51. Drunk art thou, Geirröth, | too much didst thou drink,
. . . . . . . . . .
Much hast thou lost, | for help no more
From me or my heroes thou hast.
52. Small heed didst thou take | to all that I told,
And false were the words of thy friends;
For now the sword | of my friend I see,
That waits all wet with blood.
53. Thy sword-pierced body | shall Ygg have soon,
For thy life is ended at last;
The maids are hostile; | now Othin behold!
Now come to me if thou canst!
54. Now am I Othin, | Ygg was I once,
Ere that did they call me Thund;
Vak and Skilfing, | Vofuth and Hroptatyr,
Gaut and Jalk midst the gods;
Ofnir and Svafnir, | and all, methinks,
Are names for none but me.
King Geirröth sat and had his sword on his knee, half drawn from its sheath. But when he heard that Othin was come thither, then he rose up
and sought to take Othin from the fire. The sword slipped from his hand, and fell with the hilt down. The king stumbled and fell forward, and
the sword pierced him through, and slew him. Then Othin vanished, but Agnar long ruled there as king.
[51. Again the poem returns to the direct action, Othin addressing the terrified Geirröth. The manuscripts show no lacuna. Some editors supply a second
line from paper manuscripts: "Greatly by me art beguiled."
53. Ygg: Othin ("The Terrible"). The maids: the three Norns.
54. Possibly out of place, and probably more or less corrupt. Thund: "The Thunderer." Vak: "The Wakeful." Skilfing: "The Shaker." Vofuth: "The Wanderer."
Hroptatyr: "Crier of the Gods." Gaut: "Father." Ofnir and Svafnir: cf. stanza 34.]


51. Ölr ertu, Geirröðr, hefr þú ofdrukkit;
miklu ertu hnugginn, er þú ert mínu gengi,
öllum Einherjum ok Óðins hylli.
52. Fjölð ek þér sagðak, en þú fátt of mant;
of þik véla vinir;
mæki liggja ek sé míns vinar
allan í dreyra drifinn.
53. Eggmóðan val nú mun Yggr hafa,
þitt veit ek líf of liðit;
úfar ro dísir, nú knáttu Óðin sjá,
nálgasktu mik, ef þú megir.
54. Óðinn ek nú heiti, Yggr ek áðan hét,
hétumk Þundr fyr þat, Vakr ok Skilfingr,
Váfuðr ok Hroftatýr, Gautr ok Jalkr með goðum,
Ófnir ok Sváfnir, er ek hygg, at orðnir sé
allir af einum mér.
Geirröðr konungr sat ok hafði sverð um kné sér ok brugðit til miðs. En er hann heyrði, at Óðinn var þar kominn, þá stóð hann upp ok vildi taka
Óðin frá eldinum. Sverðit slapp ór hendi honum, ok vissu hjöltin niðr. Konungr drap fæti ok steypðist áfram, en sverðit stóð í gögnum hann, ok
fekk hann bana. Óðinn hvarf þá, en Agnarr var þar konungr lengi síðan.