31. The fair-decked ones followed, | till the fjord divided them,
Full hard did they plead, | but the others would hear not.
32. Then did Glaumvor speak forth, | the wife of Gunnar,
To Vingi she said | that which wise to her seemed:
"I know not if well | thou requitest our welcome,
Full ill was thy coming | if evil shall follow."
33. Then did Vingi swear, | and full glib was his speech,
. . . . . . . . . .
"May giants now take me | if lies I have told ye,
And the gallows if hostile | thought did I have."
34. Then did Bera speak forth, | and fair was her thought,
. . . . . . . . . .
"May ye sail now happy, | and victory have,
To fare as I bid ye, | may nought your way bar."
35. Then Hogni made answer,-- | dear held he his kin,-
"Take courage, ye wise ones, | whatsoever may come;
Though many may speak, | yet is evil oft mighty,
And words avail little | to lead one homeward."
[31. This stanza is conformed from Bellows original stanza 28 lines 4-5 to match the ON.
33. The manuscript indicates no gap. Grundtvig inserts (line 2): "The evil was clear when his words he uttered."
34. Bera: Kostbera; the first element in compound feminine [fp. 511] proper names was not infrequently omitted; cf. Hild
for Brynhild (Helreith Brynhildar, 6). The manuscript indicates no gap; Grundtvig inserts (line 2): "And clear was her cry to her kinsmen dear."
35. Hogni's method of cheering his wife and sister-in-law is somewhat unusual, for the meaning of lines 3-4 is that good wishes and
blessings are of little use in warding off danger.]


31. Fóru fagrbúnar, unz ţau fjörđr skilđi;
löttu ávallt ljósar, létu-at heldr segjask.
32. Glaumvör kvađ at orđi, er Gunnarr átti,
mćlti hon viđ Vinga, sem henni vert ţótti:
"Veitk-at ek, hvárt verđlauniđ at vilja ossum;
glćpr er gests kváma, ef í gerisk nakkvat."
33. Sór ţá Vingi, sér réđ hann lítt eira:
"Eigi hann jötnar, ef hann at yđr lygi,
galgi görvallan, ef hann á griđ hygđi."
34. Bera kvađ at orđi, blíđ í hug sínum:
"Sigli ţér sćlir ok sigr árniđ;
fari sem ek fyr mćlik, fćst eigi ţví níta."
35. Högni svarađi, hugđi gótt nánum:
"Huggizk it, horskar, hvégi er ţat gervisk;
mćla ţat margir, missir ţó stórum,
mörgum rćđr litlu, hvé verđr leiddr heiman."