Glaumvor spake:
26. "A river the length | of the hall saw I run,
Full swiftly it roared, | o'er the benches it swept;
O'er the feet did it break | of ye brothers twain,
The water would yield not; | some meaning there was."
Gunnar spake:
27. * * * * * *
Glaumvor spake:
28. "I dreamed that by night | came dead women hither,
Sad were their garments, | and thee were they seeking;
They bade thee come swiftly | forth to their benches,
And nothing, methinks, | could the Norns avail thee. "
Gunnar spake:
29. "Too late is thy speaking, | for so is it settled
From the faring I turn not, | the going is fixed,
Though likely it is | that our lives shall be short."
30. Then bright shone the morning, | the men all were ready,
They said, and yet each | would the other hold back;
Five were the warriors, | and their followers all
But twice as many,-- | their minds knew not wisdom.
Snævar and Solar, | they were sons of Hogni,
Orkning was he called | who came with the others,
Blithe was the shield-tree, | the brother of Kostbera.
[26. Again Gunnar's interpretation is missing, and most editors either assume a gap or construct two Malahattr lines (out of the
Volsungasaga prose paraphrase, which runs: "The grain shall flow, since thou hast dreamed of rivers, and when we go to
the fields, often the chaff rises above our feet."
28. The meaning of line 4 is uncertain, but apparently it refers to the guardian spirits or lesser Norns (cf. Fafnismol, 12-13 and notes).
29. Possibly a line has been lost from this stanza.
30. Five: Gunnar, Hogni, and the three mentioned in Stanza 31. Perhaps a line has been lost before line 1; Grundtvig supplies: "Gunnar and Hogni,
the heirs twain of Gjuki." Snævar (the manuscript here has "Snevar"), Solar and Orkning appear only in this poem and in the prose narratives based
on it. Lines 2-3 may have been expanded out of one line, or possibly line 3 is spurious. The manuscript indicates line 4 as beginning a new stanza,
and many editions make a separate stanza out of lines 4-5, many of them assuming the loss of two lines. Shield-tree: warrior (Orkning), here identified
as Kostbera's brother. Fair-decked ones: women, i.e., Glaumvor and Kostbera. Fjord: perhaps specifically the Limafjord mentioned in stanza 4.
*Note*: This stanza has been conformed from Bellows original stanza 27 and stanza 28 lines 1-3 to match the ON.]


Glaumvör kvað:
26. "Á hugða ek hér inn renna at endlöngu húsi,
þyti af þjósti, þeystisk of bekki,
bryti fætr ykra bræðra hér tveggja,
gerði-t vatn vægja; vera mun þat fyr nökkvi."
Gunnarr kvað:
27. . . . . . . . . . . .
Glaumvör kvað:
28. "Konur hugðak dauðar koma í nótt hingat,
væri-t vart búnar, vildi þik kjósa,
byði þér bráðliga til bekkja sinna;
ek kveð aflima orðnar þér dísir."
Gunnarr kvað:
29. "Seinat er at segja, svá er nú ráðit;
forumk-a för þó, alls þó ar fara ætlat;
margt er mjök glíkligt, at mynim skammæir."
30. Litu er lýsti, létusk þeir fúsir,
allir upp rísa, önnur þau löttu,
fóru fimm saman, fleiri til váru
halfu húskarlar, hugat var því illa.
Snævarr ok Sólarr, synir váru þeir Högna,
Orkning þann hétu, er þeim enn fylgði,
blíðr var börr skjaldar bróðir hans kvánar.