but none of the many attempted emendations have made sense out of the words as they stand. The proper
location for' the missing words is sheer guesswork. Two roads: probably the meaning is that their way (i.e., their success) would be doubtful.
22. The manuscript does not indicate the speakers in this dialogue (stanzas 22-32). No gap is indicated after line 2. Most editors assume the loss
of two lines or of a full stanza after stanza 22 giving Gunnar's interpretation of Glaumvor's dream, but the Volsungasaga gives no clue,
as it does not mention this first dream at all. Grundtvig suggests as Gunnar's answer: "Banners are gleaming, | since of gallows didst dream, / And
wealth it must mean | that thou serpents didst watch." Gods' doom: an odd, and apparently mistaken, use of the phrase "ragna rök" (cf. Voluspo,
introductory note).]


21. Vöknuðu vel borin, var þar sams dæmi,
gettisk þess Glaumvör, at væri grand svefna
-- -- -- við Gunnarr at fáa tvær leiðir.
Glaumvör kvað:
22. "Görvan hugða ek þér galga, gengir þú at hanga,
æti þik ormar, yrða ek þik kvikvan,
gerðisk rök ragna; ráð þú, hvat þat væri."
Gunnarr kvað:
. . . . . . . . . . .
Glaumvör kvað:
24. "Blóðgan hugða ek mæki borinn ór serk þínum
- illt er svefn slíkan at segja nauðmanni, -
geir hugða ek standa í gögnum þik miðjan,
emjuðu ulfar á endum báðum."
Gunnarr kvað:
25. "Rakkar þar renna, ráðask mjök geyja,
oft verðr glaumr hunda fyr geira flaugun."