46. Grim is my name, | Gangleri am 1,
Herjan and Hjalmberi,
Thekk and Thrithi, | Thuth and Uth,
Helblindi and Hor;
47. Sath and Svipal | and Sanngetal,
Herteit and Hnikar,
Bileyg, Baleyg, | Bolverk, Fjolnir,
Grim and Grimnir, | Glapsvith, Fjolsvith.
48. Sithhott, Sithskegg, | Sigfather, Hnikuth,
Allfather, Valfather, | Atrith, Farmatyr:
A single name | have I never had
Since first among men I fared.
49. Grimnir they call me | in Geirröth's hall,
With Asmund Jalk am I;
Kjalar I was | when I went in a sledge,
At the council Thror am I called,
As Vithur I fare to the fight;
Oski, Biflindi, | Jafnhor and Omi,
Gondlir and Harbarth midst gods.
50. So. I deceived the giant | Sokkmimir old
As Svithur and Svithrir of yore;
Of Mithvitnir's son | the slayer I was
When the famed one found his doom.
[46. Concerning the condition of stanzas 46-50, quoted by Snorri, nothing definite can be said. Lines and entire stanzas of this "catalogue" sort
undoubtedly came and went with great freedom all through the period of oral transmission. Many of the names are not mentioned elsewhere, and often
their significance is sheer guesswork. As in nearly every episode Othin appeared in disguise, the number of his names was necessarily almost limitless.
Grim: "The Hooded." Gangleri: "The Wanderer." Herjan: "The Ruler." Hjalmberi: "The Helmet-Bearer." Thekk: "The Much-Loved." Thrithi: "The Third"
(in Snorri's Edda the stories are all told in the form of answers to questions, the speakers being Har, Jafnhar and Thrithi. Just what this tripartite form
of Othin signifies has been the source of endless debate. Probably this line is late enough to betray the somewhat muddled influence of early Christianity.)
Thuth and Uth: both names defy guesswork. Helblindi: "Hel-Blinder" (two manuscripts have Herblindi--"Host-Blinder"). Hor: "The High One."
47. Sath: "The Truthful." Svipal: "The Changing." Sanngetal: "The Truth-Teller." Herteit: "Glad of the Host." Hnikar: "The Overthrower." Bileyg: "The
Shifty-Eyed." Baleyg: "The Flaming-Eyed." Bolverk: "Doer of Ill" (cf. Hovamol, 104 and note). Fjolnir: "The Many-Shaped." Grimnir: "The Hooded." Glapswith:
"Swift in Deceit." Fjolsvith: "Wide of Wisdom."
48. Sithhott: "With Broad Hat." Sithskegg: "Long-Bearded." {footnote p. 104} Sigfather: 'Father of Victory." Hnikuth: "Overthrower." Valfather: 'Father of
the Slain." Atrith: "The Rider." Farmatyr: "Helper of Cargoes" (i. e., god of sailors).
49. Nothing is known of Asmund, of Othin's appearance as Jalk, or of the occasion when he "went in a sledge" as Kjalar ("Ruler of Keels"?). Thror and Vithur
are also of uncertain meaning. Oski: "God of Wishes." Biflindi: the manuscripts vary widely in the form of this name. Jafnhor: "Equally High" (cf. note on
stanza 46). Omi: "The Shouter." Gondlir: "Wand Bearer." Harbarth: "Graybeard" (cf. Harbarthsljoth, introduction).
50. Nothing further is known of the episode here mentioned Sokkmimir is presumably Mithvitnir's son. Snorri quotes the names Svithur and Svithrir, but omits
all the remainder of the stanza.]


46. Hétumk Grímr, hétumk Gangleri,
Herjann ok Hjalmberi,
Þekkr ok Þriði,
Þundr ok Uðr, Herblindi ok Hár.
47. Saðr ok Svipall ok Sanngetall,
Herteitr ok Hnikarr,
Bileygr, Báleygr,
Bölverkr, Fjölnir, Grímr ok Grímnir,
Glapsviðr ok Fjölsviðr;
48. Síðhöttr, Síðskeggr, Sigföðr, Hnikuðr,
Alföðr, Valföðr, Atríðr ok Farmatýr;
einu nafni hétumk aldregi,
síz ek með folkum fór.
49. Grímni mik hétu at Geirröðar,
en Jalk at Ásmundar, en þá Kjalar,
er ek kjálka dró, Þrór þingum at,
Viðurr at vígum, Óski ok Ómi,
Jafnhár ok Biflindi, Göndlir ok Hárbarðr með goðum.
50. Sviðurr ok Sviðrir er ek hét at Sökkmímis,
ok dulðak þann inn aldna jötun,
þá er ek Miðvitnis vark ins mæra burar
orðinn einbani.