Guthrun spake:
31. "Seek not so eagerly | me to send
To be a bride | of yon baneful race;
On Gunnar first | his wrath shall fall,
And the heart will he tear | from Hogni's breast."
32. Weeping Grimhild | heard the words
That fate full sore | for her sons foretold,
(And mighty woe | for them should work;)
Grimhild spake:
33. "Lands I give thee, | with all that live there,
(Vinbjorg is thine, | and Valbjorg too,)
Have them forever, | but hear me, daughter."
Guthrun spake:
34. So must I do | as the kings besought,
And against my will | for my kinsmen wed,
Ne'er with my husband | joy I had,
And my sons by my brothers' | fate were saved not.
35. . . . . . . . . . .
I could not rest | till of life I had robbed
The warrior bold, | the maker of battles.
[31. In the manuscript this stanza is immediately followed by the two lines which here, following Bugge's suggestion, appear
as stanza 35. In lines 5-4 Guthrun foretells what will (and actually does) happen if she is forced to become Atli's wife.
If stanza 35 really belongs here, it continues the prophesy to the effect that Guthrun will have no rest till she has avenged
her brothers' death.
32. Very likely the remains of two stanzas; the manuscript marks line 4 as beginning a new stanza. On the other hand, lines 3
and 5 may be interpolations.
33. Vinbjorg and Valbjorg: apparently imaginary place-names. This stanza was created to conform Bellows translation to the ON.
34. The kings: presumably Gunnar and Hogni. My sons: regarding Guthrun's slaying of her two sons by Atli, Erp and Eitil, cf. Drap Niflunga, note.
35. In the manuscript this stanza follows stanza 31. The loss of two lines, to the effect that "Ill was that marriage for my brothers,
and ill for Atli himself," and the transposition of the remaining two lines to this point, are indicated in a number of editions. The
warrior, etc.: Atli, whom Guthrun kills.]


Guðrún kvað:
31. "Hirð-a-ðu bjóða bölvafullar
þrágjarnliga þær kindir mér;
hann mun Gunnar grandi beita
ok ór Högna hjarta slíta;
32. Grátandi Grímhildr greip við orði,
er burum sínum bölva vætti
ok mögum sínum meina stórra.
Grímhildr kvað:
33. "Lönd gef ek enn þér, lýða sinni,
Vinbjörg, Valbjörg, ef þú vill þiggja;
eigðu um aldr þat ok uni, dóttir."
Guðrún kvað:
34. "Þann mun ek kjósa af konungum
ok þó af niðjum nauðig hafa;
verðr eigi mér verr at ynði
né böl bræðra at bura skjóli."
35. Hjarta slíta; munk-at ek létta,
áðr lífshvatan eggleiks hvötuð
aldri næmik."
[35. The last 4 stanzas of stanza 31 are used to construct stanza 35, see Bellows notes on stanza 31. This has resulted
in re-numbering of the ON from stanza 35 in the original to the end.]