6. Then Hamther spake forth, | the high of heart:
"Small praise didst thou, Guthrun, | to Hogni's deed give
When they wakened thy Sigurth | from out of his sleep,
Thou didst sit on the bed | while his slayers laughed.
7. "Thy bed-covers white | with blood were red
From his wounds, and with gore | of thy husband were wet;
So Sigurth was slain, | by his corpse didst thou sit,
And of gladness didst think not: | 'twas Gunnar's doing.
8. "Thou wouldst strike at Atli | by the slaying of Erp
And the killing of Eitil; | thine own grief was worse;
So should each one wield | the wound-biting sword
That another it slays | but smites not himself."
9. Then did Sorli speak out, | for wise was he ever:
"With my mother I never | a quarrel will make;
Full little in speaking | methinks ye both lack;
What askest thou, Guthrun, | that will give thee no tears?
10. "For thy brothers dost weep, | and thy boys so sweet,
Thy kinsmen in birth | on the battlefield slain;
Now, Guthrun, as; well | for us both shalt thou weep,
We sit doomed on our steeds, | and far hence shall we die."
[6. Lines 1-3 are nearly identical with lines 1-3 of Guthrunarhvot, 4. On the death of Sigurth cf. Sigurtharkvitha en skamma, 21-24,
and Brot, concluding prose. The word thy in line 3 is omitted in the original.
7. Lines 1-2 are nearly identical with lines 4-5 of Guthrunarhvot, 4. The manuscript, followed by many editions, indicates line 3 and
not line 1 as beginning a stanza.
8. Some editors regard this stanza as interpolated. Erp and Eitil: regarding Guthrun's slaying of her sons by Atli, cf. Atlamol, 72-75.
The Erp here referred to is not to be confused with the Erp, son of Jonak, who appears in stanza 13. The whole of stanza 8 is in doubtful
shape, and many emendations have been suggested.
10. Some editors assign this speech to Hamther. Brothers: Gunnar and Hogni. Boys: Erp and Eitil.]


6. Hitt kvađ ţá Hamđir inn hugumstóri:
"Lítt myndir ţú ţá, Guđrún,
leyfa dáđ Högna, er ţeir Sigurđ vökđu
svefni ór, saztu á beđ, en banar hlógu.
7. Bćkr váru ţínar inar bláhvítu
ofnar völundum, flutu í vers dreyra;
svalt ţá Sigurđr, saztu yfir dauđum,
glýja ţú né gáđir, Gunnarr ţér svá vildi.
8. Atla ţóttisk ţú stríđa at Erps morđi
ok at Eitils aldrlagi, ţat var ţér enn verra;
svá skyldi hverr öđrum verja til aldrlaga
sverđi sárbeitu, at sér né stríddi-t."
9. Hitt kvađ ţá Sörli,
- svinna hafđi hann hyggju -:
"Vilk-at ek viđ móđur málum skipta;
orđs ţykkir enn vant ykkru hváru.
Hvers biđr ţú nú, Guđrún,
er ţú at gráti né fćr-at?
10. Brćđr grát ţú ţína ok buri svása,
niđja náborna leidda nćr rógi;
okkr skaltu ok, Guđrún, gráta báđa,
er hér sitjum feigir á mörum,
fjarri munum deyja."