1. Great the evils | once that grew,
With the dawning sad | of the sorrow of elves;
In early mom | awake for men
The evils that grief | to each shall bring.
2. Not now, nor yet | of yesterday was it,
Long the time | that since hath lapsed,
So that little there is | that is half as old,
Since Guthrun, daughter | of Gjuki, whetted
Her sons so young | to Svanhild's vengeance.
3. "The sister ye had | was Svanhild called,
And her did Jormunrek | trample with horses,
White and black | on the battle-way,
Gray, road-wonted, | the steeds of the Goths.
4. "Little the kings | of the folk are ye like,
For now ye are living | alone of my race.
5. "Lonely am I | as the forest aspen,
Of kindred bare | as the fir of its boughs,
My joys are all lost | as the leaves of the tree
When the scather of twigs | from the warm day turns."
[1. This stanza looks like a later interpolation from a totally unrelated source. Sorrow of elves: the sun; cf. Alvissmol, 16 and note.
2. Some editors regard lines 1-2 as interpolated, while others question line 3. Guthrun, etc.: regarding the marriage of Jonak and Guthrun
(daughter of Gjuki, sister of Gunnar and Hogni, and widow first of Sigurth and then of Atli), and the sons of this marriage, Hamther and Sorli
(but not Erp), cf. Guthrunarhvot, introductory prose and note.
3. Svanhild and Jormunrek: regarding the manner in which Jormunrek (Ermanarich) married Svanhild, daughter of Sigurth and Guthrun, and afterwards
had her trodden to death by horses, cf. Guthrunarhvot, introductory note. Lines 3-4 are identical with lines 5-6 of Guthrunarhvot, 2.
4. These two lines may be all that is left of a four-line stanza. [fp. 567] The manuscript and many editions combine them with stanza 5, while a
few place them after stanza 5 as a separate stanza, reversing the order of the two lines. Kings of the folk: Guthrun's brothers, Gunnar and Hogni, slain by Atli.
5. Cf. note on stanza 4; the manuscript does not indicate line i as beginning a stanza. Scather of twigs: poetic circumlocution for the wind (cf. Skaldskaparmal, chapter 27),
though some editors think the phrase here means the sun. Some editors assume a more or less extensive gap between stanzas 5 and 6.]


1. Spruttu á tái tregnar íđir,
grćti alfa in glýstömu;
ár of morgin manna bölva
sútir hverjar sorg of kveykva.
2. Var-a ţat nú né í gćr,
ţat hefir langt liđit síđan,
- er fátt fornara, fremr var ţat halfu, -
er hvatti Guđrún Gjúka borin,
sonu sína unga at hefna Svanhildar:
3. "Systir var ykkur Svanhildr of heitin,
sú er Jörmunrekkr jóm of traddi,
hvítum ok svörtum á hervegi,
grám, gangtömum Gotna hrossum.
4. Eftir er ykkr ţrungit ţjóđkonunga;
lifiđ einir ér ţátta ćttar minnar.
5. Einstćđ em ek orđin, sem ösp í holti,
fallin at frćndum sem fura at kvisti,
vađin at vilja, sem viđr at laufi,
ţá er in kvistskćđa kemr um dag varman."