Guthrun spake:
36. Soon on horseback | each hero was,
And the foreign women | in wagons faring;
A week through lands | so cold we went,
And a second week | the waves we smote,
(And a third through lands | that water lacked).
37. The warders now | on the lofty walls
Opened the gates, | and in we rode.
* * * * * *
38. Atli woke me, | for ever I seemed
Of bitterness full | for my brothers' death.
Atli spake:
39. "Now from sleep | the Norris have waked me
With visions of terror,-- | to thee will I tell them;
Methought thou, Guthrun, | Gjuki's daughter,
With poisoned blade | didst pierce my body."
Guthrun spake:
40. "Fire a dream | of steel shall follow
And willful pride | one of woman's wrath;
A baneful sore | I shall burn from thee,
And tend and heal thee, | though hated thou am"
[36. The stanza describes the journey to Atli's home, and sundry unsuccessful efforts have been made to follow the travellers through
Germany and down the Danube. Foreign women: slaves. Line 5, which the manuscript marks as be ginning a stanza, is probably spurious.
37. After these two lines there appears to be a considerable gap, the lost stanzas giving Guthrun's story of the slaying of her brothers.
It is possible that stanzas 38-45 came originally from another poem, dealing with Atli's dream, and were here substituted for the original
conclusion of Guthrun's lament. Many editions combine stanzas 37 and 38, or combine stanza 38 (the manuscript marks line I as beginning a
stanza) with lines 1-2 of stanza 39.
39. The manuscript indicates line 3 as the beginning of a stanza. The manuscript and most editions do not indicate the speakers in this and
the following stanzas.
40. Guthrun, somewhat obscurely, interprets Atli's first dream (stanza 39) to mean that she will cure him of an abscess by cauterizing it.
Her interpretation is, of course, intended merely to blind him to her purpose.]


Guðrún kvað:
36. Senn var á hesti hverr drengr litinn,
en víf valnesk hafið í vagna;
vér sjau daga svalt land riðum,
en aðra sjau unnir kníðum,
en ina þriðju sjau þurrt land stigum.
37. Þar hliðverðir hárar borgar
grind upp luku, áðr í garð riðum.
38. Vakði mik Atli, en ek vera þóttumk
full ills hugar at frændr dauða.
Atli kvað:
39. "Svá mik nýliga nornir vekja," -
vílsinnis spá vildi, at ek réða, -
"hugða ek þik, Guðrún Gjúka dóttir,
læblöndnum hjör leggja mik í gögnum."
Guðrún kvað:
40. "Þat er fyr eldi, er éarn dreyma,
fyr dul ok vil drósar reiði;
mun ek þik við bölvi brenna ganga,
líkna ok lækna, þótt mér leiðir séir."